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Fast Caz

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Posts posted by Fast Caz

  1. Have to disagree with you min. Sure, there are a lot of gigs going on in Aberdeen but the number of punk/HXC gigs (i.e. the kind that you would go to!) seems to be on a constant decrease. Hence why I was looking forward to Wormrot so much when they were here a couple of weeks ago; there hadn't been a line-up that good in Aberdeen for that kind of music for quite some time!

    Speaking of which...I expect to see you at my gig on the 18th of June! :D

    This is why Blackmarket blastbeats started.


  2. Hayley Williams. Accidentaly tweeting a pic of her boobies, both for hilarity sake and the obvious joy of titties.

    She now claims she was hacked but she got it down in 5 minutes so obviously not a hack. But as always with the internet, cannot be unseen.

    EDIT: I bet my bottom dollar Lucky is now frantically searching google. :up:

    A friend put this up on facebook. Not bad at all. I'm going to hazard a guess that she has male genitals and an ass like a four year old but hey ho some folk are into that.

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  3. This is more like it.

    I will add fuel to the already growing furnace.

    Your standard Saturday night drunk football twats. One of my main reasons I am discouraged from going out after the pub. Reyt fucking dick'eads!

    When I read books that are supposed to be great works of literature and then don't get them fully and then I feel super unintelligent.

    The barstaff at the Bobbin. Idiots, one and all.

    The people on that Million Pound Drop show on TV last night, I only watched it while I was waiting for Charlie Brooker to come on and then I lost the remainder of my faith in humanity.

    Aberdeen fans.

    A large proportion of students.

    Finding out my Dad voted for Maggie Thatcher in 1979 despite being a remarkably intelligent man.

    iphones and other types of phone that do more than the fucking minimum that is required of it, i.e. to call and text.

    Really bad bands in Aberdeen getting far larger crowds than ones who deserve it.

    Really bad bands in Aberdeen beginning their 'comeback' shows by walking on stage and saying 'It's good to be back'. Urgh.

    The Old Firm.

    Being in Aberdeen for at least another year.

    Ian Wood.

    People who moan about me smoking every now and then. Yes, I know it's bad; no need for the super-patronising lecture.

    Paying a tenner for Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster on Wednesday. They're good, but not that good.

    The general soullessness in the eyes of all the blokes in suits that walk around town drinking Starbucks all day long.

    Most of the columnists in the G2 section of the Guardian.

    The fact that I only started reading Private Eye three weeks ago.

    People who don't understand and/or care about politics.


    I know I said it before, but Aberdeen fans. Actually, Aberdeen fans x 3,358.

    The fact that rain is forecast for Saturday when I'm supposed to be going to a friend's BBQ.

    The gradual mellowing of Charlie Brooker. Get angrier again!

  4. Fucking idiotic, braindead, incoherent nonsensical zombies I.e dense as fuck customers. " 'scuse me mate, how much is in a square metre?".

    ...... Uhmmmm " WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK YO USTUPID FUCKING DICKHEAD MORON CUNTBREATH TWAT!!!*%*|]_!!!!!! " .... is what was going on in my mind.

    I mean really. Excuse me sir Do you have webbed feet?.

    Fucking gimps.

  5. I watched a great film the other night though the title escapes me for the moment. It was in German and was about Hitler's final hours as seen throught the eyes of his final assistant. It pulled no punches and ended up a quite emotional journey. But i'll be fekked if I can remember it's title!!!!

    Downfall ?

  6. Watched that conference earlier this morning. Can't say I wasn't touched. Really don't care for the band much these days, they have good tunes but hey ho.

    Devestated that he had a kid on the way. Least he has somewhat of a legacy left behind him.

    Sure the band status is the last thing on their minds.

  7. Ah, it must be time for the monthly 'Original Spies tells Christy how much he hates his poasts' message. Thank God for that; I thought one was due.

    You are nothing if not predictable.

    What is up with you always writing "poast" instead of "post"?

  8. I've seen you in that part of George street before, too. It's the next non-stalk, like Teabags in the Moorings.

    I'll be keeping an eye on you. I'll picture you on the swings in westburn park wearing nothing but peanut butter and a hairnet. Uhhmmmm that's nice.

  9. I've heard nothing but good things about Lloyds, not just here, but elsewhere. I think I'll give them a go!

    Strongly recommend it. Plus with just a standard debit card I am capable of taking out cash abroad at a very small rats comapred to other banks.

    If you just have a regular income and the usual outgoings they will stand you in good stead.

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