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About woombler

  • Birthday 02/08/1985

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  1. Did anyone see Jimmy Carr on QI? He seemed to spend the whole time looking extremely confused and disbelieving.... Not quite sure he realised what he was in for when he signed up
  2. Palace in Peterhead tends to have decend bands playing covers (fond memories of Snow Patrol and Cheap Trick ). The Unknowns are a decent band who do good covers - tend to play at Mambos, and marquees and stuff a lot over summer months. If you're looking for older/big mix of covers, Rock Solid are pretty good.
  3. Hmm, I quite fancy it but would be a bit scared! Do a lot of people go/ has anyone been?
  4. To be fair though, I had been dragged to that bloody Kylie and Take That tribute at the leisure centre - I ventured no farther - too much mental scarring....
  5. Oh min, I have been in the Broch once, couple of weeks ago, and I do not believe I shall ever go again....
  6. Just wondered if anyone knows of anywhere in Aberdeen or further north that teaches burlesque dancing? Something I really want to try, but the people I emailed that used to do lessons at Tiger Tiger now only do hen parties - I ain't getting married anytime soon! ?(
  7. Can't wait! Have lost count of how many times I've seen them live, but they just keep getting better and better!
  8. New Look have 'ho ho ho' t-shirts in the mens bit, complete with three 'ho's' on the front... bet they'd like that 'un
  9. Ah well, nothin I didn't know already really, it's what the gits in Mintlaw make you....
  10. Yep, Connect is lookin pretty gd, small scale TITP for the more mature? Primal Scream, Bjork, Idlewild... If I had the money, I'd go to both... although I have no money even for 1
  11. Would be ace, but seriously doubt my little green pug would go the distance....
  12. So far, only gig I know I'll be goin to is Idlewild in March. Desperate to go to T this year too.
  13. Ah yes, my apologies, tis bloor. There is an ace shop on bathurst tho, directly across from where i used to live, called 'Play Dead' - they do some brilliant clothes there with their own prints and patches on them. The Bagel with the mad man also hosts live music in the evenings (often has live performances during daytime 2) Bagel, Toronto, live entertainment, bands, college, bar,
  14. Yep, some pretty good music and clothes shops on Yonge Street and also Queen Street is quite cool for quirky stuff. Bathurst Street also good to check out - huge non-chain store there (the shops turn into designer boutiques the closer u get to Yonge tho!) Check out Fran's Diner on Yonge/College St. corner - great breakfasts. If you're a bagel fan, then go to my old workplace on College St, Just across Spadina - tis uniquely called 'The Bagel' - the man is a nutter tho. Get one of those little books wi the pop-up maps - can't remember what it called, but found it was invaluable! (Providing you can read maps..)
  15. I'll be sampling the delights of an all-nighter in Mintlaw.... Didn't get out last Hogmanay at all - was supposed to be going through to Aberdeen, but managed to write-off my car rather spectacularly in the morning, so spent the night sober and unable to move..
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