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Posts posted by Tooms

  1. tooms, i might sell the sansamp, if i got the right price. because my amp is better than any emulator pedal ever will be.


    What nick is it in? Actually, instead of me having to guess a price - why don't you just name a price you're willing to let it leave at at and I'll see if it's right?


  2. Just thought I'd post this in here:

    I have just bought a Line 6 PODxt to track guitars with. (Along with signal splitter cable so that I can DI the signal then use for re-amping at a later date if I so wish.) Looking forward to tracking some guitars this weekend!!

  3. I have a Marshall AVT150 to sell in good condition. Guitarist upgrading his amp and needs some additional funds so selling his old head. Has been gigged and toured quite a lot. But still in good nick.

    I am also looking ot buy the following:

    Boss NS-2 Noise Supressor

    Boss TU-2 Tuner Pedal

    Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer

    - any one selling one of these?

  4. Well the reason mesa's etc sound so much better is due to the quality of wood etc to build the cab. The resonance of woods differ, and therefore alter tone significantly. I think marshall cabs are made of plywood whereas mesas are a more expensive and dense wood - and therefore fucking heavy. You'd probably be better trying to stick a V30 in a cheaper cab than make your own from scratch to be honest... but I'm not a total expert on the subject.

    yeah just been spending the last hour at work (not working) and reading about speaker cabinet construction. Think I've got my head round most of the calcs, although they're all freely available online anyway. I may just start a little project.

    But yes I take your point that it is not just the driver that makes the cabinet good, but everything from construction materials to dimensions.

    some interesting info here though for anyone who is interested.

    ...and that photo is awesome! :-)

  5. aw well that's nice to know. :-)

    I quit/left the aberdeen-music forums all those years ago just cos it turned into basically a bunch of people who didn't actually play any instrument, bitching about how bad they thought other people were. Got pretty annoying!

    I think i'm going to stick to the confines of the Musician's Corner! Ha!

  6. yes yes, you have "THE TONE QUEST" guitar rig. shut up.

    Oh Dan was gonna ask, as a cheaper way to get a very good (mic'd) guitar tone. Do you reckon it'd be worth buying a single (or two) Celestion V-30(s)? You can get them on their own for like 40/50!!

    Then obv. need some cab cloth (got that) and then build a make shift cabinet to house it??

    I'm thinking about recording wise here - without having to go out and buy a Mesa or Orange cab or something. And it'd live in a tone cupboard. (i'm building a vocal booth/tone cupboard soon)

  7. Your Fears...it says so right there

    <--- *points left*

    **cue 'verbal' abuse from elitist anti-metal/hardcore forumers**

    The band on that date that we're supporting are called Eternal Lord. But Enrapture are playing too who I think are currently Aberdeen's best metalcore band.

  8. haha. I know. Poor spelling really grinds my gears! :-p

    But you're all spot on about the differences between DAWs being very small.

    It's all about the person behind it really, then the musician, then the gear/hardware... and only then does the software come into play!!


    who's bass did you rinse??

  9. Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray V HH > Mesa Boogie Bass 400+ > Ampeg 8x10 AV Cab

    And thats it.

    Other stuff I have sitting around are Boss Metalzone, Tech 21 Sansamp TriAmp Bass Pre, Squier Affinity P-Bass

    does "sitting around" imply that you might be selling your sansamp?????

    *he asks, on a prayer*

  10. what does the trigger do tooms? does it switch between your bass drum sound to a different sound on the dtexpress or something?

    the Trigger is just attached to the skin of the bass drum and detects whenever you hit the bass drum. This then triggers a "sampled" kick drum sound via the drum module and is sent to the desk.

    - Although I don't use total replacement, i always have the kick mic'd up as well. Then usually blend it out front 70/30 ish in favour of the trigger.

    The mic gives you the low end punch and the trigger gives you the high end attack to really cut through the live mix. I have/like a really clicky trigger which you just cant get through a normal mic.

    EVEN when you EQ the fuck out of it through the desk. You may get a decent single kick tone through the mic, but it sounds different when you're playing fast double kick. Not to mention it still doesnt really cut through very well when sat in the mix.

