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Aren't Crass from roughly the same area as Beckham? Possible he's heard them somehow through that?

Oh and on kinda the same subject, I'm sick of seeing scene kids of various types wearing Misfits clothing...I am SURE a fair few of them think it's just a clothing brand. Disgusting.

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i love seeing people getting bent out of shape about this kind of thing. beckham may be a huge crass fan and love their sound and what they stand for. like most people here, i see that as pretty unlikely since he always talks about RnB/Hiphop as his favourite genres but either way, why does it matter. he's free to wear whatever he likes, just as anyone is. perhaps a few people will do their research after seeing pictures of him wearing it and get into the crass sound/music/message. maybe not, but maybe crass fans don't want that anyway.

either way, crass were a lot of nonsense. they had a real problem with people changing what they stood for and yet they did exactly that themselves. not to mention the fact that they sounded like shit!


Regarding Beckham, his choice of lifestyle is an anathema to the many who take this community seriously, whose politics demand change, and so to suggest that he digs Crass, is, I'm sorry, frankly ridiculous. Sure, he can indeed wear whatever he chooses. However, my point - that is regarding the commodification of the ideas and efforts of the DIY punk community, is an important one, and should not be so easily dismissed. And, to suggest that folks who do dig Crass, have no interest in others usually outwith their reach in checkin' out their politics, is just plain silly. We don't live in a vaccum. If we take our politics seriously, then makin' change involves reaching out to others. These beliefs should not be the preserve of a small clique. Would rather defeat the object of such a movement would it not - a movement whose purpose is change?

And regarding Crass abandoning much of what they stood for, I'm sorry but they did nothing of the kind. Most are still politically active, still hold with many of the same beliefs, still producin' music. And if ya need more proof: http://www.southern.com/southern/band/CRASS/

And hey, their music may not float yer boat, but callin' it shit?

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I remember seeing Beckham wearing an Exodus "Bonded By Blood" shirt. I seriously considered sending my vinyl of it to Old Trafford with a sarcastic letter, decided to keep the record in the end.

Could you not afford to send it Madrid? I'm not sure if Man U are still forwarding on Beckham's mail or not so they might just have returned it to you.

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Guest Jake Wifebeater
Could you not afford to send it Madrid? I'm not sure if Man U are still forwarding on Beckham's mail or not so they might just have returned it to you.

He was still playing for Man U at the time, you silly tart.

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