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Everything posted by Aileen

  1. when abouts is it? i may make my way down as it aint too far from my flat!!
  2. what they like??? think theyre playing/played the QMU soon/recently.......
  3. blink 182 - that one off the new album where the chick is talking....i'm crap with names
  4. motion city soundtrack right now! i forgot how much they rocked at the blink gig, they are actually soooooo awesome!! yay!!!
  5. yeah refined beauty was a lovely song....emma has a sweet voice but can fairly belt it out at times...reference "painkiller" or "wise up"(possibly wrong names but was defo something like that)...shouty emma!!!
  6. "were" they split up and the singer or possibly the bassist (????) is in some other band called clarksville or something.....i seem to recall getting an email about it
  7. no one.....?? fronted by the lovely wee emma foreman? lead guitarist with the quickest right hand IN THE WORLD!!!! no?? just me?? ach well..........
  8. yeah actually.....i still have my dum dums album - its ace!!!
  9. ...the band Bad Karma? I used to frickin LOVE them!!! Pretentious was an aaaaaawesome song - just awesome!
  10. Aileen


    twas a good wee gig - last night would have been even better if i wasnt utterly hungover and wanting to vomit cos there was a HUGE fat beer belly stinky drunk glaswegian minging middle aged horrible man next to me.....yuck
  11. surely this is just speculation...unless you actually personally know busted how can you know that they didnt start out just like any of the fine bands in and around the aberdeen area today.........maybe one day people will be saying the same things about 10easy wishes and the like.......we just dont know now do we?!
  12. Aileen


    beautiful song.......singer's voice is something else
  13. Aileen


    i've lost my voice.......it sucks.......
  14. Aileen


    Saw them last night at the QMU, sounding pretty damn hot! Been a while since I saw them at lava and couldnt really remember how good they were but they were on top form last night, new material is rocking! Also one of the support bands was awesome, go check "crackout" they're very good, singer has a voice EXACTLY like someone else but I cant place it.....answers on a postcard/pm!
  15. im thursday......i dont want to be thursday.....i want to be further seems forever...stupid test
  16. lame excuses?????????? fuck off, ive got a fuckin exam the next day ok look i cant be arsed arguing, whatever ok
  17. just randomly came across this band on purevolume, theyre really good....name sounds somehow familiar too, heehee http://www.purevolume.com/Aberdien
  18. well it really bugs me when bands have to play to audienes of about three people so i just had to point out that i had a decent reason for not being there, no??!!
  19. ;( i wish i could make it ;( its just not fair ;( boohoohoo
  20. booooo, i woulda come along to give you guys some local support but its the day before my first uni exam so no can do im afraid - hope it goes well!
  21. Aileen


    see i was wondering this at drakes last week cos there was muchos emo screaming - if thats what ya call it - i reckon after a while you would utterly bugger your voice if you dont do it properly- its like the way if you dont sing properly, like Hog said, from your diaphragm area, then eventually your voice goes all shit and croaky cos all you're doing is shouting musically *cough* Robbie Williams *cough* see the Knebworth gigs he did, by the end of the show he was sounding utter baws cos he doesnt sing properly! its all to do with breathing and stuff...apparently
  22. haha, we totally bumped them......oops, probably shouldnt admit to that, the QMU need to employ more forceful staff!! that dude was weeeak!
  23. Nah its cool cos I have a load of texts which I have to read for my course and we only have to have prepared a minimum of four for the exam so I'm just preparing a load of others and probably wont do Ulysses....or something
  24. i was wondering this myself when i was looking on the website - i think its alexis, cos they abbreviated their name to alexis at one point! people, dont make the mistake of going to www.alexisonfire.com which is where i thought the website was......turns out its something quite different
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