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Everything posted by MichaelCRobertson

  1. cheers man! i'll do my best to get the cash asap!
  2. i really have no idea haha, trying to sieve off some of my gear to fund it haha also waiting for student loan to sort it's self out! but ummmm..... should be able to get it before the end of april?
  3. im currently have 100 raised towards buying it! if its not gone when i have the money i will defo have it!
  4. ouch, luckily for me, im a student, so my loans pay for everything haha! i love them, really sturdy things, despite looking like toys. the lipstick pickups are great, as close to the old ones as you could get without them actually being the old ones! the only problem i had was the terrible factory set up, but thats easy sorted! and considering i paid 169 for the guitar and 189 for the baritone they are a definate bargain!
  5. that is a beaut! may i ask what the reason for sale is? i can understand why you would want to! i have 2 of the newer 2 pick up versions of this guitar, one baritone, and they're just amazing things!
  6. yeah thats why i wouldn't be wanting another big aine just so god damn awkward could you get the measurements for me, the guitar im planning on putting it is sort of like a jaguar, so its a bit longer than a strat but no wider cheers
  7. i'll get in touch at the end of next week if im interested (Y) just waiting for my god damn student loan, and money owed for an old amp i've shifted cheers
  8. oh wait you'd sell the smart gate! haha nah, not at 70 sorry my bad
  9. BOSS NS-2 NS2 NOISE GATE SUPPRESSOR EFFECTS PEDAL on eBay (end time 15-Apr-10 15:20:15 BST) can get them brand spankin' new for 65
  10. anyone got any working noise gates? preferably boss NS-2s condition is not important, as long as they still work will also consider removing any MXR smart gates from you if you dont want them thanks a bunch guys!
  11. so it's sort of strat/les paul sized? i've got a case that looks the same to fit my rickenbacker 330, but its MASSIVE and a hassle, so if its a big aine i will not be wanting it
  12. noise gate prison.... i very much like the sound of that! haha i think im just going to stalk ebay for a bit and try get myself 2 NS-2s and see where i can squeeze them in thanks for all the advise guys!
  13. i've tried load of power supplies and i've got a nice quiet one, also a 2.99 job haha. so with the NS-2 i can run it in line with my distortion pedals and stick my chorus and delays and such in the loop? that sounds pretty handy! im considering getting more overdrive/distortion pedals so i can do that cheers for the help
  14. i'm using a rickenbacker 330, which is single coils, and i dont really want to use a different guitar, but i'll try it out with a guitar using humbuckers and see whats what
  15. i've been fiddling with pedal order and what not trying to get a good sound, i've got it sussed now, but noise is a fair problem! at the moment im going guitar > original crybaby > MXR jimi hendrix octave fuzz > marshall jackhammer > amp FX send > Boss CE5 > Boss DD2 > wholenote DL-8 > Danelectro flange > EHX Small stone > FX return i've been told running the pedals in the FX loop off a different power supply will help, but my main problem is when having the jackhammer on, i dont have the gain past mid way, but its still making a god awful noise. and i use the octave fuzz with the fuzz right down because it sounds better just in line with the distortion, however this adds too the noise, despite there being no extra fuzz or gain on it. and! the 2nd overdrive on my amp, marshall AVT150H, with the gain at 3 hums horribly aswell! any ideas? noise gate my best bet?
  16. is it tweed? and what shape of guitar is it made for?
  17. cant pick it up im afraid, but will happily collect it next time you are in the city?
  18. COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! thanking you muchly!
  19. i take it my offer for the two pedals was unsatisfactory? 55?
  20. 50 for the small stone and CE5?
  21. i'll have the ds1 and the artec overdrive if they are availible?
  22. i've done some research, and im interested, but whats the lowest price you would let it go for?
  23. Someone has got to make an offer on some of this stuff!? its just gathering dust due to unnecessary upgrades!
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