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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Think I better venture out tonight to this as well. Any idea of times anyone? Mine's a pint of the apples.
  2. I didn't close it but I'll leave this open for the moderator that did close to answer if they feel it nessasary to do so. Certainly it shouldn't have been posted in that forum though - it looks like very much more Wasteland material. Yes, I know it was an "event" but it wasn't one of any significance in my opinion - and certainly not one deserving enough to go into the calendar.
  3. They should be doing that anyway unless it is very obvious why a thread has been closed. Is there any example of where this isn't the case? If so, let me know.
  4. Cheers guys. That is the Status of Misery and Radio Lucifer songs now uploaded to the radio. The playlist has just tipped the hour mark now.
  5. I too, am shocked and horrified that Sarah hasn't been mentioned.
  6. Yep, the Scene Points system is as of now switched off - for good. I warned everyone that this would happen if people continued to continue to whine about the system and take it far too seriously but clearly a minority of people did not heed this warning. It's not worth the moderators or myself wasting any more of our free time trying to deal with people repeatedly complaining about what is meant to be just a bit of fun. I have to accept I got this one wrong and should not have enabled the scene points system on the web site, and for that I apologise. Scene Points - R.I.P.
  7. Yeah, Psydoll, although I don't advertise the fact I will accept cash under extreme circumstances (i.e. someone hates/can't use/won't use PayPal) but it has to be for a year or 6 months in advance. It would be silly sending me a cheque for 2 through the post each month. Also, another reason why I insist on paying via PayPal is because it keeps all the aberdeen-music.com money in it's own PayPal account. If it goes anywhere near my own bank account then it would most likely go to help paying my cider habit - not funding the web site. The Supporters Scheme will always remain optional and I'm not going to start badgering people or trying to make them feel guilty about not signing up to it. It's there for people who can afford it to get a few perks on the web site and at the same time help fund the web site's continued operation. I do hope to add a few more perks to the scheme over time though which will hopefully make it a little more tempting for some people. Info on the scheme can always be found in the following FAQ article: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_new_faq_item5
  8. Get a grip. Don't like the scene points system? Then just switch it off from within your control panel. I've got better things to do with my time than respond to people like you constantly whining about the comments you are receiving. Quite frankly, after reading some of your posts on this web site, I'm not in the least bit surprised you receive so many negative comments from people (myself included).
  9. soundian is quite right. You want to start with something simplier. My advice would be to check out the web sites that offer you free message boards and guestbooks and host them for you (they are usually covered in ads though). If you do have your own web space then what forums, guestbooks etc you can use is restricted to what technologies your web hosts will allow you to use (e.g. Perl, PHP, ASP etc). Most free web hosts will not usually support such technologies but ask them and find out. Once you know what technologies you can use then take it from there. If you are a big fan of Macromedia Dreamweaver then also check out the Dreamweaver Extensions you can download and install from the Macromedia web site. My guess is that there might be some cool guestbook/bulletin board extensions in there somewhere.
  10. Nope, it does indeed meet the requirements you will be pleased to hear! Cheers. Camie, the radio station will be probably launched in two to three weeks time.
  11. You missed one thing from that list - having indecent photos of you taken during the lock-in at Moshulu. Now where did I put those photos... I can remember very little of that night. ?(
  12. Guys, just written an FAQ article to help with all this. I've also hosted the PHP scripts used to create the Recently Played Tracks image so you can, if you want, grab your Recently Played Tracks signature graphic from the aberdeen-music.com web server instead as it should be faster, it will save the AudioScrobbler guys bandwidth and I've tweaked the scripts here so that the time in the graphic is now displayed in GMT and the image should refresh quicker (every 2 minutes). To find out how to use this version then just read the following FAQ article: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_new_faq_item40
  13. goNORTH Public Meeting There will be a meeting which everyone is invited to attend at 6:15pm on Tuesday (14th) at Aberdeen Foyer in Marywell Street. At least two of the goNORTH organisers will be present and hope to hear everyone's views and suggestions on where we should take goNORTH in the future. Tell us your concerns and ask us anyquestions you have on how it's put together, or how the bands are chosen. This is YOUR CHANCE to have your say. If you have any questions and can't make the meeting, please email them to info@goevents.info
  14. Okay people, so who is up for Aberdeen-music.com Con 2005? You can even wear your username on a name badge so everyone will know who you are... P.S. This is a joke
  15. Cracking track by the way! One of the best on the playlist so far I have to say. Added Deadloss Superstar and Quik tracks as well. Cheers guys.
  16. The link didn't work but I managed to find and download the track anyway. Cheers.
  17. I have to say I have a desire to meet pretty much none of you. But then, I've met most of you anyway. Even though I suspect many of you won't have realised this.
  18. Nik, cheers - that link works fine. Do you have the CD that this track was originally on? If so, can you re-rip it using a decent MP3 encoder? (e.g. LAME) Because whatever encoder was used for this has made the track sound terrible! I know the original track sounds much better as I've heard it on CD before and I want to do the band justice and put up a decent MP3 of the track. Can you help?
  19. Sorry but we can't use any of these MP3s as the don't meet the sound quality requirements. The MP3s must be encoded at a minimum of 96kbps and at 44KHz stereo.
  20. Possibly, but then if this proves to be the case we will increase the limit. The other reason only 1 track is allowed per band is due to the limited amount of server space available for storing the MP3s. At present the limit is only 100MB.
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