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OK, lets start a real feedback thread


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Originally posted by scottNP:

u able to download from the HUBL now ian? we've got another song on there, would you mind passing judgement on it? Its named Something...

I can only d/l from HUBL at home - next time I'm on the net there I'll grab the track.

i'll download a random other song of yours from soundclick, or perhaps buy a copy of your cd, it looks quite good, and do a write up on that? i'll see what i can do...

That sounds like a fair swap. If you go for soundclick, would you mind casting judgement over Way Down In Burntisland or You Wear My Sweater? The others are old or completely unready for review (My Funny Valentine is just a sketch). I'd love a CD review if you have the time - the more feedback on that the better as far as I'm concerned! :)

this thread is ace, you should try to become the AUBL's official reviewer type thing Ian....

Thanks - used to be involved in a lot of similar threads when mp3.com boards were busy - it does help to get other folk's opinions (hence the reason Frosty and others fought so hard for this forum I guess). As for becoming AUBLs official reviewer - probably not for me, I've got my own site for reviews anyway...


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Yeah not a problem, Ian, i'll download one of them tonight, possibly go get the cd tomorrow and write a speil about that.

Would you write a review of our EP for our website, or for Lofi, ours is on sale in OneUp for 2.

i'll go get your cd tomorrow, should have some kind of writeup within a couple of days, i reckon. i'll try me best, anyways.

cheers dude


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Ian Simpson Citizen Awake


To be honest, before I had read this thread a week or so ago, I had never heard a single song by Ian Simpson. I had seen his profiles on the AUBL and HUBL, and didnt know he was even on Aberdeen-music.com.

When I heard the song Soup, I had become a lot more curious to hear a little more by this man. I took it upon myself to go out and get me a copy of an LP of his, and so I got Citizen Awake from One-Up (after having to ask where the hell it was in the store, I couldnt find it in the local artists bit!), to add my bit to this feedback thread, the first review of a whole CD by a local artist.

The cd's cover is nothing spectacular - neither are most bands in Aberdeen. All it is is a photo of someones garden, and his own logo/album title.

The cd opens with the familiar and assuring chime of bells, A Bottle of red wine in the Park. The bells cease as suddenly as they had started, and were thrown into a very The Bends-esque melodic rock ditty. The varied mixture of guitar riffs, along with Ians distinctive voice, takes the listener into a slightly edgy world this opening song, despite its relatively cheerful sounding opening bells, brought me through several senses while listening first a feeling of optimism, the opening part is really rather optimistic sounding, a song about friendship possibly? (Im not good at picking up lyrics really, you could shed some light on this yourself Ian?) When he sings And then the phone rang. at the opening of the chorus, the song comes to life. Backing vocals come out of nowhere, it sounds like Thom Yorke himself is singing, no mean feat, amazing vocal work. The low-end keyboard/vocals (?) at the.never saw each other again. refrain give the feeling that this song is building up, and is about to explode but alas, Ian sticks to his guns, and a poignant and surprising finale ensues. (is that an xylophone at the end of that song?)

The second track, "April in Amsterdam" reminds me a lot of 2+2=5 by Radiohead at the start, looped drums, and a simple yet effective guitar arpeggio making for a strangely calm, level headed intro but then the arpeggios stop, and the chords are being strummed. It keeps going like this, then I was really taken aback here a guitar solo!! And an effective one at that. Just as suddenly were greeted with an airport announcement, and the sound of a fairground being looped backwards. Abrupt ending! He knows how to keep the listener interested. Predictably unpredictable indeed!

The third track, "Change from 3 Points of View" opens with a very Bono-esque vocal. Keeping low key, long lines and the strangest of strange synth noises in the background, its an unusual opening to a song. It then calms down and fluctuates into a good chilling rock song. He has a knack of creating good vocal refrains that stick in your head, well, mine anyway.

Track four is Ians answer to Fitter Happier by Radiohead, a collection of totally random things, a childish synth hook, and looped drums, along with his own ramblings over the top. "Spot the difference".his vocals remind me of Ewan McGregor's bit at the end of Trainspotting, he isnt singing here. Very weird...

