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Posts posted by Mordred

  1. Yup. Kerrang went shitty a long time ago. With the internet telling me of gigs kerrang officially has no use now.

    Mind you Kerrap! do alot for the enviroment as it's the third or fourth time they've recycled the same Black Metal guff in the last so many years with absolutely nothing new added to it other than to say Faust is now drumming for Scum 8o

    Surely theres only so much you can write about HIM for gods sake, Kerrap! must be well chuffed they've released a new album as that can also be recycled to hell, possibly an an article on the singers dads sex shop, i here someone might have bought something from it last week :help:

  2. I think I'm the only dude who likes the newer stuff better than the old... I've never been too keen on the pre-Draconian times albums' date=' and One Second is my favourite. And strangely I'm not actually generally a big fan of synths, I just like the way they are used on that album. Draconian times also pwns your m0m... I wasn't so keen on Host although I did like a few songs from it. I even liked Believe in Nothing (the one Kerrang awarded 1 K to).

    I'll have to check out the new album and Symbol of Life, I always meant to get that one but never got round to it. D'oheth.[/quote']

    I really liked Believe In Nothing its been along time since i bothered to take any intrest in Kerrap! magazine and its reviews.

    I still buy the magazine however for the gig guide mainly but even that isn't that up to date :down:

  3. Maybe so but my vinyl version of Shades of God doesn't have AS I DIE on it, it was only on cd and cassette, the same goes for Cathedrals first album it didn't have SOUL SACRIFICE on it either.

    It could be argued those were the best tracks on the respective albums :swearing:

    ....mind you being the collector that i am, i bought them on cd too :up:

  4. Thank fuck there is still a death metal band keeping it real !!!!

    You've personally made me intrested in them again as i kind of or did lose intrest in them after IV Crusade.

    Im looking forward to hearing the new album now - cheers :cheers:

    By the way i think Earache are re-releasing Realm of Chao's with a different cover very soon, maybe bonus tracks!!!!!

  5. Aw man that sucks so much! I Hope she moves on though' date=' she has an amazing voice and it would be a shame for her to stop singing on a large scale.[/quote']

    She already had a growing carrier alongside Nightwish so it is by no means the end for her.

    I also would like to hear her side of the story, i will say the last Kerrang interview hinted that her husband was a bit too much hands on in her carrier but it'll all come out in the wash :D

  6. hee hee next time if u want to wind me up try HARDER lol i wan't pissed so i had all my witts about me lol and mind u if u did sleep in the same bed as him i wouldn't have minded lol just as long as u could have found a women for me to share my bed with lol


    MMM is that not a bit X-RATED for a family website, not mentioning the fact that you've just broadcast to the world my LOVE for JAKE 8o

    I'll never be able to walk the streets of Aberdeen again, mind you it would be harder to walk if i had stayed :love:

  7. Gig went realy well' date=' nice to see all that attened are throughly munted & tucked up in bed lol hee hee well apart from me who can't sleep! lol

    hee hee thanks to everyone who baught a copy of the new CD, it's a good one and well from the sounds of things from speaking to jake afterwords it had been rated as one of the top 3 gigs they done out of 17 in total...that is saying something...while i remember because Hog forgot to bring the camcorder for me to film it i am looking for any pic's of video footage that anyone has from the gig for the aftermath of the gig still in the tunnals lol ..... some people will know what i'm on about ...hee hee hair Plat....thats all i'm going to say on that, u know who u are....hee hee a certen Drummor! lol

    hope everyone enjoyed it just as much as me..

    take care all and PM me or any other band member if u want a PD split CD-R for only 2.50 and their other CD's and tapes for sale as well





    You shouldn't be thanking people for buying SPD cd's you should be SECTIONING THEM :jester:

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