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Everything posted by jon

  1. Katy Perry, "Hot 'n' Cold" - fantastic pop song Aztec Camera, "Somewhere In My Heart" - brilliant, love it To be fair, I'm not that embarassed about either of those. And "Take On Me" is ace too.
  2. jon

    First Ever Gig?

    I saw them in 97 too, but at the Caird Hall - awesome gig, three encores, no shite. How the times have changed.
  3. Some of the kids at my school were using clay with pages from the Daily Mail on their tables. Having never bought the thing, I was genuinely apalled to see quite how much violently stupid and woefully unresearched Combat 18-esque bollocks there was on every page. Gays, muslims, hoodies, black, immigrants, Green MSPs, it was all there. Horrible stuff, I hope they all catch avian flu and die in a mound of guano.
  4. jon

    First Ever Gig?

    First ever gig was The Aloof at Lucifer's Mill in Dundee. My first underage pint too, come to think of it. The second was Cast at the Caird Hall...
  5. I was convinced that was going to say "a witness".
  6. I was interested to read them, good stuff!
  7. And, at the risk of hijacking, you can have a whole pile of free mp3s at Demos Curators Listen free and discover music at Last.fm
  8. jon

    Pet Hates!

    God yes. I went to Edinburgh Uni.
  9. I'm probably way behind here, but YouTube - George Washington
  10. Further to the "blokes faking it" stuff from earlier, I once had to fake it during an interminably dull and yet increasingly painful handjob, culminating in me spitting in my own hand, groaning, and hoping to god it was all over. It was, thank fuck.
  11. jon

    Your current read?

    It makes use of a wealth of new documents and interviews, and offers a new perspective on the question "how could this happen?". It is, in short, everything written history should be.
  12. Speaking as someone who owns a Les Paul and an SG, I think they're both great in their own ways. I'll always love my LP because I've had it for years and it was my first proper, live-on-pasta-for-a-month, bank busting guitar. I've also got an Epi LP Custom which is an inordinately good guitar for the 180 I paid for it. Having said all that though, I recently got a humble Mexican Deluxe Tele, and it has become my guitar of choice very quickly. All the good things about Fenders, but without the single coils.
  13. A biblical plague on each one of their houses.
  14. YouTube - olympic handover party - scouting for girls That should explain everything.
  15. I have one of these: Everything on Curators on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads, Jon on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads and The Mildhearts on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads was recorded with it. It's fucking brilliant, but it does force you to think about how and what you are going to record. For me, that's a good thing.
  16. I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb and say that I quite like that Human song. My main complaint with it is that, on a couple of occasions, the huge delay makes something sound horribly out of tune.
  17. When the banks all went tits up, the call centre sacked them. Possibly.
  18. And let's not forget the pinnacle of utter shitery that was Scouting For Girls' cover of London Calling at the Olympic group wank ceremony thing.
  19. If The Killers and and Coldplay are murder, Scouting For Girls are the holocaust.
  20. jon

    Your current read?

    The Nazis: A Warning From History by Laurence Rees. Brilliant.
  21. Unless we mount the mother of all comebacks, you'll be in third for more than now.
  22. Could be worse, you could be 3 down to Motherwell inside 33 minutes...fuck's sake.
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