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Everything posted by Dallas

  1. We could make this place into a soap with all the going ons.
  2. Must be pretty good. if they are "Similar" To The Mighty Thrice!
  3. Hell that would be cool.
  4. I would be after the summer.
  5. Timson rules. Sorry that thread is no longer here.
  6. I really wanted to go but damn not having any money.
  7. They are shit. But if i have nothing to do I would go along.
  8. I remember that there was very few people there. Which is shit cause they are pretty damn cool.
  9. I really hate that song it just gets on my tits.
  10. Thats good I think I will be able to make it.
  11. Hell I hope I can make that gig then.
  12. It's to late. so for my 20th shit I will be 20 next year not good. I will be blonde and cute and waiting for Ben to take me to see Thrice.
  13. I love Ben. Do you think he will take me to see Thrice on my birthday?
  14. I am not really sure if I want to go. I like one HIM song thats it.
  15. It's up to themselfs but if they are doing it cause its the what all the cool people are doing i find that just wrong.
  16. Thrice - IC Thrice - IOS Thrice - TAITA Avenged Sevenfold - waking the fallen Killswitch Engage - alive or just breathing Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache BoySetsFire - TCT BoySetsFire - after the eulogy Poison The Well - You Come Before You Glassjaw - everything you ever wanted to know about silence
  17. Thats shocking!! Ben is right story of the year are not the type to start fights for no reason. Seems they just wanted a great show and it needed to be spiced up and they did it. These "200+ pound football reject, jock - coke head fucking piece of shit fucking losers" Should be shot.
  18. Nope it never ment that. As I am making a beating tool you needto be good with your hands.
  19. Is this beating tool like a golf club? I think I should get one could come in handy to beat little kids up.
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