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So, The Budget

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Caught about 20-minutes of it on BBC parliament then watched Cameron's response. It seemed pretty dedicated to green issues, but Darling's always got such a limp delivery that it always feels like he's just saying what he thinks people want to hear.

I think David Cameron's response actually put the budget in a better light though, he always comes off as so pathetic it always makes the cabinet look better. He can't resist getting in a little cheeky public schoolboy-esque dig at any opportunity, you could tell he'd been thinking about that Ed Balls 'minister of children doesn't mean you have to act like a child' gag for about a month, he was positively beaming about getting it out.

As for the fags and booze hike, it's to be expected really. It just makes it more annoying when people claim smokers are a 'drain on the NHS'. If the government aren't directing the money from tobacco taxes into the NHS it's not my fault!

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Th alchohol tax hikes are completely ridiculous. If Darling is going to try and justify it by claiming he's clamping down on binge drinking, he's having a laugh. The neds and old men that stagger past my flat at 1pm aren't cradling a 12 year Dalwhinnie or a nice bottle of Talisker. So why hike up whisky by 55p? I notice it's only bottles between 20 and 100 quid that this applies to, so whilt the wasters can keep stocking up on cheap vodka, the responsible drinker is punished.

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Th alchohol tax hikes are completely ridiculous. If Darling is going to try and justify it by claiming he's clamping down on binge drinking, he's having a laugh. The neds and old men that stagger past my flat at 1pm aren't cradling a 12 year Dalwhinnie or a nice bottle of Talisker. So why hike up whisky by 55p? I notice it's only bottles between 20 and 100 quid that this applies to, so whilt the wasters can keep stocking up on cheap vodka, the responsible drinker is punished.

yea i agree. i don't think just putting the price up is going to have any affect on binge drinking. people are still going to want to get fucked and will find a way to do that regardless of the price. they need to think about why people drink like that. unfortunately i don't think there's an easy answer.

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