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RF Scott

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Posts posted by RF Scott

  1. I love the inbetweeners but it's the bane of my life right now. I hate all these stupid little things that people like on facebook, purely because there are so many of them and people seem to think it's necessary to like every fucking one. It doesn't make sense, do you they seem to feel like they are somehow as funny as the witty statement made and taking credit for them by "liking" it. The point is after monday night they all seem to revolve around things happening in the Episode. Fuck. Off.

    If something as trivial as this is the bane of your life then you should consider yourself very, very lucky.

    ps - the first episode of this series was great!

  2. It depends on what role the engineer is playing and what level the artists are at.

    The Taylored chaps, being PA hire, have public liability insurance, fuel, van insurance/ tax/repair, staff costs, maintenance (necessary and legal requirements) etc. They also don't have any way to supplement their income (merch), don't usually get riders or PDs etc. although I've not spoke to them for a while, they were working in the medium-sized venue (up to music hall sort of size) so taking all that in to account, I reckon they probably do make less.

    I'd say a PA hire company is completely different to comparing the income of an engineer to that of a band's, but even so, like I said previously, up until Music Hall-size venues (and even then, not in every case), their staff will be walking away that night with money in their pockets, whereas I'd be very surprised if band members are doing the same, and if they are, with a comparable amount of money. Obviously PDs really only apply to touring so we can rule that out, and though merch is an income supplement, it's worth pointing out that for a lot of bands playing the Tunnels, Lemon Tree, etc, it's simply another way of covering costs as opposed to making profit personally.

    Unless you're a successful function band or something along those lines, or are putting your own show on (with the proceeds not going towards covering other band expenses), then house engineers are always going to be pocketing more than local acts, even if what they're pocketing isn't very much for the hours worked.

    I can't think of an example I'm personally aware of in low-to-mid-level (by that I mean Cafe Drummonds, The Tunnels, most things at the Lemon Tree) touring bands where crew aren't making more personally from live shows than the bands that hire them.

    Like I said, I'm not complaining or suggesting that engineers/crew get paid too much or shouldn't be paid for some things at all, it's just unfair to suggest that they're generally pocketing less than the acts! There are obviously exceptions to this on both sides, but the general rule of thumb is that until you get to a certain level, crew will take home more money than you. Again, not saying that it's a bad thing! It makes sense to a degree.

  3. sorry "idol wild", you are very misinformed.

    I'm not complaining or anything, or saying engineers shouldn't get paid, but in the vast majority of 'local band gigs', the engineer will be getting paid more than the band. This is also true in a very large amount of touring bands, certainly the majority playing venues smaller than, say, the Music Hall. Sure, the fee might be more, but money left after staff costs (driver, ENGINEER), agent/management cut, petrol, accom., misc. supplies, PDs, insurance, etc, will be insubstantial at best.

    I'd also say that one of the main things that's wrong with the music industry right now is people complaining about the music industry. Either get your head down and work and be positive about what can be an amazing way to spend your life, or do something else!

    • Upvote 1
  4. Same script as last time we opened for the fantastic Copy Haho - Kuda get's all the props! Our name is A'Zi Cool; we're a four piece hip-hop crew from Aberdeen. deek the Myspazz for a wee flavour of what we're about.

    A'Zi Cool - North East Beats on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Ignore my work name on this post - couldn't be bothered switchin to ours.

    Sorry, Chris - I had no idea! Will change listings...

    MODS - How can I edit this page?!

  5. From the direct quotes from the man, he's being both racist and xenophobic, since he goes on to use the term "white fuckers" as well.

    Ah, I didn't see that part. Though, most of the reporting and comments on this case does seem to focus on the Scottish stereotypes he was using, hence my anger at the misuse of the word. 'Racism' is wrongly used so often!

  6. Yeah I'm talking years since I've hung out down there, the old owners were certainly more rugby affiliated and after having to see some twats cock as he stood on a chair singing mid-afternoon amongst families trying to eat their meal I decided it wasn't the best place for me....when did you last eat in the Ship? I've been a couple of times since it has been done up/extended, food was really good both times!

    Ate there in the past year, can't remember specifically. It was one of those menus that has 5,000 items on it, and they all smell of burnt fryer oil. Restaurants with loads of choices on the menu are always a bad sign.

  7. It was the first time I've actually been in and sat down in many years, usually I'm just outside and make a quick visit to the bar. It's quite nice nowadays actually, been scrubbed up nicely. Also it no longer appears to be full of rugby playing oafs which helps keep my general annoyance levels down greatly.

    I've not really noticed a change in clientele, certainly been in while the rugby contingent etc have been there quite a few times! The few times I've had food at the Marine it's been a letdown. It's certainly better than the Ship Inn by a few billion miles, though. Worst place to eat in Stonehaven, that place.

  8. Glasgow's Concert Halls | Minimal

    Is anyone going to any of the events in October? We've booked tickets for the seperate Reich and Glass events on the Saturday, and then the Reich/Glass closer on the Sunday. I'm so excited! To hear Different Trains live will be pretty incredible, especially After the War. So should Counterpoints the next day. I think the Glass piece is something new, which should be nice! They're also doing Music for 18 Musicians, but that isn't till February.

    Anyway - thought i'd stick this here because i only found out by pure chance that these events were taking place (there is also a Brian Eno event, and Michael Nyman), so it would be easy for people to miss out!

    Yeah currently debating whether to go to this or go see 'Music for 18 Musicians' in London on Halloween. D'you know if Reich or Glass are going to be conducting themselves?

  9. Hey,

    Im going to start looking into buying an electric kit to keep in the house.

    Im often using my accoustic set, transporting it place to place for gigs and can never be hooped setting it back up.

    Im going to nip past Bruce Millers later tonight for a nosey.

    Any of you lot got any advice as what to look for, or If there is also somewhere else you might consider looking?

    A mate has the Roland TD4, saying its great but Iv yet to try any of them.


    Chris :up:

    Alright Chris, how's it going?

    Only electric kit I've got experience of using is the Yamaha DXTreme, with rubber pads. The unit is pretty incredible, but I think I prefer the mesh pads! Can obviously chop and change stuff like this.

  10. Seen a couple of fender hot rod deluxes on here for sale lately, anybody know if they're good? saving for a new amp and considering trying one out :rockon:

    Depends on what you're going to be playing really, kinda subjective really! They're definitely 'good' amps, I have a Hot Rod deluxe and play in a band with someone who uses a Hot Rod Deville, and they both sound great to me.

  11. And I have done regularly. It's just helpful to hear from people, also.

    EDIT: This thread was meant to be more of a notice for people, rather than a discussion. So if it could be moved that'd be a good idea.

    Totally, like Phil says, this website only represents a small amount of people who make music in Aberdeen and the outlying areas - have you tried putting up posters in One Up, targeted Facebook pages for venues, etc? I realise it'd obviously be more work (at least initially) involved, but I reckon you'd have a better chance of reaching out to people. Another good bet would be to see if you can put in a few words in the various Freshers leaflets that'll be getting turned out by the Tunnels, etc. The university is an interesting one, as you've got potentially hundreds of people making music but unaware of this website/local 'scene' stuff, etc.

    re: people not getting in touch on here - I'm sure some of it is down to people just missing the threads asking for info. This one, for example, is called 'The Fly, Aberdeen' - if you weren't aware of the magazine, you might just skip reading it, being unaware of the subject matter.

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