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OK, lets start a real feedback thread


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I'll comment on your track if you comment (and I mean REALLY comment) on mine. Feel free to rip away, as long as you have something constructive to say. Posting a one-liner and then expecting me to dissect your song note by note is rather pointless, you get what you give etc.

Only potential problem here is that my work firewall is a bit of a hoor at times and will refuse to download .mp3s from certain sites. However, I'm able to stream from soundclick at the moment if that helps. If I have real problems getting to your mp3 I'm sure I'll be able to download it (slowly) from home. You won't lose out on the return review.

Right, thems the rules. Here's the song:




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Well, I like the song, atmospheric. The use of the unusual keyboard is ok, I dont know if it adds to the song. The song totally changes pace (Im sure you know that).

All in all, its catchy. What stands out is the cool underlying blues riff and the experimental sounds. One minor thing, the first part of the song would sound even more eerie if you added some echo to the vox but hey, Im not all that clued up on recording, as you will witness if you hear my song for this thread.

Its totally different to your music but constructive criticism is always welcome. Go to AUBL Mp3 section and click on Spike Pile Drivers song "Mind the gap" (if you want)



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Classic Simpson... can't fault it, really. I like the guitar rhythm in the first bit, it's a great riff, nice syncopation. The break into the second part is typical of your stuff, on first hearing your brain thinks it's wrong, but the second time it makes complete sense and really sticks. Making bizarre concepts somehow completely recognisable. Floating soup cans? We've all been there...Bravissimo.

We have some rough acoustic demos on Soundclick


I think you also have a CD of them?

Fire away...

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i've never heard any of your music before, but i think this song is a good way to get into it.

i agree with hog on the vocals at the start, a bit of reverb would add to the tone of it, making it a bit spookier/more dramatic. it sounds kinda out of place with the keyboards/echoed guitar going.... its all very radiohead-y. the keyboard riff sounds like its been reversed, its very cool....when the vocals double up it sounds better, but a touch of echo would make it sound really cool..

the tempo change really caught me by surprise, the songs pretty edgy, so it fits in pretty well, adding to the feelings brought to the listener by the following "evil on the way" refrain, like it all comes out of nowhere from the tranquility of the first section....its very radioheady, all the way through it, its fucking good. the random sounds in the background add to it a lot, and the buzzing noises in the background, and the higher/lower backing vocals....the second guitar parts (picking bits?) add to the tune, filling it all up a bit more and giving it a bit more to offer.

in summary, its like something Thom Yorke would write. i dont mean this, or the previous radiohead comparisons with any negativity, its a damn fine piece of solo recording...its like the present era of Radiohead, but not as heavy (would that be the right word?). being a huge radiohead fan, it suits the kind of music i would listen to to chill out to, or if im feeling nervous to calm me down a bit....

if you think what iv said is total horse shit....well, i make no apologies, i do ramble on a bit when reviewing....

we have 2 mp3s online somewhere, ones at Soundclick, and the other is at HUBL in the downloads section, if you wanna give one/both of them a listen and a comment? would be much appreciated, thanks....

i always knew soup was evil....

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I think this thread is an ace idea!

Well, I listened to Noise pollution. I listened to "you or them" . Well its certainly very rocknroll. What stands out? the sleazy bluesy guitar. Drumming is solid and tight. I like the vocalists style although there is something missing, maybe very slightly out of tune? Im not sure. Does it matter? No!!!! This band has a sound which sounds like Blondie meets the darkenss meets GNR etc. The song has attitude.

Just because I also gave Ian Simpson positive feedback doesnt mean I throw it everywhere. If a band is shite I will voice my opinion! I have lucky enough to listen to two very different but talented groups/musicians in a row, which can be quite difficult these days because there is a lot of crap music too!

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thanks very much, hog...its much appreciated.

i havent heard anything by Spike Piledriver, or Element 106, have you got any links to material by them? i know SPD is like Grind-core or something, music that isnt meant to be taken too seriously? (i could be wrong, im pretty misinformed about things) And also that E106 is metal through and through.....

thanks for the review...the cds on sale in OneUp! for 2.....:) you know you want to....lol...

just kidding.