    For a live demonstartion check out my gig at drummonds on August 4th!! lol

    /end shameless plug.

  11. Drum gear:

    Mapex Pro-M Drum Kit (5 piece with 10", 12", 14" Toms)

    Yamaha DFP-9410 pedals (those are the direct drive ones)

    Cymbals: 14" Hats - Sabian Pro Sonix, 17" Crash - Sabian Hand Hammered, 18" Crash - Zildjian Z-Custom, 19" Crash - Sabian Hand Hammered, 20" Ride - Sabian Pro Sonix, 20" China - Paiste.

    Yamaha DTXpressIII electric drum kit used live for my DDRUM bass drum trigger


    Studio gear:

    PC (XP) running Pro Tools 7.3.1

    M-Audio ProjectMix I/O (audio interface / motorised control surface)

    ESI nEar08 EXperience speakers (Pair)

    TAPCO S5 speakers (Pair)

    Roland SH-201 Synthesizer

  12. ProTools 7.4 is Vista acompatible.

    Only been recently released and I couldn't wait that long when i was getting my gear (back end of last year) so I'm running ProTools 7.3 with XP. I may upgrade to 7.4 soon though. Can't decide.

    HUW, have you tried just plugging your bass straight into your interface via a sansamp? You can get some very very good tones that way.

    Next time I record bass I'll do the same again (sansamp) but then run it through my SVT4 Pro plugin to see if i can make it even sweeter.

  13. ooop, good shout!! yeah sorry bout that.

    but no ProTools M-Powered and LE are essentially identical pieces of software.

    LE works with digi-design hardware and M-Powered with M-Audio hardware.

    (the 'M' in MBox confused me!!)

    but yeah man, you should!!

  14. totally agree with Dan.

    if you want to get decent recordings for minimal money, don't even bother with trying to record using mics, cabs and amps. You need a lot of good gear and a lot of know how to make them sound good. Not to mention the noise factor.

    The PodXT will get you more than enough tone. Coupled with a drum sampler and you're sorted.

    Dan, why don't you post an example of the tones you can get with your PodXT and a bit of knowledge of how to record/layer guitars!!?

    Dan like me is using a ProTools set-up but I am sure the principles transcend across all DAWs.

    (what are you using by the way)


    oh another point, Dan here is using a PodXT into an M-Box (m-Audio) then using ProTools M-Powered.

    If you went the PodXT route you would still need some kind of audio interface to record into your DAW.

  15. Yup, agree with the above, EZdrummer is a great program for the 'non-drumming' musician. That is, has a good knolwedge of how they want their drums to sound, just have no means (or ability ;)) to actual play and record them.

    However if you didn't want to be illegal and "download" it, and the pricetag of circa 80 was too much, i'd recommend searching for "Free VST downloads" in google.

    there are a lot of really good programs out there available for free download, and a lot of them are drum synthesizers/programs. - I suppose because this is the most common instrument that people can't emmulate!

  16. I think you really need to analysie what kind of recordings you want to get out of this.

    For starters what DAW (digital audio workstation) are you going to be using? - this is your software that you record your tracks into. It may very well have certain hardware restrictions so it's worth considering those before going out and buying something which you later find is incompatible!

    Also, you don't HAVE to double mic guitar cabs when recording guitars, and you don't HAVE to use differnt kinds of mics (dynamic/condensor). My advice is use just one SM-57 mic (close, don't even bother experimenting with far with this mic) and then just play about with on and off axis. See what you like. After that if you really get into it yeah by all means go and experiment with different mics and dual mic set ups. But i think that is over-complicating this issue for you. Especially as when you start dual micing you need to think about phase cancellation etc.

    Your virtual amps can be used to get a half decent tone, but not great. I have Amplitube (another IK multimedia VST, like your AmpegSVX ). But another advantage of doing this is you can plug straight into your interface, thus not pissing off the neighbours with loud guitars! Record two tracks (one DI and one through the Virtual Amp) either by splitting your signal at the guitar, or by routing via a bus on your DAW.

    If at a later date you want to use a "real amp", you can then use your DI signal that you recorded before and re-amp it through a real rig.

    The question is, what quality/level of recording are you hoping to create here?

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