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Free Korps

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Posts posted by Free Korps

  1. i'd be quite happy if the national treasure of Jonafin Woss stopped doing us a favour and being "great value for money" on the bbc and went to itv, five, watch or sky, etc.

    no loss and would save the bbc a shit load of money & he can of course take his fans with him.

    he gets good guests but i'm sure that it's not down to his "talents"...but rather bbc1 primetime & something to promote means more.

  2. Xfm | Photo 3459487

    Not being the biggest snow patrol fan(saw them and Elbow at T in the Park after buying WIAOWSHTCU & "Asleep in the back" even though i'd never heard of them - just fancied listening to a few bands albums before the weekend)

    anyway i can only guess the easy ones, so have about 2 guesses so far! won't spoil by listing them in case anyone actually wants to enter the comp and win on their own merit(!)

  3. think i might end up selling my tickets unless they start announcing bands i want to see rather than ones i've seen before at T/elsewhere and not been overly impressed.

    hope this isn't what it's gonna be like from now on - used to be value for money in the good old days when you could organise a big group of folk rather than a mad scramble for tickets & only 2 folk end up getting -

    T in the Park is like a band that got too successful for their own good - repeating formulas, offering very little new/exciting bands that you'd pay anything to see at T.

    kings of leon - again? i was so bored last time round, waiting for pixies i think. fair enough they are more popular now & gigs sell out quick but it's no excuse.

    katy perry - wouldn't pay to see/hear

    snow patrol - seen them at T years ago, at their own concerts, could see them in aberdeen on the 26th if i wanted to (okay if i wasn't playing with New Rhodes at the Tunnel...)

    blur - seen at T and Leeds. like some of their tunes but just didn't enjoy the main stage experience of them.

    anyway i know i should hold my breath until the spring launch dazzles me into going... they gotta pull the cat outta the bag...restore my faith...please...or ebay will profit from my first ever sale unless i find a worthy cause.

    sorry - rant over.

  4. yeah if i was older than 12 in 1992 i'd have loved to have been there, obviously just a bit older so that i was old enough to appreciate it & remember it and maybe designated driver that night so that i didn't get hammered and miss/forget it!

    wish i'd been there to see the roses at the music hall in 1995 too just when i was discovering some decent music and they were probably on the downslide.

    then there was that time my brother got tickets for the super furry animals and we forgot about it, wonder if that was any good.

    managed to see some bands at certain stages which is cool but i think i've fairly gone off topic, sorry...

  5. Not that I'd expect anyone on here to be fooled but there is a fake website on the go with url

    T in the Park 2009

    It's been reported on front page of official site T In The Park 2008

    I mean if you think there'd be an official site that could sell you 999 weekend tickets... giving the fraudsters 194,809.30 in one fail swoop. They have some balls but could end up in tears if culprits get traced & some folk stupidly send them money...

  6. I was searching around this site for lists of rehearsal places that aren't in the city (ie not toms/foyer/MV/transition) and have only found Inverurie School of Music and some place from spbear5 15 mins north of Ellon. I'm presuming the inverurie school of music do rooms for bands but couldn't see anything on their website Music-Classes regarding prices & equipment, was just wondering if any people/bands on here have used them and what their opinions are?

  7. I'm going all in, Athens & Madrid booked, less than a week since Dnipro too, mind you both trips combined are less than that one, still worth every penny, and it's not every day you miss two connections & end up flying dyce,paris,moscow,keiv then getting a taxi the last 500km cos you missed flight to dnipro. all in 24hours work! was cheap when we got there, although there was a lot of folk fined/charged for things to keep police or hotel happy, the same police that would let us buy their hat for 40 dollars or something, class souvenior that!

  8. watched number 1 last night, interested to see how things come along this season, everyone seems to be saying this season will be as good as the first, shame they all ran off at the end of two & none of them thought they could jump into the water and save a valuable bag, no not t-bag! then swim underwater with it to safety. easy eh? ok maybe not!

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