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Posts posted by Tooms

  1. I have a friend selling a Fender telecaster.

    It's a dark "sparkly" blue colour. Will post pictures up soon but I just wanted to gauge interest (if any) first. In good condition (will upgrade to very good condition if i can remove the sticker that is on the back of it!)

    Bought a year ago for 350.

    Looking for a quick sale, will sell for 150.

    No room for haggle/negotiation.


    Reply or PM if interested.

  2. While I don't agree with what you say I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

    Personally I disagree, I just don't see it. Granted I admit it has been a few years since I heard the cookie monster speak and maybe he has a new voice actor these days? Who knows, but from my memory Ben's vocals sound nothing like the cookie monster. At all.

  3. at the end of the day it's all just personal opinion, so think we can just agree to disagree on this one.

    It's lucky Ben is banned - he'd probably just reply with "you're a pathetic drug dealer/your band has done nothing/you could only dream of getting my sloppy seconds... etc".

    Thankfully though, he is banned so he can't respond to any of your late in the day pot-stirring.

    or not.


  4. you say that.

    at the end of the day it's all just personal opinion, so think we can just agree to disagree on this one.

    however I would say that I don't think ben's vocals fall under a "cookie monster style". Now, whatever style they do fall under you're welcome to not like them. But to characterise and judge them incorrectly is just annoying really. (not aimed at Milner, who posted most recently)

  5. the person buying the ticket has pulled out 3 days before the show...isn't that nice?

    i now have one Enter Shikari ticket to sell for Dundee on the 20th October.

    Will sell for ticket price 16. (i.e not adding the online booking/delivery charge I paid)

    if you want it call my mobile as i may not be online much, it's 07884194747

  6. Nick Weapon is based out in Banchory. Has his own small house/studio where bands can stay and record at the leisure without the pressures of an hourly rate.

    that's where the advantage of a per song rate really comes in! If you want 4 songs done, you know you're gonna pay xxx. Because some songs may have a lot of extra hours work that most bands won't/don't appreciate! I would highly recommend Nick. As well as the bands i've already mentioned he also engineered (not produced) the latest Jonny Truant album when he was down in london helping out WellerHill. He has some great experience and is turning into a really good engineer/producer.

    If you're interested i'd recommended getting in touch with some of the bands he's worked with or him himself. His myspace page is NSProductions.

    Also, as for getting a good live drum sound - arsed. although yes it's good, you can give the kit that roomy sound without having to pay over the odds for a decent live room.

    personally i think you should go one of two ways, either have a very good room for your recordings. OR just close mic in a dead room, and add any effects post production. I prefer the latter because although in one instance it won't give the best LIVE sound, you would want a different room for drums, than you would guitars, then you would vocals. OR have a VERY good room like a professional studio would have. But lets face it, using sound treatment on the walls and then adding any reverb you may want post production is FAR cheaper.

    edit: i've seen no studios in Aberdeen area with what i would call a profesisonally built studio room. (isolated floor, asymetric walls etc)

  7. the mill was pretty good, but havent been in years, no idea what sort of equipment he uses now.

    my question here would be what sort of production quality are you looking for?

    Nick Scholey from weapon is really good (granted I'm biased, as he's my friend, but that doesn't make him any less good! lol)

    Check out: the latest enrapture recordings, there is a new flood of red demo up that he did (but that is just a spec mix, probably could have made it sound better), and check out ASD stuff and the older Set Light Our Kingdom songs. All of those bands have myspace pages, and although he has specialised in that sort of music (metal/screamo) I know he'd be keen to branch out and do anything really.

    But again, depends what you're after. If you want to just do a couple of takes of a song live, then yeah go to captain tom's I'd say. If you want something that sounds shit hot I'd go to nick any day of the week.

  8. my freeview (live just off urquarht road) went tits up a few days ago now.

    you don't know what you've lost, until you can no longer watch DAVE in bed (the TV channel! no gay jokes please! lol)!

    a bunch of other ones dont work anymore eiter, Film4, Fiver and FiveUS, etc etc...


  9. I have one ticket (but could probably source a second!) to ENTER SHIKARI at Fat Sams in Dundee on October 20th

    The reason i have to sell is because we have been confirmed to play a gig that day so obv. playing a gig trumps going to a gig.

    Gutted though because they are being supported by the awesome FELL SILENT!!

    The reason i could probably get a second if you wanted is because our singer also has a ticket. But we are not strictly "selling together". but if you're after 2 it can probably be arranged.

    Ticket price was 16 but bought for 20. (2.50 booking charge and 1.50 delivery)

    I will sell for 16. Not looking to make a profit here. Will be a good gig I am sure.

    PM or reply if you want it.

  10. i totally would but it would make getting to dyce for work that little bit harder.

    I either go first thing (7) or late (9) then finish early or late (half4 or half 6).

    traffic is never a problem at those times.

    but if you don't have flexi time, and need to be there at say, half 8, yeah it's a total c*nt!

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