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Frosty Jack

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Posts posted by Frosty Jack

  1. Not the same thing, but yesterday I noticed that a work colleague had a "show desktop" shortcut on their desktop.

    I once worked in an office with the manager of the company, and he would regularly announce that he was 'forwarding an email' to me. He would then get up, go to the printer to fetch the email he had just printed, and walk to my desk to hand it to me.

    The manager.

  2. No word is offensive in itself, what offends is the intent behind it. So me slapping my old pal on the back saying "you're a good cunt" is not offensive, but me staring a stranger in the face and shouting "cunt!" would be.

    Likewise -

    Yeah she isnt a lesbian, im just using dyke as an abusive term towards her.

    is clearly offensive, because Mr Milner wants it to be. And it could be said that by believing that someone would be offended by referring to them as homosexual when they are not implies that Mr Milner himself thinks it must be a bad thing. That could be considered homophobic.
  3. I don't really see why they have a picture of the Halliday plans for UTG, when the council have said that's not going ahead, with a article about a new train station at the new AECC in Dyce.


    Guess it's just the EE being sneaky in trying to keep the UTG redevelopment in the public mind.

    This. This picture is not what the Council are proposing here. Whether they actually know what they want to do with the City Centre is a different matter, but it's not this. If you want to know anything about the Council, city centre regeneration or whatever, the last place you should look is the Evening Express.

  4. I cannot imagine a time when Frosty would have been the one pushing a battle of the bands on here


    Me neither, tbh. But as I think most of us have sussed, this IS different because of who is running it. I hate nothing more than lazy promoters setting up a BOTB just so they don't have to actually make the effort to find out about the bands and book the good ones for themselves, which is what most BOTBs are about. But we all pretty much know Tom and Fat Hippy, and realise that what he has always been about above all is giving bands a chance to develop. Most of the time he hears a band rehearsing or playing live, thinks they have potential so gives them a hand by setting up recording sessions, putting on gigs, promoting them etc.Or 'giving them a deal' if you will. It's pretty much how the music industry should work, but clearly doesn't.

    Way I see this BOTB is as a chance for Tom to cast his net a bit further than just overhearing people rehearsing, and giving them the push they need.

    I'm pretty sure he's not just trying to find out the best band in Aberdeen, he's looking for the greatest potential so he can help someone become the best band in Aberdeen. And the Country. And the World.


    NB - Although I'm technically a 'Fat Hippy rostered artist' these views are completely my own, I haven't spoken to Tom about it yet.

  5. Fat Hippy Records are delighted to announce the Fat Hippy Records Battle Of The Bands!


    So peeps, wanna be on on the same record label as international artists like Terry McDermott MusicCeti Kupczyk, the Gerry Jablonski BandAmy Sawers and Craig john davidson?

    Well this is your chance to get your band signed to Fat Hippy Records in 2014! In association with DownstairsII MusicCaptain Toms and Masterwork Cymbals Scotland we are delighted to invite you to the Fat Hippy Battle Of The Bands!





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