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Everything posted by Jeid

  1. right... who's the smart arse who changed it to spit!! cunt
  2. omg, now it says skit!!!! arrrrrgggghhhhhh! *takes screenshot* i have no photoshopping skillz in case you think i did it
  3. wait a minute.... someone changed it back to suit. i have a screenshot though.... muwahaha
  4. haha.... Luke does indeed play long guitar solos.... anyone else think that their songs seem to repeat for about an hour and last for about three? they come from up here, i went to school with the singer. i just don't rate them at all
  5. Taken From KillswitchEngage.com shame.... i was looking forward to seeing this guy!
  6. himmin, hae patience... check these guys out http://www.wdmusicproducts.co.uk/
  7. i tried it, how cool is it playing around with some of those cameras in other parts of the world!
  8. EH are ok, but they have reliability problemsstick to Boss or Digitech(heard they make some shit hot stuff now) but play it by ear. whatever sounds best really
  9. Mesa ain't the only high gain amp out there. i've never been a fan until recently(the past two weeks actually) but if i had 2000 to spend on an amp, a mesa wouldn't be what i'd go for. i'd probably get me a Peavey or a Soldano. choices choices choices!
  10. i've got that and it doesn't work either. but, i know the file works cos i've watched it before. i watched it in media player and it worked i'm uber confused
  11. ok, i've been trying all day to get a codec pack that will play some of my videos. i've downloaded Ace Mega Codecs v6.03, but to no avail. i just can't get it to work. i used to have v4.31 before a computer crash but i lost it. d'oh. everything worked fine then. i've also tried k-lite codec pack v2.54. nae luck there either. its a bad day, and i wanna watch sin city! any recommendations for a pack that will play anything... would be much appreciated. or maybe some help on getting the Ace Mega pack to work? i dunno...
  12. it does actually taste like vimto. i haven't had vimto in ages.... its my mission to hunt down a bottle or can of it in thurso today. its aaaaawwwwnnnnnn!
  13. ah, the good old SS vs tube debates. i love em. having played and used many tube amps(for those interested i've owned: Marshall Superbass Head, JCM900 combo, 1964 Vox AC30, Marshall 30th Anniversary head) i have to admit, they sure sound ace. big, meaty, not meaty.... they can do it all really. they are the amp of choice mainly because so many of your favourtie bands use them. that what people do, they look at the players that have good sounds, look at what they use, and try their hardest to match it. everyone has bought at least one piece of equipment because one of their favourite guitarists use it. Dan bought his explorer based on seeing James Hetfield.... i bought my Tele because it was Kurt Cobain's next guitar of choice(it was actually) but getting back on track. do they sound better? to me.... yeah. but only in certain situations. would there be any point to me owning a tube amp in my current bandless, small shared house situation? probably not. they need to be cranked up to at least halfway to get them sounding good. yeah, ok, get an attenuator.... but their damn expensive for a good one, and they make you go through tubes a bit quicker. ever had to re-tube an AC30... a costly job i assure you. Attenuation also doesn't capture the best part of the guitar sound, which for me anyway, is the speakers fucking up and being put under strain. Yes, tube amps are ace if you have money, lots of use for them and a band thats gonna get the thing cranked at least a couple of times a week. and now for SS.... i now have myself a Line 6 Pod(shame on me) but, i find this little tool to be pretty damn good. it gives me all the amps i'll never use, plus all the ones i do. ok, there's a lot of crap on here i admit. but its not the vast sounds i'm after. i only use 3 sounds. clean, dirty and dirtier. all sounds i could get with any two channel amp. the best part being, that i can get all the nice cranked high gain sounds through different cabs etc. some sound more fucked up than others. i'm actually beginning to like some of the sounds i used to really hate because of this little bundle of joy. the Mesa Boogie Rectumfrier being my current favourite. its a good way of finding out what sucks and what doesn't suck, although, its no comparison. i sit on the fence really. i can only name two main stream guitarists that i know using solid state amps(Johnny Greenwood and Dimebag). it doesn't mean the amps suck. its all personal taste.
  14. anyone have any idea how long the sets are gonna be, i know the tickets say it starts at half six, but i'm assuiming first band will be at about 7?....6 bands..... how long you reckon each?
  15. hahahahaha.... go see sludges thread!
  16. hahahaha.... hells yeah! if he doesn't get it their just be racist!
  17. i wasn't a huge SOTY fan... but then i got the new album... its pretty ace. I'm mainly going for Killswitch though
  18. Rise Against shall indeed rock! I listened to the F4AF album today... i just think its pretty average compared to their older stuff. maybe its just me though
  19. hrm... i'll reserve judgement until he says his name.
  20. i assume you mean it shows up like this if it does, just double click anywhere in the window and it'll give you the options at the top again i had this problem once, silly me
  21. Right fuckers. with Taste Of Chaos just 29 days away, who's all going? who you looking forward to the most? who do you think's gonna suck? and is anybody else disappointed(like me) that Funeral For A Friend are headlining? J
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