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Everything posted by Delly

  1. but but you are given the choice between who you are able to save ( don't ask questions! I have no answers.)
  2. ok heres a question A burning building, inside are six people, five complete strangers one of which is a small child and the other person is a family memeber. You have the choice between saving the life of five strangers or one family member. What would you choose?
  3. I got rid of my avator cos of this thread! No actually it was because my boyfriend said I was a minger in it
  4. My children are my insperation they are also my motivation that I need to get up in the morning. They make me realise no matter how shit I feel they still need me. They have made me who I am. If it wasn't for them I think I would of ended up some fucked up tilly ned. They inspired me to try and better myself no matter what life throws at me.
  5. awwww you are all sooo lovely thankyou!
  6. My kid started climbing on one of them on Broadstreet I was convinced there was a camera in it catching everyones reactions
  7. Viki you really really suited long hair ( i remember being jealous of you cos it was so ace)
  8. hahaha DOH! leave me alone im tired, been working all day and the kids are crazy tonight(thats my excuse and i am sticking to it) anyway I thought that was the date when this site was redone or something
  9. I have no idea when I joined, all I know is that It was only a couple of months before Logan because keilan and I used to go on it at his house, then he decided to have a gander after that he was hooked and the thousands of posts per day started.
  10. BB is different this year not so cold (if that makes any sense)
  11. We seen Jeeves today... he never spoke tho
  12. Delly


    I LOVE IT, can't believe its finished when is it back on??
  13. THANKYOU! Children learn how to behave in society by being there what if we were to ban them how annoying would it be for a 16 yr old to be acting the same as a five yr olds first time at the cinema. my sons first time at the cinema was a nightmare now he knows he has to be quiet and watch or he leaves. we were all young once. I was considering taking my kid to see starwars, he loves it he is only five.
  14. I have come accross adults behaving worse then my kids in the cinema!
  15. Delly


    My son is starting school after summer so scared he will be bullied, I hated school and was bullied through most of it. I find it slightly easier because he is a boy and wont have to put up with some of the issues I had to deal with, but now the realisation is he will prob get bullied no matter what or be the bully - although he is only in nursery these issues are already rising. If I was bright enough I would teach him at home Thing is the bullying is over such stupid things - things you can do nothing about (looks) or the clothes you wear which is normally up to your parents looking back makes me so pissed off to think i wasted so much time trying to please these wasters
  16. Bucksburn is quiet most times I like it there.
  17. well most people I know hate all the crazy frog/sweety chick/dragon shit because it is irritating and also these gits have made a fortune out of it... t my sons nursery nurse bought one of them and ended up paying 30 quid dunno what to think tho she shouldn't of been so stupid to go buy that anyway
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