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Everything posted by sexytunk

  1. Tickets were free, and i don't there were 850 people there, the place was empty! Although the council said they had. And although there was a massive PA, wasn't very loud, probably due to the fact the sound guy didn't know his arse from his elbow! What that gig could have done with Jimi Troup
  2. Just wanted to say how disappointed i was at the Bash Street kids 30th year anniversary at the Beach Ball Room on Sat, not that it was anything to do with the band. I love the band and left my own gig early just to show my respect on this great landmark! Why were there only 850 tickets made available, when it left the hall looking totally empty? The band had gotten access to Nazareths PA, but the sound guy obviously didn't know what he was doing, and he obviously wasn't hearing what everyone else was hearing! And with all the supposide professionals in the sound crew, why did it take 10 minutes for them to discover that there was no bass sound being generated because the lead was faulty? And the support bands, I'm not even going there! I think The Bash Street Kids deserved a lot better than they got on Sat night. Rock on guys.
  3. It was worth checking out these threads just to see the stripper cop diagrams! Quality! he he
  4. Hey man, sorry if you think I'm over reacting! I am speaking in the most on this subject from experience. Of course your gonna get the odd twat of a doorman, thats life. I just feel that the point has to be made that on the whole guys on the door are decent guys, out to make an honest buck. I just don't see why we all have to be tarred with the same brush cause of a few bad apples! I have worked on the door as i have said for a hell of a long time, and not once have i deliberately started trouble, or went out of my way to over react to something, and in my experience most guys are the same. Sorry for going on, but this is a big issue to me, I hate the fact when i tell people I'm a part time doorman that they think I'm in it to look hard, be a bully or cause I'm a thug. I do it because i want my family to have a good life, and its easy money. Most of us are the same.
  5. They are trying to run a business, thats probably why they wanted scum, lying bastards like you out! Is that personal enough for you? With your attitude on display here your probably lucky they did'nt take you up the lane and kick your cunt in! Surprising they didn't, since there all thugs like!
  6. It's the managers who make the rules, they have the right to refuse whoever they want, It's the law! It's just the door staff who are on the front line if you like that get the flack! And can i just add that i know hundreds of guys who have worked the doors with me, and have only met a few with this attitude. Could be a case of some saddo doorman thinking it makes him hard and trying to impress you.
  7. I think the sarcasm me have beem aimed at us both! I was trying to make the point that I didn't want to be classed as someone who soley did cover/tribute bands, and that i took pride in the music I create with my original band.
  8. Whoever would have thought it, a bouncer being defended on a Forum. Love it, above is a bloody good call!
  9. Your Uncles a bouncer, wow how many times have i heard that? And in fact I'm a Door steward, have over 10 years experience, and I'm telling you, It's bullshit!
  10. "Bouncers, well they just love the commotion"? Thats such bull shit!
  11. I think you can look at it both ways. I think if someone is in the face of a doorman you can ask them to leave, if they refuse you at least have the power to remove them. I think bar staff have to put up with just as much crap as door staff, if thats possible. But not only do they have to smile and bare it to a certain extent, they are also not getting paid very well for the privelage. And sure you'll get the odd bad apple, but isn't this the same with any job in any industry? I certainly wasn't trying to start a Door V Bar staff debate. Working in a busy club or bar full of drunken bodies isn't the easist job in the world, it requires a great deal of patience.
  12. The Debbie Cline band, Aberdeen newest Rock band play in Cellar 35. Support is from The Hornets Attack Victor Mature.
  13. Well i do actually spend most of my time working with my original band. The covers are very definately side project's!
  14. Neil, I apologise for causing offense, I will also admit that statement by directing it at one band was out of line, again i apologise! The point i was making was that in my opinion cover bands to get to much hype in Aberdeen. I have seen Pie shop several times and openly admit that you guys are very talented musicians. I play in cover bands, but purely for the money, is the only way i can stay above water financially. I tour all over with my original band, and It'll take us 2 or 3 gigs to make what i can make in one night in a crappy venue doing covers in Aberdeen. And just for reference, i spend a good deal of time behind the kit working on new groove's and fills.
