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Posts posted by Ross.

  1. I don't know about other gigs, but I'd hazard a guess that their stage time last night hindered them somewhat. I for one only managed to catch a few of their tunes due to the fact it was about 12am halfway through their set. I did quite enjoy them however- not exactly my sort of thing but they were tight.

  2. The reasons for the stabbing are long, and unbelievable. To go into it in detail on the internet would certainly incriminate me and the person involved, though I must say it was a total accident.

    Let's skip the faux resistance and cut straight to the goods.


  3. My worst birthday would have probably been my 17th- got jumped by a group of neds the day before which soured my mood somewhat. The best was most likely one at Kokos when I was little and under the impression that massive slides and ball-pits were the greatest things on earth. I was right.

  4. If you're able to, you can get a Mexican Fender Precision for less than 400 if you shop around, should obviously be able to get one 2nd hand for less too. Better than Squier and better for selling on too.

    I'd also agree with this. I was shopping for a Jazz bass last year and managed to get a deluxe Mexican model with active pickups, an upgraded bridge and a hard case on eBay for not much more than the cost of a high-end Squier. If you've got the patience you'll eventually stumble across a bargain, trust me.

  5. I got asked for money from the same beggar three times in the space of 20 minutes on Union Street yesterday. He started off with a spiel about how he was lost, and wanted to know where the homeless could go and eat a meal. After telling him I didn't know, he then, obviously, asked for a bit of money.

    I think if I was so bold as to ask strangers for money, I'd at least try and remember a face to avoid the answer of "Don't know where you can eat. Don't have any money to give you" which is the answer he got on the third time of asking.

    Maybe I should have given him some directions that would have led him to the Job Centre.

    That same guy approached me last Wednesday at a bus stop, asking about where he could get a meal. I pointed him in the direction of the Salvation Army, but he said he was too late for that. He then proceeded to ask if I could spare any change- I genuinely couldn't as I needed what I had for the bus. He replied that anything at all would be greatly appreciated, so I handed him a 10p from the bottom of my jean pocket. This was met with total disgust- "IS THIS REALLY ALL YOU CAN FUCKING SPARE?" to which I made a cheeky remark about the credit crunch. He then said something about it not even being worth taking from me, so I asked for it back. He then insulted me further whilst turning to the person waiting next to me TO PULL THE SAME ROUTINE AGAIN. I've since heard he's quite well known for this.

    The most annoying part was when I realised I actually needed that 10p to get on the bus. Rant over.

  6. Honestly? Go for a five string. Can't go wrong. I got a sweet deal on a maverick five string on here not that long ago and I don't think i'd ever go back to four string playing again and it'd save you having to re-tune your bass all the time. :up:

    This would be the ideal solution had I not just spent all my cash on a 4 string Jazz just a few months back. Sadly can't afford another!

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