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Nice atmospheric start on acoustic, not too much finger noise yet enough to give it a bit of life. The little synthy/keyboardy part in the background is a confusing little part. I can't decide wether it doesn't fit in at all or wether it manages to add something interesting that transforms the track into something more than just an acoustic tune...I think I am opting for the second as it grows on me. The vocals are great for this song. They compliment the music and vice versa. The ending does the same as that little confusing bit. It transforms the regular acoustic/vocal formula into something alot more interesting.

Recording wise it sounds well polish and professional. The mix is good with parts not intruding on each other. Really enjoyed it. Got a CD?

Fraid I don't have any tracks to let you hear but if this thread is still going when we get round to recording I will certainly put them up.

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Listened to the track a few times, I really like the keyboard loop it reminds me of the kinda sounds you would hear on a Beatles record but it does have a modern DJ Shadow/Radiohead feel as well.

The effect on the accoustic compliments your voice as well, they mix in really well.

I like the bit where the tempo and rhythm changes however a small break before that section would have been my personal choice, but after a few listens I was used to it and seemed natural.

Our band Kobi also has some MP3s on HUBL we have a demo of "Could I Move In With You" in the download section and 2 live tracks from a recent HUBL gig on the main page (Im not very happy with the overall mix of the live tracks but I think it still gives a rough idea of our live performances).

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Guest Neubeatz

Ian, I tried the dload, but it asks me for all sorts of personal details...

thats a major drawback,....X-(

are you getting p4p on this tune?, or are soundclick just paranoid that they have to sue listeners over the new proposed filesharing 10 years in jail law???

Hows that for feedback????

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Blimey - a better response than I expected - especially over the weekend!

Hog - thanks for your feedback. I was so happy when your file was a .wma - no problem downloading them!

Spike Pile Driver - Mind The Gap

Reminds me of those minute-long vignettes that Peel loves to throw into his show and I think this, at 29 seconds, could grab his attention as a segue between tracks. Despite the overall sound being firmly in the lofi camp, the guitar sound is meaty and I love the riff - simple but effective! However when the fast section kicks in it turns to white noise. If this is what you want the track to sound like then you've managed extremely well. How are you managing that? Is someone hissing into an echoed mic to up the distortion of the song? Personally I'd be tempted to up the drum level a bit. The more I listen to it though, the more I like. Got any more tracks like this?

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Suvara - Brass Eye

I love the ticking-clock style intro, is that fret noise? It counters the rising/falling lead guitar and building drums nicely. When the chorus kicks in the harmonies really expand the stereo depth of the track - plus they're in tune! I really like this track - it's the kind of track you wouldn't think twice of popping on to a compilation to drive to a festival in the height of summer. The lyrics stir up some delicious imagery. Mix wise, I'd bring up the levels of the guitars in the chorus - for some reason everything falls a bit flat when listening on headphones. It's like the instrumentation has been squashed into a wall of sound (ie: everything is limited to -6db behind the vocals - this is just a guess btw). Some EQ to separate the instruments from each other might help. In the verse you don't have this problem though. If you still have the separate tracks, bung it into Cool Edit and run the 30-band Graphic Equaliser over each one. I'll try and remember to post a thread on key frequencies (picked it up off the net a few years ago, but the website isn't there anymore) soon.

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Noise Pollution - You Or Them

Crisp, clear production - this track has been well recorded! The instrumentation has a lot going for it - riff is catchy, drums are varied and interesting, the bass gets a bit lost in my headphones behind the mighty guitar - some low-end EQ tweaks would bring the bass out a lot more without audibly affecting the crunch of the guitar. Vocals are clear but drift a little out of tune here and there. For some reason I think the vocals fall flat in the mix, the guitar has more "life" to it and therefore gets the attention - the vocals are very smooth sounding, which doesn't stand a chance against the gritty guitar! This meant I had to listen three or four times to actually hear the lyrics. Not sure how to fix this, maybe reining in the instrumentation a couple of dbs and doubling the vocal track? Or perhaps tweaking the high-end vocal EQ for more presence? Certainly an impressive track though - I hadn't heard anything by you before either. I know quite a few folk at work who would like to listen to this, so I'll pass the word around.

