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Seeking Flatmate for july Onwards


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Here's the scenario -

My lease runs out on June 31st. I would stay again but I'm not happy living with strangers/messy bastards/lazy cunts again. Actually, I don't mind if you're lazy, just as long as you keep kitchen/living room areas tidy too then we're fine. The rent per week has gone up to 74.99....which is stupid for student accomodation...

So I'm looking for a two/three bedroom flat somewhere near (5-10 mins walk) from Aberdeen Uni, but i need other people to be interested. It's a bit of a stretch but if anyone is interested, here's a bit about me -

I'm 19, I'll be 20 in Summer....my parents pitch in with my rent so it's always on time. I'm tidy, pretty laid back but i'm not wanting parties around the clock. No noise and all that. I'm fed up with student accomodation for that exact reason, too much fucking noise when i'm trying to sleep for work/uni the next day. But I like a party every now and again.

So, anyone interested.....PM.

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