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Everything posted by Jaaakkkeee

  1. I don't know why but crap you hands made me burst out laughing.
  2. Two amazing shows. Abbi would get it. Can you believe she's in her 40s???????
  3. You look like a student by day, hard rocking prison dwelling amigo by night.
  4. Away to watch episode 3 later this week of Arrested Development. Michael Cera is amazing in it. Sure it's the nervous guy but it's so much funnier in this. Does he do more stuff with his cousin? Please say he does.
  5. I typed in dildos for a laugh and it gave me something VERY NSFW. Whoops.
  6. Repped. Should be put in the funny pictures thread too. Brilliant.
  7. I have chocolate sauce, banana, toffee sauce, sugar. then roll it all up and munch. Probs have about 3 or 4 of them tonight. then a couple more tomorrow.
  8. It's not as if it's cheese wire. I can't wait to make pancakes tonight. How do you have yours?
  9. No but he attempted to rape his pregnant wife because he gets off on danger and just came back from doing something dangerous. Plus he has an amazing hat and glasses combo that no can of beer can beat.
  10. Walter White from Breaking Bad rocks the baldy with a beard a lot better than Stone Cold in my opinion.
  11. Aye I saw that. What an abomination. But it's where the basis of my joke came from.
  12. Ace-ic: Driving forklifts. If I have to go any great distances in it it's great fun.
  13. Doing nothing has resulted in my answering Social Interview questions...
  14. Pet hate : Doing nothing at work. It's shit. If there's nothing to do you end up with the last post on every active thread in the General Discussion part of Aberdeen Music. It makes you more tired, demotivated and stressed than doing a full days work. You end up wired through staring at a computer screen 90% of the day. It's mentally draining. Then to top it off you get called all the lazy bastards under the sun for complaining about doing nothing.
  15. I wouldn't go preying on people. I don't know what it is, it's like liking brunettes over blondes. Although they only suit certain people. I don't get a boner every time I see a pair of braces, if they're on a hinger, then it's a no go. It just makes some people look pretty, like wearing your hair a certain way or wearing certain clothes. Sometimes it just adds to the prettyness. Other times it takes it away.
  16. We make sure it rings and turn it off as soon as we can. Horrible noise. It probably rings as long as it takes to read the word Ring. I'm sure we'll be fine.
  17. I enjoy the chit chat if I've something to say. otherwise I feel a bit like Joy Killington, simply because most of the hairdressers I go to are not bad looking. No boob brushing, due to cup size though.
  18. he has to rerecord it all in 3d first and add a new ending.
  19. I've laughed at every one of these echo farting posts. But you know me...
  20. I need to start watching Being Human, as it looks great. And it won't annoy me that it pushes Family Guy reruns to half 11. I also need to start Watching Arrested Development. One for the laptop, my parents hate anything on Sky that might actually be good.
  21. Ah ok cheers. I bought some films from round that era and when I read this I was like eh, excuse me? I once got a job offer through the job site Monster for a firm that thought my cv was great. So I let them email me. Basically I had to get money out of one account, transfer it into mine then have it taken out into another account. I kept a percentage of the money. They needed my bank details before I got the job. That's dodgy, I laughed, deleted and so on right away, but if I didn't.. I would've been money laundering or something eh? And Monster recommended me this job. BUHH.
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