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Tav - thanks for your comments. The keyboard part is there to keep the interest up during the acoustic section. It'll be a while before the new CD is done (as this is only the second finished track) but 'Citizen Awake' is still available in One Up for a bargain 3. (10 tracks) or the same price direct from my website (inc. postage) - there's a sample on www.lofimusic.co.uk (snowfall) if you want to try before you buy...

Let me know when you've got songs recorded and online (or pass me a CD) - you'll get your review! :)

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Guest Neubeatz

Heres the working link to the song for private 56k users...:):):)


OK, I got your page on the soundclick site and found the lofi stream

that didnt ask for the length of my ****

I liked the way in which the song creates a picture in the mind,

The laughter added another dimension to the song, which in your style

is "predictably unpredictable"

Overall 4/5

I think you are wasted in the office Ian and you should be pointing

your talents in a more appropriate direction.

But you know that anyway...

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Hi Kobi - for reasons only known to my work firewall I can't download squat from HUBL in .mp3 format. If you have the song loaded anywhere else let me know and I'll try to grab it at work, otherwise I'll download from home. Might take a while as my modem was made in the stone age, but you'll get a review eventually. :)

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Hey Chris,

downloadcounter.com seems to be unavailable at the moment, so I'm not able to download any of your tracks via your signature links. Got direct links?

"predictably unpredictable" - aw shit, does that mean I need a new angle now? :)

Glad you found a way to avoid the buggers from taking your vital stats. I sold my soul to them a long time ago...

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Guest Neubeatz

Yes Downloadcounter.com is a weird site!!!

I have tunes at IC-Interconnected

The first one at the top of the list might be listenable, Rondo Nuveau, a track I did for college a couple of years ago, but decided it was not good enough for an exam....;)

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Guest Neubeatz

Yes IC is quite "Firewall Sensitive", I have to turn mine down to lo just to post on their message board, but once I'm in, I can turn it back up to high again and it seems to run, I'm using ZoneAlarm, yours must be a "corporate" type, "Administrators only" sort of thing...:)

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Thanks ghost, I agree, the drums should be slightly up in the mix. The second part is supposed to be white noise (the "vocalist" has weird tastes in music) lol.

Spike is quite tongue in cheek, Element is serious metal but we dont have MP3s yet. We will try and get something sorted though


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Kobi - Could I Move In With You

Another one for the festival compilation tape, a pretty promising light rock driving song. The production on this one is a bit rougher and although you say it's a demo the hiss and the guitar mute/scrape at 2:04 needs removing post haste. Hints of the Verve from the vocalist and although he can sing really well and the levels are spot on in the mix, his accent starts to grate after a few listens. The bass bubbles along nicely, and although it's lost in the mix at the moment you do pick up the odd riff - I'd like to hear more of it to be honest. Drums are a bit tinny sounding as the guitar takes up the majority of the EQ range, but with a bit of tweaking they could have more kick. A song with commercial potential, that's for sure - but at the same time it's hooking you it's making you wonder where you've heard it before...

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Data Thieves - Rondo Nuveau

Nerve-inducing synths and steadily growing tension is the order of the day in this track. Everything is deliberate and mathematical. The high pitched "love, love, love" (or is it la, la, la?) sample gives you a chill. As a guide, this is the kind of track you hear in film/game soundtracks just before the hero is ambushed by evil denziens of hell. There's a lovely constant bassline that bounces around the stereo field that probably wouldn't even be noticable if you weren't listening on headphones. A small gripe is that the track cuts sharply at the end, might have been an idea to fade it out instead. It's so well synchronised I'm not surprised the college thought you hadn't played it live. Because it's unsettling, it's probably not the kind of track I'd have as background music to a dinner party, unless I wanted a paranoia-fuelled bloodbath on my hands...

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u able to download from the HUBL now ian? we've got another song on there, would you mind passing judgement on it? Its named Something...

i'll download a random other song of yours from soundclick, or perhaps buy a copy of your cd, it looks quite good, and do a write up on that? i'll see what i can do...

this thread is ace, you should try to become the AUBL's official reviewer type thing Ian....

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