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Fast Caz

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Everything posted by Fast Caz

  1. If they don't make it over I hope to have a suitable replacement otherwise we'll see what happens.
  2. Have you recently dropped yourself on your head >_<
  3. Some sort exsistential paradox maybe
  4. I tried to construct the paragraph as if it were a shitterspeed song.
  5. Reading through all this has made me realise that I'm obviously not doing the band thing correctly. It has also came to my attention Shutterspeed are the epitome of punk. Your next release should be titled " Unhindered by talent " >_<
  6. UPDATE! Due to recent seismic activites in Iceland and the current closure of the uk aerospace, it looks like Wormrot may not make it over in time for their uk tour. Once I get more information i will be sure to let everyone know the situaton.
  7. UPDATE! Due to recent seismic activites in Iceland and the current closure of the uk aerospace, it looks like Wormrot may not make it over in time for their uk tour. Once I get more information i will be sure to let everyone know the situaton.
  8. This is crap. I really need to pay attention now. There is a high possibility you have stalked if you were taking photos of ablach. If you have any pictures of a devilishly handsome young chap pounding away on the drums then you have stalked me
  9. Ah if I only took my eyes out of the vodka and thought about abdn music and the stal prospects ha. Hm can't think if I remember seeing yourself or frosty jack. Hateevent and paranoid were there aswell.
  10. I fear this is a dedicated stalk o_O You are right however as I haven't a clue who you are.
  11. Ah shite i've been spotted. There goes my track record. Are you positive it was me haha. Who are you? Who is your daddy and what does he do? Frosty Jack was there aswell you say??
  12. Thankfully I've never had any problem whatsoever with my o2 contract. touch wood Obviously you may not have had the time but it may have slightly easier to speak to one of the goons in a vodafone store. Usually personal confrontations do the job quite well in these situations, Here's hoping they sort you out with something decent, if and when they reply to your letter.
  13. Sadly you're wrong. I know I have my moments but I'm not that disgraceful ha. Even in times of need. An extensive catalogue of bizarre magazines always comes I handy. One shit to another and all that
  14. Don't worry it was taken care of in a swift professional matter.
  15. When there is no toilet paper left and you have already laid a cable. Never again! resounding
  16. o_O it's been an insane length of time since I listened to today is the day. " right now I want the undivided attention of every god fearing American citizen "
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