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Posts posted by lovers_spit

  1. I agree with you on ending the monarchy for obvious reasons (hereditary rule and automatic entitlement are WELL old school) but apart from getting rid of the Queen, what's your grand plan after that?

    As an alleged political standard setter you seem to fall short of raising any real substantial policies.

    Is ending the Monarchy the biggest issue you could muster?

    Surely employing a stylist is of greater importance.

    Post of the thread.

  2. No actually France, Italy and America have thriving tourist industries even though there is no King or Queen for people to go and see there.

    The Queen costs us more. Why?

    There are people in Scotland & Britain who are denied the opportunity to contribute to the economy of Scotland and Britain by being forced out of university, like I was forced out of Aberdeen University in 1991 and Robert Gordon University in 2003.

    Now there are two ways people of ability can react to being put out of university like a dog -

    (1) To leave the country and many talented people DO leave - it is called "THE BRAIN DRAIN" and they go to somewhere maybe the USA where their talents are allowed to flourish, not forced on the dole or into unsuitable jobs. The Brain drain costs us TRILLIONS which end up going to the American people instead of to the people here.

    (2) To go into politics to try to change things in THIS country so that ALL people here are allowed a chance to create millions or billions for our economy. This is the approach I have taken. I am staying to fight to change things here.

    I do not blame people for apathy. The BBC consider themselves the biggest and best British nationalists around - yet no-one does more than them to damage Britain or Scotland by supporting the Queen.

    It is absolutely impossible for most people to see past the BBC spin and lies because the BBC and other broadcasters only present one side - the BBC have a "Royal correspondent" who publicises the Queen - but they do not have a "Republican correspondent" publicising arguments against the monarchy.

    In short people are brainwashed and you need to be VERY clever to see through it all.

    Oh, right. Sorry. You must be very clever, I'm glad I have someone so wise to preach to me on a music site about how the monarchy is useless.

    Yes.Big conspiracy. As it's been said already, it's pushing a lot of people towards an all consuming apathy.

  3. I like this one too.

    Dr. Dre - Forgot about Dre

    "So fuck y'all. All a y'all

    Y'all don't like me? Blow me.

    Mad at me because I can finally afford to provide my family with groceries"

    I like rap songs. I also like how "groceries" was the most angst ridden word the Doctor could think of that half-rhymed with "Blow Me". I hope I don't get caught up in one of his drive-by fruit-pelting's. Dayamnn.

    Ah but you forget the illustrious "Lets Get High" from that very same album

    "I just took some ecstacy

    ain't no telling what the side effects could be

    and all these bitches here equal sex to me

    and i've got this bad bitch laying next to me"

  4. Sorry if this has been done but I havent seen anything on it.

    What are your favourite lyrics? Any lyrics that you love or think are particularily naff?

    Then discuss them!

    Currently my favourite lyrics are that of Brand News single "Jesus Christ"

    "Jesus Christ I'm alone again

    so what did you do those three days you were dead?

    Cos this problems gonna last more than the weekend"

    I'll post more when they occur to me

  5. It's quite good. Well. It's a bit strange. Type of song it takes a good few listens to get into imo so ill report back in a couple of days once i have a bit more time to listen to it.

    I quite like the general atmosphere and "feel" of the song, though there isnt really any great hook to reel the listener in (though perhaps thats not your perogative, I dont know)

    Sounds quite nicely recorded.

  6. Shall I tell you what my last minute revision music has been, on this, the morn of higher history?

    It's just been a soundtrack of gentle, but assured sobbing. The pitter-patter of teardrops hitting the crumpled sheets held below my face.

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