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Adam Easy Wishes

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Everything posted by Adam Easy Wishes

  1. Found another one: https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/kimera Eh, yeah - it's shitty, but maybe insure your gear if it's going to be kept in a van for any great length of time?
  2. Any function room? Do you need the venue to have a PA?
  3. You need to use the url from your browser rather than the url you get when you right click on the video and select 'get url'. Basically a youtube.com url rather than youtu.be url.
  4. LOL, I hope Studge is trying to force a move too. That would be excellent.
  5. Wireless isn't an option given the hardware I have and I would then still have to power something outside which I'd rather not be burdened with. Wasn't planning on drilling into the window but maybe trying do something at the vent/seal? Will probably go for colb's suggestion and set it up so the speakers are permanently placed but I just plug them in to use them outside with the cables being suitably placed internally so they can be lobbed out a window or whatever. Until we get THE PROFESSIONALS in anyway. Thanks for the suggestions, guyz! Posirep coming your way.
  6. Can someone summarise the new rules for the busy (lazy) people (me).
  7. It's this one that's bothered me enough to post it in here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/craig-john-davidson-innes-cardno-usa-tour-fund#/story I'm pretty sure there was a healthy enough debate about it a wee while back on here, where I made my feelings clear. I just fundamentally disagree with it unless there's something about a particular campaign that makes it any different to any other artistic offering. But like I say, the one above is pretty offensive to me.
  8. Pet hate: Crowdfunding, mostly. But specifically bands. Just get to fuck, it's borderline offensive.
  9. Did you get to the bit where that guy has AIDS? Heart breaking TV.
  10. Hi. I'm looking for any insight anyone has into running cable from an amp inside to some permanently installed outside speakers. Some info: I don't have an attic. The walls are thick and made of granite, therefore drilling is a problem uPVC windows, so perhaps something can be done there? This is likely to be a semi-temporary arrangement until we bother to get the garden properly done and re-assessed, however it would be useful if it a) wasn't an eyesore and b) was permanent enough that the weather is not going to fuck with it meantime. Assistance/comments/advice please!
  11. I hear they shave the hair from the back and sides and glue it to your face with artisan glue made from the feet of animals wearing New Balance trainers.
  12. He also has quite a bit of development still to do, which is best served at United. Celtic will know this.
  13. Is McNamara likely to get some of that cash to reinvest? It's difficult to see anyone getting close to Aberdeen as challengers to Celtic, perhaps Hearts might actually have the best chance weirdly enough. Unless obviously United or Caley Thistle make some decent signings. Aberdeen's squad is very strong, if we can keep hold of everyone and maybe sign another striker we'll be in a good place.
  14. I jest, it's a good bit of business for United. He's clearly got a bit of talent but I'm not sure he has the temperament to not be the 'big man', which he won't be at Celtic.
  15. If you're still in the same flat, then that's acceptable IMO because you're ground floor.
  16. Celtic have this morning had a bid accepted by United for Ciftci. I wonder a) if they'll make the 'parent/feeder' relationship formal and b) what Jackie McNamara will buy with his cut of the deal..? I hear he wants a slightly bigger conservatory hence the hard bargain on the transfer fee.
  17. Max one hour photo time, and only fair if there's some kind of free drink on offer for guests IMO. Also canapes are a nice touch because most folk are usually pretty hungry by then.
  18. Must be mates with the prick upstairs from me that likes to hoover at the same time.
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