"Wintersong" is possibly the most accessible song on the CD. The distorted drums, and simple yet emotional single riff being twisted by some wicked effect makes me think of things I miss, its a real emotional song. Its basically an instrumental, with Ian muttering warnings of someone who has gone missing in the snow. It halts abruptly in the middle of its build, its a Winter song, its Meant to be cold! as Ian, well, coldly puts it. When it restarts it sounds like a different song Queen-style keyboard in the background, building itself up to a distorted, messy grave. Much like the coolest effect in the world used at the end of Karma Police.

Far Off Cry is first song on this cd with a definite bassline, a double bass slowly plucking impending doom out of the equally doomed sound of the guitar/vocals. Its fantastic usage of his instruments. The thing I notice about all of Ians songs is the sudden changes in the middle of them this one has some kind of news report in the middle of it, followed by a short chant of Quick!! (tribute to a favoured local band possibly?) and the most unsettling bout of guitar playing Ive ever heard, its extreme and original use of an instrument not suited to noise like this. It sounds like a part in a horror movie soundtrack when the monster is chasing you

.This theme carries into the intro of the next song, "Snowfall", which makes me feel the same way. Very unsettling, then it calms down, becoming a song the Foo Fighters would be proud of although I must say the guitar playing here reminds me of Everlong a little .it doesnt detract from the song. "Snowfall" is another very accessible song on the cd; its a typical rock song, with drums and all. Theres not much thats out of the ordinary here. An accordion solo adds to the song, along with some distorted humming, possibly a kazoo, and the best vocal part in the album, reverb-ed to oblivion, a distant soul singing a poignant chorus. The keyboard and bass combo at the songs tail end give the song its possibly theme - like the passage from pain to peace.

This next song, Why I Ran in Fear of My Life initially scared the shit out of me; its a very very VERY potent mix of Spanish-style guitar, a cello, and random drum noises in the background. Its fucking scary. Its got a very international feel to it, the accordion riff swings us from Spain to Italy, and then back to home with some Coral-style old fashioned playing, the first time it appears on the cd. The accordion reappears; this song definitely has some kind of European inspiration. Brilliantly written. Id say this is actually the best song on the album.

Still two more to go I wasnt sure at this point if I wanted it to end. Track 9, "Tall Oak", isnt a song. Its a lecture on the fears of the death of trees, and how Ian wants to prove to scientists a point, involving a big tree which he intends to drop on them.

Time for the finale I was expecting nothing less than a big ending to such an epic cd. With a name like Its a Beautiful World, I would imagine something inspiring. I wasnt wrong. It is a perfect mix of a huge number of influences, while keeping Ians distinctive vocal and instrumental style. The song finished too quickly for my liking, unfortunately.

Id imagine Ian knows as well as anyone hes a very talented artist in a genre which essentially died a long time ago, and hes trying to breathe new life into such an exhausted area of music. The solo acoustic ballad is nothing original but what Ian has done to it, mixed it with elements of dance, rock, blues, and capping it with his own trademark random predictably unpredictable moments, has made it more original, made this style of music his own. It has moved me to compare his songs to such great pieces of work by artists like Radiohead, U2, and more dance related bands like UNKLE, etc, and his vocal talents to masters like Thom Yorke, Chris Martin, and Bono. He has a great singing voice which easily outdoes any other local vocalist (sorry guys, but he does) and an instrumental style, which he keeps to his own strengths and plays whatever instrument he wants in a song, and however he wants to play. This is a trait I respect.

All together, a job well done Ian

Best tracks Snowfall, Why I Ran in Fear of My Life, A Bottle of Red Wine in The Park.

Sorry if you think the review is shit! Im not great on huge reviews

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Originally posted by scottNP:

Ian Simpson Citizen Awake





Sorry if you think the review is shit! Im not great on huge reviews

That's an excellent review, made me want to listen to Mr S again.

Just for a laugh, check out what I did to 'Why I Ran' while arsing about with Soundforge...

Click on 'Scarper!'...

Yes, I have apologised to Ian...

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Frosty Jack, thats a very obscure tune. Well, when I say obscure Im referring to what is going on in the background. Its quite chaotic which IMHO works very well apart from a few parts that dont seem to gel together i.e sounds like 2 different songs being played at the the same time.

