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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. I'd like to go... but is it all going to be lovecore bands, with male singers whining about girlfriends and pain and all that shit? Or will there be some death and guts?
  2. thanks to everyone who was there, especially Dave for organising everything. I had a great time, we played as heavy as we could and really enjoyed it.... that large unhealthy gentleman seems to have never read a black metal sleeve. If anybody still wants a demo, they're in 1 UP.
  3. the defilement is permanent he's not getting them back. demo will be available, finished them today.
  4. My first ever gig was Inextremis, their last ever gig. It was in Stonehaven in about 1994 I think. I went with Rimmon. Its a shame stonehaven town hall doesn't host another night of death metal...
  5. Dez from black flag is no fucking random. He's a hero. Thats assuming Dez is on this tour.
  6. some of these liberal bastards that post all this cocksure praise of KLATB would never do so if they new some of the political ideologies behind the band. I only know one member, Soviet Druming System,and I can talk about him behind his back because he doesn't have computer access... Back in '98 me and Soviet Drumming System stayed in the Kibbutz Lotan in the Arava Valley, Israel. It was an experience, but is was hard fucking work. We only got one day off, Thursdays, and we'd usually walk to the market on this day to buy peaches, figs or whatever. Soviet (not called soviet at the time) had started getting a bit buck wild cause of some friends he'd met at the market, and he'd take his, or indeed our, political beliefs back to the kibbutz each night and vocalize them. One day while we were eating with the Kibbutz family, he mentioned the 'occupation' and they went apeshit. Kicked us out. I was tired, no money so I caught the bus back to Tel Aviv, stayed for a couple of nights, then got new flights and went home. The thing is, Soviet, who'd just finished his photography HNc, decided to go into Gaza to try to get some photos.... He didn't go home to Methlick for 4 months. and get this... when he returned for some strange reason he was no longer a liberal... HE WAS A ZIONIST. True he's shaken much of these beliefs now, but such a trigger happy stride of the political spectrum can only be acheived by a lunatic.
  7. where the fuck did your post go Hobbes?...the one with 'wacky' in it?? its disappeared.
  8. I was refering to the people who watch and discuss the band. The band are men,, not cartoons. I feel sorry for them having to perform for cartoons.
  9. KLATB are slowly creeping into the hearts of all those they should hate. Aren't any of the band starting to feel sick? Are these people fucking real? cause they sound like they are cartoons. I think they are cartoons.
  10. The king liar and the brutes logo resembles that of the infamous lazy activists Rage Against the Machine. Are they trying to appeal to weak pseudo-activist student liberal cunts? This cannot be so.
  11. 'When Fire Rains Down From the Sky, Mankind Will Reap As They Have Sown' By Annaal Nathrakh, off the album of the same name.
  12. Well done 'New Found Power'. My mother and gran also made this comparison. The parallels in the physical aesthetics which are shared by Kiss and Vomitus are so fucking glaringly obviously that only the young and elderly notice them.
  13. Thanks to all in unholy attendance. Especially all those in corpse paint, and all those who were up moshing.
  14. The best Vomitus song is called Christ Defouled. It's good cause it starts off doom and ends black metal.
  15. I'm in denial. It wasn't corpse paint.
  16. ok, well Darkthorne, Khold, and Goatwhore all have doom and stoner riffs and perhaps they would provide the ''groove vibe'' you enjoy. Still, all this shit about ''groove vibes'' and ''groove masters'' sounds a bit too Trevor Nelson to fittingly describe True Black Metal. And it may also be mentioned that that big prick from the ''groove masters'' Pantera is in Eibon, a black metal band featuring members of necrophagia, darkthrone and Satryricon. Like newer Darkthrone material, the few Eibon stuff thats been released, has more sections without blast beats than with.
  17. Bad Brains - Bad Brains Black Flag - My War Circle Jerks - Group Sex Angry Samoans - Back From Samoa Crass - Stations of Crass Reagan Youth - Collection of Pop Classics Dead Kennedys - Plastic Surgery Disasters
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