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Posts posted by Ross.

  1. It'd be a great site if it didn't take so bloody long to load! I've given up on using it after just a couple minutes and I've got a pretty fast broadband connection. It's all very well having a snazzy site like this but sadly to the majority of users it's not going to be much use, and at the end of the day that means it won't be serving it's purpose. It is very pretty though...

  2. This makes our pissing about where we all swap instruments (despite our guitarist being unable to play drums, me being unable to play guitar and our drummer being unable to play bass) seem productive... :)

    I have wasted many past practices doing this. 3 hours at Tom's sometimes feels a bit too long, so an obligatory trip to the bakery/Spar helps the time pass if, y'know, playing music gets boring...

  3. me and my band started up about a month ago but our original bass player left. we've been searching with no luck for a new bassist so anyone thats up for playing with us would be great!

    we're hoping to develop some form of dark melodic power metal with a female vocalist (moi!)

    I'l check out our current situation and reply to us soon if ur interested!


    I think metal is one of the last things he/she wants to play...

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