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Posts posted by Gooch_Taylor

  1. I know this, but I don't know the proper title of the film. THX something something.

    Mine is pretty easy, but I like the quote:

    "Oh, it's a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol."

    Airplane? Problem is, I haven't seen it and I'm still positive that's what it's from...

    Here's mine from a film I watched every day for nearly two weeks when we were too hungover to change the disc and had shit reception - "All I want is to develop my herb in a real lab and get some head while I'm doin it"

  2. The best bit was moving and, as I unpacked my extensive collection, coming across films I hadn't watched in fucking ages, sitting down to watch them, only to discover that the disc was still in my brother's room back at my folks'.

    Only really wanted to watch A-Team again cause the missus wanted to watch it as well, so we watched it in the living room, where my PS3 and HD TV isn't, so I was robbed of the extended cut that's ONLY on the blu-ray. As for Inception - I watched about half of it on the normal TV and the other on the HD one. I want the whole thing in glorious HD damnit!

  3. Rules of the game - post a movie quote (no silly one's like "Good morning!" or "How are you?") Next person has to identify what film it's from, if possible with actor and/or character's name. That person can then post their own, or leave it for the next person to complete.

    To start things off - "King Kong ain't got shit on me!"

  4. Alien

    Brilliant in every way. Full of genuine suspense and horror. Strangely I thought I'd seen it before but it turns out I hadn't. Wish I'd watched this years ago now.

    The only gripe I have about the Alien films is the following: the fact that they try to move from the first film being a suspense horror thriller, to the second being a lot more actioney, to the third being a suspense thriller again. It doesn't work.

    First film - suspenseful, having a real sense of claustrophobia in places and the ever effective fear of the unknown because you don't really know what it is if you've never seen one of the films. Second film - one of two logical routes for a sequel, the action route. Still some brilliant suspensful moments with some awesome action segments. Third film - this is where it falls down, by trying to go back to the series routes by failing pitifully at recreating the fear of not knowing what it is. Fair enough, the alien is slightly different, but you know what it is already, just get to the point. Fourth film - cash in, so I won't get started.

    Having ranted, I still love them all to a point, but the first two are by far the best of the lot.

  5. I watched 'Hitman' on film 4 the other night.

    Not really my kind of film and the storyline was ropey but there aint much else to do offshore in the evening.

    I'm not touching that one - do it yourself instead! ;)

    (I hate myself for that one too...)

  6. Working twenty and a half hours this weekend, getting home and deciding I'm finally gonna watch the extended cut of A-Team or watch Inception again since I watched it in bits last time, then finding out that both Blu-rays have vanished and appear to have left the flat of their own accord.

    Also, idiots who argue with me that their card which expired TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO is still valid to get in for a swim. Cunts.

  7. the mention of the snes has spurred another pet hate...

    People on ebay, that say "41 snes games!" you go into it, and all of them are on floppy, to be used with that thing (cant remember what its called..) that enables you to play copied snes games.

    You mean you have to download an emulator and actually have a floppy drive? Downloaded an emulator once on my parents' PC and played Pokemon. It was shit.

  8. Got my dad a 4 T-shirt in Asda saying "I donated my hair to medical science" that I was quite proud of. As bad as this is, I also love my olive-green T-shirt with "Hungover" followed by a dictionary-type definition down the front of it. That shirt lives in a crumpled mess just to add to the effect of when I wear it, lounging lazily in a smelly heap on the sofa.

    Saw a fat bird wearing one with "stop looking at my tits" written across her chest - the only time anyone ever would is to read that sentence...

  9. Predators - watched it at the cinema but missed the first ten mins due to the missus finishing late at work, some cock sitting in my chair then knocking my hotdog flying when I decided to just go by them and sit in the nearby chairs since the film had already started. Now that I've seen the whole thing, I feel I can pass judgement. Enjoyed it on the whole, but Topher Grace is incredibly annoying pretty much every moment he's on screen. If they insisted on having that character, why not have someone like Steve Buscemi do it? He'd have done it much better, even if trying to play it the same way.

  10. Well her uterus probably fell back with Saigon, so not much chance she's the one carrying their love-child.

    Think I read that it was her son who was one of the first to launch a failed action against Trump and how he had raised this action but allowed her to helm it because he was likely to have it thrown out because of his previous failed bid. In effect, he has ruined his mother's life.

  11. Oh yeah - the board games thing - I've still got the original Atmosphere, the fourth add-on (vampire one), the Harbingers version of Atmosphere with the Soul Rangers add-on and the Star Trek video board game. My parents were obsessed with giving us video board games as an extra "present between you all" at christmas for a few years.

  12. Devildriver tomorrow :-) aah cant wait!

    I second the ace-icness of this.

    Also, Ritchies in Inverurie was always good for butteries, but haven't been there for ages so standards MAY have declined by now. Karl's Kitchen is bad-ass though!

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