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Everything posted by Steve-O

  1. Can anyone post up a Smackdown Spoiler or link me to one? The website I normally use is down until it pays it's subscription fees for the year
  2. Jesus Fucking Christ... only 4 points between me and R.W.O. However I only have DAVE and Christian on Smackdown...
  3. nah... for Quiche you wanna use: Ri-quiche-I anyway, lemme trawl through as much I can... Sean Walnutman (X-Pac) Billy Gum Fallen Angelcake (Chris Daniels) Billy Milkybar-kidman John Bean-a
  4. 2nd huh... well that will happen when you spend all your money on Raw and then they have a PPV
  5. we have lost a true Legend. Condolences to his loved ones
  6. I'll be lower down... I have known the smackdown results since Wednesday.
  7. it's fucking heroic! That cabbie deserves like a medal.
  8. you might wanna check your rank again, now that Dave was deducted 8 points cause they accidentally gave him title retain points against Kurt in a non-title match. Everyone who had Dave in their team is now out 8 points.
  9. September 13th, release. I will be getting it on that date, and no later.
  10. yeah I might be third now but we'll have to wait see how we fare at the end of the week. Seeing as I only have MNM on Smackdown now and all. Dave Vs H is gonna rake the points in like nothing else. Especially if it's as chaotic as it was last year with H vs HBK... ladders and tables. Shame the cell itself aint an FO.
  11. I got 55. Hmm... I'm pretty much guranteed a huge payoff at Vengeance though I have Christian, Cena, DAVE and H. All but Jericho, and I might get him before then... The two title matches are pretty much governed by my picks.
  12. I loved the line to JBL "You were only the WWE Champion because Triple H didn't want to work Tuesdays!"
  13. Raw John Cena DAVE H Christian SMACKDOWN Johnny Nitro Joey Mercury Melina Carlito
  14. I'm in. Tactical thinking in my purchases
  15. I was in Glasgow yeterday so I missed it... wouldn't have watched it anywa, it clashed with the first half of Doctor Who.
  16. balls! If I'd known I'd be getting a free copy of the rumble DVD I'd have popped in for sure! I loved this year's rumble!
  17. aye but chances of you actually MEETING your wife and getting her away to your home to do all sorts of things best left undetailed?
  18. Next Thrusday, 15:30 Appearance and signing by Chris Benoit and Victoria Free tickets available from 8 am apparently Source - my brother, who saw it in the shop today. Other news - Edge will be in the BEach Ballroom from 4. He will only sign his own book and the new WWE book "Are We There Yet". I refuse to go to that one since I find Edge to be a cock. What he and Lita did to Matt Hardy is inexcusable and I am not going to go see him. Benoit however, has done no wrong. so He is permitted to sign my Mania XX DVD. And Victoria... well I might get her to sign my Raw Deal Victoria card.
  19. I'll have a word with my dad. He's going back through our family... he's back to at least the 16th century
  20. most rocking this news is! *particularly funny memory that I dunno if I should mention*
  21. now that was uncalled for my dear! but yes, I suppose you have a point...
  22. *joins* well I might as well. Seeing I'm joining everything else
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