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Posts posted by Ross.

  1. I once stole packet of chewing gum. Rebel, yeah!

    I used to work in a few shops when I was at school and you saw some amazing stuff. My favourite was during a stint an Internacionale. Some mink came in and stole a pair of pants by taking them into the changing room and then leaving the pants she had on previously on the return to rack rail. The pants she left were covered in blood stains. Nae nice. You got some amazing minkers in there.

    You just ruined my lunch.

  2. I'm amazed Bloc Party are even playing, didn't think they'd be able to face the music hall crowd again after the savage brutality that was inflicted on Kele last time. Or am I thinking of something else and they just walked off after a coin landed beside him and he claimed his concentration was broken?

    Judging by the lack of a Glasgow date (from what I can see anyway) it seemed to me that that they may have gotten mixed up as to which city it was...

  3. Where can one watch season 2? Or is it restricted to people who have Sky? :(

    I'm fairly certain I'm not able to post a link to where I watched it, but you can find them on certain video streaming sites. The 2nd episode was far more enjoyable in my opinion to the 1st- I just want to watch it again and again.

    Oh, and you're 100% right about the radio show- I keep telling people who love the TV show to check it out but they never bother.

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  4. Diesel on here is selling a Yamaha Pacifica for a really good price which would be perfect if you're just starting out. I started off with one and for the price they really are quite good (mine was a bit dodge, but I just got unlucky). It all depends on what sort of stuff you plan on playing, although the Pacifica would be pretty versatile. Good luck!


  5. Those "this is not an invitation to rape me" adverts.

    I'm sure I saw one of those at a bus stop that had a bride on it. I didn't get it. However I now know that raping brides just isn't cricket.

    100% spot on about the old folk and buses by the way. It's worrying that such a small thing could piss me off this much.

  6. I'm having a bash at making some home made ketchup this weekend. It'll hopefully be a bit more like the middle ground between a ketchup and a relish. Not too smooth, not too chunky. I've got a decent recipe as a backbone, but I'm gonna try and toy with it. I've got the idea stuck in my head of putting a bit of apple into the mix, so I'm gonna run with that and see how it goes.

    Going to drop out the brown and caster sugar from the recipe and replace with sweeteners, as the whole reason for wanting to make a home made ketchup is that the regular stuff is crammed with sugar and all kinds of garbage.

    How did this work out? I consume a horrific amount of ketchup and wouldn't mind trying my hand at making a healthier alternative.

  7. Since it's safe to assume everyone here has faked one at some point, I'll admit to once telling a girl a condom had split for a laugh. It was really funny for 5 seconds, until she burst into tears and I had to console and reassure her for about 20 minutes. It was at this point that I realised the majority of things I thought were funny other people didn't.

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