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Everything posted by Steve-O

  1. yeah, I like them but not as much as the FF soundtracks xD
  2. damn them. Telesales are indeed Satan's minions.
  3. agreed with above. I especially love his reworkings with the Black Mages (metal versions of Final Fantasy themes)
  4. Dream THeater Evergrey The Black Mages
  5. went into town this morning and bought: Dragonforce ticket (9) some cards (10) Metal Hammer (3.75) phone credit (10)
  6. well I didn't get it on that day cause the official release has been pushed back to January but it has been leaked online, the torrents are out there! I saw it on the 14th not one to spoil for people, but rest assured it is fucking awesome!
  7. also dead: Mike "Crash Holly" Lockwood and Chris "Skip" Candido Most will rememebr Crash... Chris Candido was in WWE bout 10 years ago now... his most prolific work was in ECW I think.
  8. he was also in a bunch of Doctor Who episodes
  9. It's not hard to complete mario 3 quickly. Collect 2 warp whistles and use them.
  10. I will be rather upset if Eugene doesn't win now...
  11. overspoke - When you realise you've said too much.
  12. looking at the patent, it does specifically state that what it covers is a 19x19 pixel image. any other size I would assume not to be covered.
  13. she cited irreconciliable differences with Derek as her main reason for leaving. Yes, there's one fucking difference you can never solve. He's brilliant, you're a fucking moron.
  14. some people are fucking morons. I swear it's cause text voters can't spell Orlaith
  15. apologies, Sky said it was leg 2. my bad.
  16. One day I'll remember to edit my stable. Remember and put Taker in your stables, he's the number 1 contender now
  17. apparently the actress who played Trini is dead now. And the actress who played Kimberly has entered the music industry
  18. I remember watching it with my American cousins in 1994 and being told how amazing the green ranger was.
  19. not that I know of... TPBM has a pet rabbit
  20. on a kinda semi-related note, I had a mystery moment tonight I checked my phone for some reason and there was a random "business card" thing saying "ticket invalid, please disembark". which was very strange as I had just got off a bus.
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