The vocal harmony is very catchy, mmmm, its a strange one. I need to listen to it a few times but I reckon its a grower. To be honest I can see myself loving this song once I have got my head round it!

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Originally posted by scottNP:

... so I got Citizen Awake from One-Up (after having to ask where the hell it was in the store, I couldnt find it in the local artists bit!)...

So where is it? I've had a few folk tell me they couldn't find the CD recently... weird that it's not in the local section (but then I do live in Bridge Of Don, perhaps that's international? :D)

The cd's cover is nothing spectacular - neither are most bands in Aberdeen. All it is is a photo of someones garden, and his own logo/album title.

You're just about right, deliberately lofi taken with a low res digital camera, its of the church opposite Aberdeen Uni on King St. But I'll pay more attention to the presentation next time...

You've put a lot of thought and work into this review - I'm honestly touched! In sort of answer to your question of what the songs are about (in order): missed opportunity, blind tourists, change, crime, paranoia, disasters (and how the us don't have the monopoly on falling buildings), ghosts, misunderstandings, mother nature & being generally positive. shit, i'm a slightly warped hippy! :D

as for the instruments you quote in the review - it's all down to post processing jiggerypokery. i don't even have a bass guitar, let alone a double bass (just an acoustic and a damn good time/pitch shifter).

far off cry - chant is 'dig' (although with the reverb and EQ it does sound like quick, well spotted). my favourite local band fluctuates between saint maybe, hookers green#1, masamune and now orwell.

if you liked tall oak, then listen to ivor cutler - he's on a different level. amazing.

Haven't really heard much of UNKLE, so might have to give them a listen... hoping to pick up your EP over the weekend, I don't think I can say thanks enough for taking the time to buy the CD and review! It's going on lofi this very morn!

Off to deflate a rather large head. Carry on.

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i'm glad you liked the review, man...i wasnt sure how you would take it! i might put that review up on HUBL aswell, if thats alright?

you'll probably have to ask where our cd is too, i couldnt find it! if its sold out (for some reason i dont think it will be) get in touch and i'll have one sent to you....

thanks for putting it on Lofi, man. i appreciate it.

bring on our review!

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thats a good idea, swapping reviews.

it means many good things for the local scene: -

1) Cd sales, which ultimately are the rise and fall of any band.

2) i would bet if i hadnt spoke to you on here Ian, you wouldnt know who Noise Pollution were - its always good for more people to discover your music, something i feel is lacking in Aberdeen, where everyone supports bands like Hot Mangu and Alyssas Wish. Its good to get some coverage.

3) other people can join in aswell, see what the fuss is about a cd, or rediscover them - ie Frosty saying my review made him want to listen to your music again.

its all good!

if you're interested Ian, we're playin KEF on friday next week, come along if you want, see the live spectacle?:band: lol.......live reviews are also another thing worth posting for the reasons above.:dunce:

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indeed, if more folk used this forum they'd notice the amount of diverse and interesting things other bands are doing. they may even find a band they like better than the ones who get the main coverage on this site... well, maybe.

and i agree with you on point (2) - although i check out AUBL and HUBL from time to time to see if there are any new bands on the go, because i can't download as much at work as i used to i'm losing touch.

do you know when you're on at KEF? i'm not the best at getting to gigs, but i've been to more this year than in the whole of 2003 - mostly on a whim, so there's a good chance...

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Guest Neubeatz

Ian, that review of Rondo Nuveau is fantastic!!! I told you that your talents are wasted in the office!!!

Hog, flattery will get you everywhere....:), Data Thieves arent as good live as Spike :)

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Originally posted by hog dev fucker:

Frosty Jack, thats a very obscure tune. Well, when I say obscure Im referring to what is going on in the background. Its quite chaotic which IMHO works very well apart from a few parts that dont seem to gel together i.e sounds like 2 different songs being played at the the same time.

The vocal harmony is very catchy, mmmm, its a strange one. I need to listen to it a few times but I reckon its a grower. To be honest I can see myself loving this song once I have got my head round it!

