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easy to make good food from a convenience store


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Following on from the school dinners thread...

Anyone have any recommendations for nice food that's easy to make? I have the run of our convenience store to take stuff from - but, as you can imagine, we sell what sells, which is mostly tinned stuff, some vegetables and dried food. We don't have any transport here at the minute and so heading into the main town to stock up isn't an option either - so does anyone have any creative ideas?

Edit : Fresh meat wise, we get in sliced turkey, ham and bacon. Vegetable wise, we get in mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, potatoes, onions and whatever else is available on the day of the order - which varies wildly due to living on an island. We've got a pretty wide selection of tinned stuff though, along with a lot of rice/pasta/spaghetti.

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