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Everything posted by RicoAUBL

  1. i was just reminded of a game myself, alex (7SU) and joe (atom) were playing at download 2003... Spot the Manowar T-Shirt we found 1 guy all weekend and he wasnt just wearing a Manowar t-shirt he had a 2nd one wrapped around him! two Manowar t-shirts he was wearing.... two!
  2. RicoAUBL


    sweet.... one black atom, hot mangu, contra compliation cd on the way then...
  3. go to the AUBL forum the complete line-up is there... in one way or another...
  4. yes way! AUBLooza IV Monday December 27th Dr. Drakes 4.30pm till 2am 10 bands lots of djs muchos drinking and festive cheer! nowhere to sit where else would you rather be...? exactly! click here for line-up
  5. aww... dude i never meant to hurt you this was all just for the laughs... y'know do you remember when we used to laugh? sure you do.. you were never meant to be at all excited by this post.. you dont wanna be djing on your birthday tho - but.... u will be rewarded if you come along to the gig...
  6. AUBLooza IV December 27th at Dr. Drakes and the full-line up is on the original music forum hosted by the good folks at AUBL.net not this forum - it's just a cheap spin off... you've all been conned save yourselves...
  7. i see... :] who else will buy me a drink!?
  8. i think i've got it.... i definitely have at least one live album it's probably that one cant really think of anything better... although i do rather enjoy listening to Machine Head - Hellalive - because i was at that gig - and it was also my 18th...
  9. AND... the 3 people you did enter the competition have all been rewarded for their efforts... The AUBLooza IV line-up will be revealed very shortly...
  10. i'll add it to the list of possibilities... haven't really decided yet..
  11. all very good points... however if you'd read the post you would know that the offer ended on Mon 22nd
  12. did i mention that it's FREE?! i will have tickets to give out to everyone soon...
  13. and do you know whats the best thing about that night? it's my 21st hoorar!
  14. After i posted the message on our forum about Djing at the AUBLooza IV gig at Dr. Drakes on Monday 27th December i was sure that loads of people would be putting their hands up me, me, me! it was going to be a kind of competition people would send in their details (as outlined in post) and we would pick the best person for the job.. but no... this was not the case... shame.
  15. there's nothing funny about death kids.. but... when the guy gets thrown out of the plane in con air and lands on the car that's quite funny... although he was already dead... the guy that gets his face shredded up in the wheel of a horse and cart in from hell is probably the nastiest thing i've seen in a film... that's not funny either... hmmm how about when Red dies in National Lampoons Senior Trip after having too many horse tranquillizers and bongs.... while driving a bus... ooh! got one... when they jump of the bridge onto the boat in die hard with a vengence and the wire chops some guy in half
  16. RicoAUBL


    i wanna know what happened to the AUBL CD and TOOL there used to be some Tool in that jukebox...
  17. We've released 3 EP's so far... Black Atom 'Out of Exile' Hot Mangu 'Splat Metal' Contra 'Contra'
  18. not enough time? - theres 45 mins between the doors and Radio Lucifer surely they couldve done a 10 min set?! no? ok...
  19. it says released 17/01/05 in big letters are u people blind!
  20. Wed December 15th at O'Donoghues It's the Northsound Battle of the Bands Competition 2004 Heat Please come down and show your support for the gu more details coming soon...
  21. me too.... sometimes... you guys need to play curveball! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/curveball.php it's the bestest pong/hockey type game ever....
  22. i see.... havent played popex in aaaggesss. i remember when everyone was playing - back in the bravenet days..
  23. ahh... it's stopped now... well that was exciting...
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