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Moon Moon

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Everything posted by Moon Moon

  1. It's a great guitar, the neck plays really well and it sounds great. Heavy as hell though! My only gripe is that the bridge pickup sounds pretty lame, so that would be the only thing I would upgrade. Any suggestions? I'd be happy to fire in some kind of high output pickup, to really make my biddly boos punch people in the face. how muh did it cost you? Also mojo pickups are great and can be custom done. Tad expensive though.
  2. Nah basically the boss was in a bad mood and when I was packing he had something bad to say about everything. First he moaned the bag wasn't tied in the middle (which is ridiculous) then moaned the back was too heavy and would break. He then proceeded to empty the full bag I packed of 12 boxes to put it in 2 when he could've doubled it with 2 bags. In the end I stepped away and let him do it as everything I did he moaned. I stepped away and talked to one of the drivers. He then shouted at me to come pack the back again and I politely asked him not to shout at me. He then just told me to go home. What a dick!
  3. I'm still 15 therefore can only do 8 hours a week legally. Ohwell, HSE women hates coming as the chef chats her up.
  4. ill happily work a day at the music hall, seems like fun. Yeah laws forbid that I work past ten and do a certain number of hours a week, I think I'll be doing about 60 hours a week
  5. means working 6 days a week 4 till midnight if not later. Hard work but the outcome will definately be worth it. Only thing is it will be hard to find a 66 mustang in white.
  6. no need for such ugliness to go on a pretty guitar. Would just completely devaluate the guitar.
  7. your a bassist. What do you know.
  8. potentially. Not exactly the most trusting guy, they were vintage speakers most definately.
  9. i don't use the trem at all, it's way to loose so every time I rest my hand on the bridge it goes out of tune.
  10. yeah once I get money a black one will be going on. What they have on them. Don't know why the guy changed it.
  11. The frontman, got a new amp coming so no need for two. The guitar itself is beautiful but needed a clean. It's in ii music currently getting set up with 11s and the trem blocked and it all cleaned up. Really can't wait to get it back.
  12. cost me an amp and that customised acoustic. Personally I think it's ugly with 4 pickups and with the white pick guard
  13. I'm definately changing it at one point to just standard SSS once I get the cash as I don't like humbuckers on a strat. Eyeing up mojo pickups again but I'm skint.
  14. I'm slowly getting used to the body, the scalloping I don't understand either.
  15. it is a bit too "metalish" for my liking pickup wise, probably put it back to 3 singles and change the pick guard back to black also
  16. it already has a humbucker pre installed, it's a lovely guitar though.
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