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Posts posted by Tooms

  1. Today, my girlfriend told me that she had an ultrasound tomorrow morning. With a confused look on my face, she said to me "don't worry, it's not yours." FML


    Today, I was playing with my pet hamster and I decided to put it down my pants for fun. It started running around and I actually got aroused. My mom then proceeded to walk into my room to see me with an erection and my pet hamster poke his head out of the hole in my boxers. FML

    haha, what a dick.

    the ones on just now aren't very good I must say, but it gets added to every day, sometimes there's a dozen or so piss funny ones!

  2. it sounds to me that Bond have let their PMRs slip (possibly as a cash saving exercise?) I don't know.

    Like I said before, although Bristows, Scotia and Bond all probably have (very) similar business plans/ethics/bottom lines etc etc and so are in teh same situation as each other, I am still gratefull that I am not flying on Bonds, in particular 2nd gen Super Pumas.

    Be that because I have been influenced by the media or not, it is what it is!

  3. That would be correct, these roads must be kept clear during home matches.

    why? all day every other day both sides of the road has parked cars, and there is still space for 2 lanes of traffic. why would a match day be any different?

    bit of a kick in the teeth for the people who live there, where are they supposed to park their cars when there's a game on???

  4. of course it will, just like speeding tickets to police cars/ambulances.

    one interesting point that I haven't fully understood yet:

    I live on Park road, very close to seaforth road. (as it happens the flat has a private car park but often this is full) am I right in thinking that residents of the area can't park on these roads when there is a football match on?

  5. yeah i think he just picked at random a high odds horse.

    although you have to ask yourself, anyone who can afford to drop 100 on a 100/1 outsider either has

    a) just way too much money, or

    b) loses more often that he wins!!

    But regardless, a 10,000 win is certainly something I'd like to have!! That's fo' sho'!!

  6. but back on topic, great racing so far this year! Looking forward to the rest of the season and I hope this rear diffuser situation gets sorted out quickly because as someone else pointed out (forget who, sorry) it reflects bad on the sport when there are constant legal/rule issues being contested off the track.

    Also, I'm glad the fatal video links have stopped. Not what I read this thread for and I for one have no interest in seeing anyone die. That's just my opinion though. The differences between the cars of today and a few years ago can quite easily be pointed out without the need to view (and get entertainment from) someone dying.

  7. i disagree i think hamilton is doing very well with a poor car. (compared to the Braun, Williams, Toyota and even BMW)

    In qualifying he doesn't have the time (no pun intended) to "race" his way to the front. And so doesn't get good positions. But on race day, he proves what a good racer he really is and in both races so far has consistently caught up a bunch of places throughout the race.

    As for the disqualification in the Australian GP the results of this have been made public but aren't on here so in summary:

    Trulli ran wide whilst under waved yellows.

    Hamilton had no option to overtake. (what was he going to do? stop entirely?)

    But unsure if what he did was legal, asked over the radio if he should let trulli past.

    Unsure, Dave Ryan advised Hamilton to let Trulli passed. - Not knowing that Trulli had actually gone off the track due to driver error. (Hamilton was perfectly within his rights to keep his position.)

    Regardless, Trulli went back passed.

    Had this been the end of it, and Hamilton/Ryan been honest about what was said over the radio, then race officials would have switched the results because Hamilton had let Trulli back past when he didn't need to. (so effectively Trulli passed Hamilton under the safety car)

    BUT under the investigation, Dave Ryan told race officials that he never told Hamilton to let Trulli past. And Hamilton, being young (and I suspect, didn't want to let his boss down by not agreeing with him) agreed that this was the case. Race officials got hold of the radio transcripts, realised that Ryan and Hamilton had lied so gave them the boot.

    In a nut shell.

  8. true story, I was watching the GN out here on the rigs with about 20 or so other people around in one of the TV lounges. (betting is big offshore lol! - this was just the non-smoking lounge!)

    anyway, chap next to me had 100 on Nom Nome to win at 100/1.

    Fucking 10 grand he won!!

    I on the other hand, won exactly diddly squat.

  9. Saw it earlier. Is this really news?

    This is like saying that a Ford Mondeo burst into flames and exploded killing all 5 passengers, then a week later reporting that some guy that drives a Ford Mondeo heard a funny noise coming from his engine bay, so he took it to a local garage to get it looked at.

    i disagree.

    ok, you're right in saying that it wouldn't be reported nationally.

    but the RTB or however this one is categorised as WILL get cascaded through offshore networks.

    I for one am thankful that I am not flying on Super Puma's anymore...especially the 2nd gen ones.

    to be honest though, offshore, apart from a few sobering/somber conversations with various people not much has changed. certainly not as far as i can see anyway.

    I don't like the risks involved and to be perfectly honest don't need the money that much. It's nice, but I am glad that I have only commited to a 1 year contract this time around.

    Another point worth noting is that the vast majority of helicopter incidents occur during either take off or landing (or approach). THIS one happened during cruise. Indicating a catastrophic failure that i am VERY GLAD there is a public enquiry into!

  10. Two 'shooter' PS3 games for sale:

    Time Crisis 4 with light gun (in mint condition) - 30

    SOCOM:Confrontation (this is the multiplayer only game) - 15

    I also have a PS3 branded wireless (bluetooth) headset available. Although it can also be used with any bluetooth enabled device (phone, car stereo, etc) - 10

  11. why does anyone tell anyone where they have recorded?

    because they might be interested where it was recorded?

    Why does anyone tell anyone anything? ...because it might (hopefully does) interest them...or simply for information.

    Either way I hardly see it as a point worth contesting.

    (any more)


  12. Wirelessly posted (SonyEricssonK770i/R8BC Browser/NetFront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

    Oh also add No Country For Old Men to the list of movies for sale. Must have missed it out when i was putting the list together. Man that's a boring film. How that won best picture at the oscars i'll never know.


    totally agree.

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