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Fast Caz

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Posts posted by Fast Caz

  1. Reason 3: It's shite and it's target Market is braindead drongos who clearly have nothing better in their life then to watch big brother and then the following day you can open up the scum or the daily farce to read about the same inane,incoherent non thinking zombies. Davina McCall is a cunt and deserves testicular cancer.

    It started off as an experiment all those those years ago which was pretty cool for a while I guess as it was a new thing, but it lost all meaning and became meaningless and disposable crap for idiots ... Much like Kerry Katona and that stupid bitch that got what was coming to her ... Jade Goody!!

    Please move this to Pet Hates.

    In short, GET-A-LIFE.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Went shopping for holiday clothes and all the shorts and trousers I bought were size 32 waist. I couldn't even begin to guess when the last time I wore a size 32 was.

    Whether I still fit into them at the end of the holiday remains to be seen...

    I'm taking this as a good thing for you so if so nice one!

    Today is a good day:

    Waking up feeling ace,realising it's my day off, finding an old bolt thrower shirt I had, watching waynes world, Dublin Daves Panini for lunch and going to my dads for dinner tonight. Finish it all off with tea and mass effect II. SUPREME YAS!

  3. You should never start a best man speech with "I remember the first time I fucked the bride." Everyone was looking at me with disgust.Still, happiest day of my life seeing my daughter get married.

  4. I haven't had a deep fried mars bars in years. I might s(p)oil myself after work.

    Next on the list of hates - Idiot yuppy admin / office workers who complain about being overweight because their job entails them to be sitting at a desk for numerous hours and this them not getting out and about and the required amount of daily excersize. As the engorge themselves onto burger and chips from a burger van.

    Is there anything to prove that lazy fat fucks are genetically ignorant or does it just come with the awesome couch slouch lifestyle?

    By the way this is not a personal afront towards all overweight,obese or people that may have an eating disorder. Just cunts who do fuck all and moan about it.


  5. In the words of my father, whom has recently listened to one of new tracks - "it's a fast thrasher".

    I was humblely shocked and awed by this remark. I must be wearing off on him.

    Cheers for the cool words.

    "everything faster than everything else"

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