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Doc Ascension

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Everything posted by Doc Ascension

  1. Well Tom yes thats true, he didn't spend long on it at all - thats the point, cheap quick and easy for a demo purpose.... ...If I could have gotten the tracks on Cubase at home I could have mixed them all week but that wasn't possible.... AND since I mentioned that the Foyer record from their DAT via digital connection to a PC in real time - I physically stood at the mixing desk and boosted the Tom track ONLY in the chorus where it needed the CHina - at this point this channel is only picking up the china (all beit quietly) so when i killed the volume back to normal levels after the chorus it was fine.... But thanks for once, for posting on a thread of mine and not being completely immature. It's a step in the right direction mate.
  2. well actually mate, you need more than what we had... i think there was 5 drum channels, =- 1. I can't remember. All I know, is that there wasn't ONE channel that picked up the China Cymbol properly... if you listen to the chorus in Against the Flame, that is supposed to be a china in there, however I had to boost the volue form one of the toms I think to pick up the china at alll... Dave said they ran out of channels from the recording room
  3. haha were you Dave? I was in maiden Taiwan (the maiden covers band)...
  4. Nope, because there was around 8/9 tracks I think, 45 mintues of music so 8 x 45 = 6 hrs!! We would have to run through all the tracks individually to get them on a CD on their own. The Foyer record from the desk, into a computer in real time... so you'd have to repeat the process for every track..... Also, they DO have an optical out on their DAT, but no soundcard with an Optical IN so you can't send the data straight into a multitrack like Cubase, which is what I would have preferred to do. They just use Digital Ins/Outs.
  5. Might I ask why? not a fan of the music style or personal reasons or other?
  6. I have knowledge, but no equipment (mics etc) at home to do a home recording.... next ascension recording will be a DIY however. The Foyer's equipment doesn't even allow me to get each track individually to mix and master at home - I would have to solo them on the DAT, then record each one individually onto the PC as a wav - totally impossible. Next time however, I will be doing it myself. Thanks for the feedback spell though.
  7. right what I said was a bit too harsh - but I am getting really pissed of at people dragging this thread down... and neil's post didn't help one bit. He coudl have just as easily not posted at all. I suggest you read his post again - he's not offering advice, he's being a condescending, stuck up and pompous know-it-all. I asked for opinions on the demo, not on my life and work habits.... Now there is to be not one more post on here unless it is back on topic.
  8. posting on metal forums is definately the way to go, we are known on the Dragonforce forum and Power Quest forum and got the website 50 first time visitors in one day... also the keyboardist from Power Quest gave us a shout out on his forum but anyway definately try get posting on forusm like Ultimate Metal and stuff like that....
  9. at the Tunnels, I bust a string on my Eb guitar in the intro of the first song... quickly switched to spare guitar, however it is tuned to standard E so I had to play the rest of the song one fret down haha... quite impressive though I pulled it off... We then had to play all the other Eb songs in standard E... i think it was just about salvaged! At the last moorings gig Scorge (drummer) managed to fudge up his new double kick and spent like 5 mins fixing it before we could continue...
  10. a right good point, we couldn't have made it anyway due to said drummer being in Italy....
  11. Who else is playing this gig? Im sure Ascension would have liked to play but Scorge is off at Gods of Metal haha....
  12. why don't they just lock it fucking betteR?? haha
  13. I can't understand how anyone can support a foreign team in the european comps, over a brittish team? If I were a Celtic fan, and Rangers knocked us out to get to the final, I would support Rangers. I really hate Man United, but I'd want them to win.... it's us against them. Not us against us.
  14. "Stop sticking ur penis in the hoover and start playing Star Wars!"
  15. i think this highlights the true worth of the charts.... what good are charts when the people buying CDs and deciding who should be number 1 are fucking morons....
  16. Benner (bassist from Maiden Taiwan (while ago i know )) has Nicko McBrain's snare skin from the Iron Maiden gig when we saw them at Newcastle Telewest Arena... flukey bastard - it frisbied right over our way, he had to half wrestle an ugly fat munter chick to claim it hahahaha... At the same gig, Hardcore Erskine caught one of Steve Harris' West Ham wrist bands aswell I believe.... good outing!
  17. hmnmm im intriuged... whats the model / details precisely?
  18. are you seriously saying that you can't work out Vat on a price of 99.99 ?? I'll give you a hint: 99.99 ~ 100.00' date=' percentages are so called due to their fraction of 100, hence per[b']cent. Therefore, 17.5% of 100 is 17.5. Add your 17.5 to 100, and voila - you have 117.5 Now I know, it is actually 99.99, this yields a figure of 117.49 inc vat, but I think you can wave the 1p difference.... Maths lesson over, oh and for future reference, here's the Big Plus Website: http://www.learndirectscotland.com/news/9416.htm
  19. Power Quest!! new album on the way sounding very promising...
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