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Posts posted by Tooms

  1. yeah, although the question was about micing drums lol :-p

    if i were to double mic i'd probably do that or just use two 57s one on-axis and one off axis. However this kind of technique is really only worth while when you've got a few things:

    1) a good guitar

    2) a good head

    3) a good cab

    and of course inplied that the guitarist can actually play.

    any of those missing you're just as well using a pod. imho.

    as for drums, i would generally re-trigger kick, snare and toms anyway and use the mics very little, only really to add a more real/dynamic feel and to give them a bit more ambience (although a bit of reverb does that just as good) But the one thing I don't trigger is the cymbals, hence 4 mics for those, and I'm also contemplating using my large diaphragm condensor that I use for vocals as a "room mic". Just so I can definitely get the right sound for the overheads.

  2. yeah totally, whats the point? (also I was considering that a lot of email clients have 10MB limits on attachments)

    just shrink it down to a 128 kbps .mp3 to 2-4MB approx depending on length.

    unless you're listening to it on very good speakers like your studio monitors there's little point.

    As already said, i'm not suggesting this file format to be used on any kind of release. But it's more than good enough to send around to your mates and have on your iPod etc.

  3. Erm...need to jog memory here.

    Ok I use 4 condensers.

    2 sennheiser pencil mics (614s) for close micing hi-hats and ride

    2 SE Electronics (can't remember the model numer, maybe SE1A?) but these are a bit bigger than the "pencil" mics. More closer to an AKG C1000S type of size.

    then I have 3 Sennheiser 904s for the toms.

    SM57 for the snare (i have 2 but never double mic really)

    and an Audix D6 for the kick.

  4. my understanding was not to preserve AWESOME quality but to make it easier for sharing with friends via email etc.

    a 10-15MB file is not really better than a 30MB file for that purpose.

    I'm not saying you should use a .mp3 file converted that way to burn on to a cd you want to sell. For a CD just use your WAVs! But for the purposes of emailing around to your mates and even for uploading to internet sites my way is fine.

  5. to try and add to the discussion...

    i assume you have some sort of interface otherwise this is a non-starter. Be it a nice fancy soundcard or a bespoke piece of kit.

    There is a lot of online help available about home recording/studios etc. What you might consider is recording the drums properly at a "studio" (and possibly vocals) then doing all of the rest of it yourself. This will significantly cut back on your budget and give you all the time in the world to perfect your guitars - without burning too large a hole in your pocket.

    If you wanted I might be able to help you out recording the drums for you.

  6. that wouldn't be a problem. I get back from offshore on the 16th/17th so wouldn't be able to deliver / or let you come pick it up before then anyway!

    I haven't had a definite offer in on it yet but two people have said they're interested.

    My usual policy is first come first serve at the asking price.

    So that being said I'll leave it up to you gents! (also when I get back I can put photos up - few cosmetic scratches on the back etc etc)

  7. anyone see them on SoccerAM last weekend?

    pretty hilarious for a number of reasons.

    the first being that he (the front man, sorry don't know names) said "fuck" on live television at like 10 or 11 am. pretty funny.

    the second being that they came across as just being really stupid. which is also sort of amusing.

    it didn't help that they were sat next to John Barnes; who is lets face it, a musical genious!

  8. ...

    what to do as a neat workaround, is just use itune's ability to creat an AAC/MP3 version of a song - export your song from cubase as a wav, open it up in itunes, and convert from there. easy :)

    yup, good ol' iTunes! I use ProTools but didn't want to pay for the privelage of creating .mp3s so I use the same method as you!!

  9. Hey folks,

    I currently use the brain of this in my live set-up but to be perfectly honest it's a bit of overkill!! I don't need anywhere near the functions that it has and I also never use any of the pads anymore.

    The pads and stands are all in an excellent/mint condition (actually need a bit of a dust! - shows how much I've used them!) and although the brain/module has stickers on the top it is always carried around in a padded hardcase so is also in a very good condition.

    Like I say, looking for a sale (preferably in aberdeen) to raise some money so that I can buy a bespoke drum trigger/sample module more suitable for my live playing needs.

    Here is a link:Yamaha DTXpress III - Abcsounds.co.uk

    This is the cheapest I have found it online (bought for 1000 new a few years ago! grr) so make me an offer if you're interested!! It's perfect for the at home drummer who doesn't want to make a noise and has space issues!!


    Please send me a private message if you are interested.


  10. you could also try increasing your buffer size in your DAW when recording...that might counteract your latency problem a bit?

    also i'm pretty sure you can get cubase/nuendo etc for free and are probably better/more recognised programs to be using.

    edit: by recognised i mean have more support etc.

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