Cool, considering it was just me farting about one evening the first time I got Fruityloops from Mr S (:up: ) - It's meant to represent my memory of an evening spent drinking wine and listening to Citizen Awake. I just grabbed all the sounds occurring naturally during the evening - Sinead O Connor talking about Prince on tv, Sam Brown singing on Jools Holland's show, the piano from Sunshine on Leith by the Proclaimers, and Larry Adler playing Gershwin. The vocal harmony is the dual vocal talents of the girls from Suvara - more here - I just distilled this all down into one song along with a drumbeat I'd been practising during that day. It's a glimpse into what my head sounded like as I drifted off to sleep. I know some of it doesn't quite work properly, but neither does my head...

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Originally posted by ghost:

Scott - 8pm is probably alright for a pipenslippers case. Your chances of me attending have increased!

Chris - No probs. Glad you like it.

First bands normally on at 7.30. Don't forget to change out of your slippers before running for the bus.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest stuartmaxwell

ian simpson-citizen awake

a bottle of...-starts off with chymes and ians quiet, well toned voice, the guitar sounds lovely here, a moody riff that meanders along, stopping, starting and building up. there is some great production work here, a nice blend iof vocal harmonies

april in amsterdam-intro with a simple yet sultry guitar line, with a drum/percussion backing that manages to get away with sounding tacky as i guess it supposed to be. the guitar line is backed with what sounds like keys but im not sure. my only prob here is the volume seems to increase throughout the whole song, its a bit uneven.

change from 3 points of view, one of my fav tracks on the album here, the intro is awesome, drums/synthtone thing going on, great melody as it chugs along, the song stops into ian and his fingers, only to build back into the main song, i adore this, this reminds me of something but i cant put my finger on it

spot the difference-this is an electronically driven song, where ian recites a poem(?), there is some minor synth in the back ground, with a nice loop (perhaps a bit repetitive), again the mix is pretty poor, but it doesnt stop the sog being great. its ian experimenting, i see some genious here

wintersong-again a fav of mine of the album, there is a drum loop and a slow acoustic line that makes me think of looking over the edge of a cliff. the riff progresses on and becomes a bit moodier with a dark edge, but still being open to thought. the outro on this song is amazing, its an ascending guitar line to die for, the bass is wearing the trousers to begin with but the guitar takes over very soon after. i love this part, i wish i had coined it, it riff reminds me of mark knophlers first alum "screenplaying"

far off cry, this is a sad song that is desperate to hold onto what it has lost. the vocals are dingy, and creates an impression that the subject is completely isolated and downtrodden. a sample comes in of a news report, followed by a sharp bassline and drity guitar riff stuck in the background. it really could do with going somewhere though, as it kinda drfits into nothing.

snowfall-my fav song on the album, it starts of with a very simple guitar line follwed by keyboard, it builds up into a marvellous riff with accompanying drums, lovely reverb on ian's oxy vocals, bit of mouthy in there to. this song works so well, the bass line is simple but compliments the guitar so well, the song descends into great guitar line and a kazoo(?), the breakdown fits perfectly into the song. when the bass line comes back in i expect it to go back to the song but it doesnt, ian always seems to be one step ahead

why i ran in fear of my life-it has a mediteranaen feel to it, drifting from spain to france to italy. i think needs to be played on a classical guitar though. there is accordion running along here too. "a metallic object in the mans right hand" declares ian, we have sole accordion here, then back into a verse and chours outro. i think the vocals are slightly whiney here though.

tall oak-this is ians hypothesis on trees and the balance of nature. i think this effort should have been the last track on the album, or a hidden track

its a beautiful world-this is a sublime song, its about a drink fuelled theory about life being great. the outro is amazing here, i see shane mcgowan stotetring along the road whistling those whistles

all in all i love this album, its concise, clear, it has well written songs, it experiments and dablles with all forms of music. ian manages to capture a quirky sound yet still conveying sadness too. The song structures are excellent and simplistic, he really does have a huge talent. Snowfall is an amazing song, you really do have to hear it.

i think the production could be a bit better, i know its lo-fi but the volumes are different between tracks, and some of the effects could do with having the trebl taken off. Ians vocals sometimes drift off tune a bit, but nothing major.

the sooner this man gets a band the better!!

i love this. you will too



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