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Everything posted by SooperKeef

  1. Hey peeps, we just made a promo vid for youtube Links soon
  2. Stefan0502 (mate of mine) says he would swap an 8GB nano for it
  3. but theyre the only ones closest n when i dont have money i have to walk everywhere....
  4. agreed, and the bank machines that take money for using them....when you have 20 quid to take out and you only have 20 quid thats a bastard...
  5. i think that was stefans parents he was getting a lift after it
  6. pfft....as i say im not good at drums
  7. Bass isnt a real instrument.....
  8. Bill&Teds Bogus Journey Just....Awesome
  9. did anyone see a guy in a blue jumper??
  10. none o my shit got nicked dunno how.....
  11. ?? dont understand that joke im afraid but an update: our next gig is on 15th of may
  12. lol im gonna be buying new cymbals soon, (hopefully) Comfy ones.
  13. Afraid not mate, i think we are going to stay with our current 4-man band
  14. update: gig on 15th of may is agree'd to be going ahead nother 25 min setlist, moar songs will be added and written.
  15. Dragonforce.....running with that on makes you go miles in seconds.....
  16. lol i seen the end of the game.....canna mind what happened though
  17. Nae bad recordin, shame that you can barely hear anything though shudda brought deyzers laptop n recorded the whole gig audio
  18. yeah we practised our setlist alot in the 3 weeks before the gig (we learnt sliver about 4 days ago)
  19. nyah the snare was a shitty small snare from my house gonna get a new one soon, but first Cymbals
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