  15. Now i realise I am lining myself up for a lot of stick here, but aren't we taking things to far over a bloody hat? Right here's the scoop, I used to until recently work the door at Moshulu, and in many clubs for many years before. We don't make the rules, we try and enforce them, I agree some stewards can be twats, but on the whole we are decent guys doin a crappy job for a living, we are all stereotyped as thugs, when its not the case. There's nothing more annoying than having a drunk pompus twat deliberatly winding you up to prove to others that he thinks your a twat, or even worse trying to prove that he's "hard". I agree sometimes door staff can seem over the top, but it's normally after hours of having to ask the same person not to do something over and over, and from experience i can say that it gets bloody annoying. As for the hat issue, most clubs don't like them, some managers and door staff will enforce it, some won't. It's simple, if your gonna wear a hat be prepared to be asked to take it off. If you wear it and are askes to take it off, either take it off or leave. At the end of the day the licencing law says that while your in a club you obide by the managers rules, if you don't like the rules go somewhere else. If you go to someone's house you would respect there wishes or be asked to leave, a club is exactly the same. No one has the "right" to anything in someone elses club.
  16. Selling a pair of Peavey 15's Black widowed speakers. They are only just over a year old and in perfect condition, they have just recently been fully serviced also. These speakers apparently sell for around 300 new, due to circumstances am letting them go 220 the pair. PM for more info.
  17. I have to disagree I'm afraid. We travel quite a bit, and especially in Glasgow there seems to be much more support for local music than there is up here, the venues which provide original music are pretty much rammed every night of the week!
  18. Pie shop have ego's cause they think they are special, purely and simply because they are good at performing other people's music! Fact! I'm not taking away from the fact that they are great players, but shouldn't they put there talents into producing there own music? Would the Stones and the Beatles (like earlier mentioned) have been created if they had just decided to copy others work? And are you telling me that supporting covers bands is good for music? Is it ......., It's only good for the bands pocketing the money and the venues! I fully respect someone who achieves an ego through playing original music, they deserve it. People who achieve one through copying others music doesn't, no matter how good a player they are! I agree there are many original bands who are pretty poop, but there are also some pretty ace bands out there, in all genre's of music, but there never gonna get the chance to shine like bands in other parts of the country, simply because Aberdeen is so obsessed with cover music!
  19. As i said I'd much rather play every weekend with my original band, than playing playing the likes of the Globe with cover bands. But unfortunately It's not really possible to do so. As for ABDC we are slightly different to your average "cover band" (And no, I'm not trying to get myself out a hole), in that we don't just go round the local crappy local cover scene. We at least travel all over the place trying to make most of what we can do. And, And in fairness to us, we often take along local original bands with us cause we can gaurantee them a decent audience, and it obviously spreads the word for them!
  20. Just for reference it's hard not to look when your guitarist is ramming his ass in your face, all lubbed up for action with Calum, when your trying to eat chicken noodle soup! he he And although the Dressing room at Drummonds is pretty bad, it's nothing like the one at Ivory Blacks in Glasgow, at least it has running water and doesn't smell like toilet bowl!
  21. There is no difference between a cover band and a tribute band i guess, I'll give you that! But, if I had the chance of playing with ABDC or my original band it would be original everytime! Cover bands and tributes are all about the money, thats why i do it, makes my living. Original bands don't get enough support in Aberdeen, go to the Tunnels to see a talented original band and it's empty, then walk up to Drummonds to see a tribute and the place is rammed! Christ even the Globe is packed with folk to see a below average covers band. That is the point I was trying to make.
  22. Pie shop are a bunch of arrogant so and so's. Great players, totally talented musicians, but they know it. Do yourself a favour and find some original bands to check out, instead of increasing there ego's and supporting cover bands when original bands need backing! Sorry for my rantings!
  23. Simply because i don't have the time or contacts I'm afraid. I did it for almost 2 years and was constantly making mistakes because of the amount of time involved, or lack of time i had available even. Unfortunatley i play in other bands and hold down a very demanding job, in which i have to travel from home quite often, which makes running a travelling band quite difficult I'm afraid. It's not a case of not having tried, its a case of having failed! I hope this answers your concerns.
  24. Yeh but it's not great at the moment, just made it last week. all the usuals, myspace.com/dcdebbiecline
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