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Free Korps

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Posts posted by Free Korps

  1. if you had a spare & didn't have any mates up for going, what would you do, turn down extra money to keep your morals?

    there is a massive demand & many folk ARE prepared to pay extra money to get their hands on tickets. i've heard of mates selling to mates for inflated price as they say "well they're going for 450+ on eBay..."

    They should follow the likes of Glasto, surely they receive enough money well in advance from tickets to have a secure system that only allows those who purchased the tickets to go to the gig. If anyone can't manage then they should have tickets cancelled & full refund. Then there should be something like a waiting list of those desperate to go that can have access to cancelled tickets, or release them to public, like they did this year.

    I know ticketmaster have introduced a system of selling on tickets for face value but when it's so easy to pocket double your money, it's hard to say no.

    Anyway I preferred T in the Park in the early days when you knew that you could plan to go with a heap of mates & have no pressure of getting tickets as you could still buy on the day if you had a last minute urge (or left your ticket in London - silly brother!)

    That's why I can understand some folk selling their tickets when none of their mates got, festivals aren't quite as good without knowing there's folk to meet up with, even if you get too drunk for it to ever happen!

  2. certainly it is rare to see the Boss but I'm not really sure what kind of gig it'll be, plus it looks like my tickets are up in the 2nd tier. Morrissey at Opera House would be pretty unique but yeah he's started playing quite a few shows on his tour + fests.

    I'm hoping that the new stuff from the Boss is amazing, think I'll weigh up the two new albums & decide that way.

    Plus I could probably get a shit load for my Morrissey ticket... but I'd end up finding a friend to go, dam that self-less-ness inner voice, i coulda been rich i tell yees!

  3. I bought tickets for MEN Arena Sun 7th May, mainly for my parents, not sure if i'll go or not, i'll be in manchester anyway as I also bought tickets for Morrissey at the Opera House on the same night. seen Bruce at Old Traf cricket ground maybe 2 years ago & Earls Court ages ago. seen morrissey at MEN Arena on his last tour. didnt get tickets for aberdeen as i'm on holiday.

  4. tickets went very fast, i was all set to book or either seetickets or ticketmaster but thought i'd choose the one that offered the better seats.

    but seetickets just booked the tickets without any confirmation of where they were!

    used their website many times before but this was a first.

    "Thanks for ordering

    You have booked

    3 SEATS ticket(s)


    PLEASE NOTE, this transaction will appear on your statement as 'EVENT TICKETS'.

    Your tickets will be posted out to the address you have entered.

    We will send you an email shortly to confirm your order details and reference number. Please note that due to the high demand for tickets, you should allow at least 3 hours for this to be delivered.

    Thank you for booking online - enjoy the show!

    buggers, when i finally got a confirmation email through with reference number i still had no idea where the seats were. thought i'd have a look at the "order tracker" thing, just so happens to tell you exactly what you've ordered and where the seats are.

    sorry for wasting two minutes of your life folks.

    anyway i'm a bit concerned about the gig as i dunno what he's gonna play, wonder will it just be all the new stuff from forthcoming album with a couple of oldies thrown in?? Any from Devils & Dust, The Rising, etc??

  5. just in case you missed the amusing news, it maybe shows that being in that big bro house doesnt always mean you're band get more recognition when it's finished.

    but of course they'll be one ex-housemate at T in the Park with his band, hope Paul Weller gives him an earful.

    Rock veteran PAUL WELLER has added THE ORDINARY BOYS frontman SAMUEL PRESTON to the list of musicians he can't stand, after seeing the young singer appear on a reality TV show.

    Preston has reignited the public's interest in his group after starring on British show CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER, much to the chagrin of the former JAM rocker.

    Weller says, "I can't believe he did Celebrity Big Brother. I'm really disappointed for him. That show's for losers. I thought he was a lot cooler than that."


  6. Judging by the places he's playing - both the venues and the cities - it doesn't look like we're gonna get the full Las Vegas stage show that his last tour seemed to consist of. It's a pity' date=' as he's a star and he should act like one. I'll still go, mind[/quote']

    you mean the big flashy light thing of his name?


    other than that i dont know what the full Las Vegas stage show was?

  7. Yes but then even if you do that alot of bands will ignore this and still want to turn everything up more' date=' i speak from experience here. [/quote']

    Fair enough, there will always be bands that dont know what "too loud" is, likely damaging their own ear-drums as well as the equipment. I'm sure saying to a band this is as loud as you should have the PA/amp is all you can do...& then you come in & see it's louder all they'd be is embarrassed!

    In that kind of buisness it is almost impossible to know who or what kinda of band is going to be using your facitlities until they start to play' date=' i very much doubt any practise place in the world asks what kinda band you are before letting you book their room.[/quote']

    Agreed, it is not made an important part of booking out a room, but perhaps when using a practise rooms equipment maybe they should ask at least one question? It's more what kind of experience than what kind of band I was meaning.

    yes everyband has to start somewhere' date=' but surely if you dont know how to work something you ask, you dont dick about with it until you break it, so yes in essence you can blame them. its polite to ask, its bad manners to come in and use someone else stuff and not take the most care you can with it.[/quote']

    Well you obviously know this isn't the case, some folk are too embarrassed / proud to ask questions that might have an obvious answer or they think it'll be easy enough to work it out for themselves, when usually it's not! Perhaps a deposit is the best answer but then you'd have problems proving why/how things can damaged.

    you would think so wouldnt you?

    But i think most people dont give a shit as long as they dont damage their own gear.

    Yeah I'm sure some folk dont really care but then again damaging/blowing up equipment doesnt help a band practise' date=' it could jeopardise all their time (i'm sure you're thinking "if only they'd realise" !!)

    I had a thought today tho, like was said Glasgow has heaps of practise studios and they for the most part they seem better and cheaper, do you think aberdeen is so expensive because we have so little to choose from, these places can get away with it cause there really isnt anywhere else to go?

    I'm sure Toms have a solid customer base of bands now that don't really bother looking for alternatives, and with them being nice guys it maybe makes it easier to part with the cash... but if they did hear of less a superior/equal practise place with less than half price practises I'm sure they'd try it out. So yeah more alternatives more chance of cheaper prices & practise rooms having to maintain a quality product to beat the rest (or justify the price).

  8. "so many bands do not know how to properly use equipment and thus damage a lot of stuff on a regular basis."

    if the inflated price is all down to the costs of upkeeping the equipment then they should do what gyms do with new members, show them how to use all the equipment safely before allowing them to use a room. (surely wouldnt take long?)

    who's fault is it that they that places take any booking without knowing who they are letting in to use the room? (the only question asked may only come afterwards when the money is to be paid!)

    Every band starts somewhere & a practise room might be the first time they are in control of a PA/different amp/etc, so if you presume that everyone knows how to treat equipment then can you really blame the folk that lack the common sense to work it out for themselves?!

    If inexperienced musicians are keeping the prices high then something has to be done, surely it's inevitable that people will come along and not realise the damage they are doing to equipment?

    ps i'm just throwing ideas about, not meaning to offend anyone either!

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