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Everything posted by Aileen

  1. i do......oh no wait......i already have a flat in the west end.....damn it!!!! you not staying down here for summer lyndsey?!
  2. bless his little cotton socks
  3. i'd love to marry capper, she's frickin mentaaaaaaaaaal! and has ace hair
  4. capper-heid!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaa, i added the heid bit, just to clarify
  5. it was for the purposes of demonstrating my argument.....of course i didnt mean it when i was at the cinema with lyndsey capper-heid we saw a very very hot boy and he had the lovely stripy arm also from us
  6. wooooooooooooow what an awesome avatar keilan....nice stripes
  7. what do you mean "make" adam look sexy.....? heehee
  8. hell yeah......finally i will get to see you guys!!!! its been a long time in coming
  9. ggrr, keilan, i like the stripes (very much so infact) BUT my point was, how can you just say that wearing a suit jacket is crap?! everybody makes the choice to wear what they will, so why diss it!?
  10. why is it naff?? oh my god keilan you have that two stripes tattoo round your arm....thats so crap!! wtf?!
  11. whatever....why does what you wear have to reflect your...em.....emo-ness?! i have a pin stripe jacket which i love, i wear it cos i like it, so dont judge!
  12. "japcore" hhhmm, is this term politically correct?
  13. aaaaagggghhhh damn you for slating this band....a marvellous creation they are!!!!! my favourites in the whole wide world!
  14. now im even more annoyed that they werent able to play the drakes all dayer in april, if theyre really that good, gutted never got a chance to see them!
  15. damn straight, chocolate!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmmmm also, i dont love myself, honest, im nice really
  16. no no, just going to grab some scran, my flat is distinctly lacking in anything tasty at the moment! except my fine self of course!! aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha
  17. haha, nope, have been "studying" too hard! gonna head to fopp tonight on the way to safeway!! yay, music and food!
  18. ok...i'll bear that in mind thanks
  19. eh, dont really care who went out with you, who said what when, i love the song! i tend to like music for the music not for the social details of band members or whatever the fuck....
  20. heehee, yeah well what can i say, im a slow starter!!! :O
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