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Everything posted by N0use4aname237

  1. heat one of the battle of the bands, free drink with your ticket.come and show your support, 4k grand prize
  2. pretty sure the post office depot is open til 6.30pm.closes at 12 on saturdays tho.
  3. five broken fingers? maybe not...lol
  4. yeh, we were having problems keeping the guitars in tune, and it was really distracting. Generally a pretty cack gig for us, but hey as scott said, shit happens. Still had a good laugh though.
  5. nah, its not actually for me, its for a friend. thanks anyway tho :-)
  6. I had a great time, there was an awesome atmosphere. All the other bands were ace and the crowd kicked ass aswell. Thanks to everyone who was there, and to the other bands aswell.
  7. hey, looking for a weekend ticket for leeds. Please?
  8. Couldn't be helped though. maybe if we'd spent a little more time trying out the levels before we actually played. i mean the mics were pretty much set as standard (i.e one lead and 2 backing) so they weren't manipulated to fit with the rest of the sound. maybe if they'd been turned down a bit the guitars wouldnt have sounded so bad. I dunno...i dont really know anything about it. Nevermind though...
  9. Thanks for all the feedback. It's really appreciated. In general i am really happy with the way it went. It was a lot better than i expected. As scott explained the covers are more a matter of circumstance than being how we wanted it to go. Hopefully next time we will have more original stuff to play. The lack of a soundcheck was obviously a problem (also made it scarier not knowing what it would sound like). But at least now we can bear it in mind for next time and hopefully improve. In response to camie, in my opinion the general lack of guitar made the vocal sound too loud and disjointed from the music, but at the end of the day, if you didnt like the vocal, u didn't like the vocal. Good constructive criticism though. Thanks.
  10. I'll buy one...no more than 35 (well, maybe a little more). Any more would be an infringement of the human rights act; Part 4 Para 7 - Everyone has the right to see Blink 182 for under 35. Good for you? Or are u no better than a lowly tout????
  11. so we're both right then??? probably...
  12. Hook is also used to describe the point in the song that tells u whats happening next eg the build up to a chorus or the first chords of the verse. When do I get my thanx?????
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