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Posts posted by lovers_spit

  1. Swap your ear for a less cynical one on Saturday night, sonny. You might just enjoy yourself :princess:

    " I actually found myself getting quie wound up they wouldn't leave the stage,specially as the closer had about 5 minutes of just distortion at the end"... you sound like my dad!

    i wasnt cynical when i first listened to them

    i listened to them completely open minded and i didnt like them

    nothing wrong with that

    yeah theres a difference between loud distorted music and just distortion. i just found it tedious.

  2. I need to have a two person game that isnt a boardgame or a computer game, to keep the missus entertained. doesnt need to have anything remotely to do with sex

    weird ask i know, but i was just challenged to invent/find a game two people can play together for tomorrow

    yes. im over 10.



  3. I like Her Name Is Calla, and Kartta I love, so ill probably head down just to see them.

    But words cannot describe my hatred for Twilight Sad. I saw them with Idlewild and thought mostof their songs to be not epic, but self indulgent, overly-long and boring, and the way the singer twitches and closes his eyes and sings away from the mic irritates the fuck out of me. I actually found myself getting quie wound up they wouldn't leave the stage,specially as the closer had about 5 minutes of just distortion at the end. If they shortened their songs and didn't come off so pretentious I may grow to tolerate them.

    I know lots of you like them though, so, fair play, everyones different...

  4. in that case you just seem like a properly bitter cunt who has little worthwhile to say.

    if its not constructive, it achieves nothing and doesnt help anyone improve, ergo: pointless. i just feel like you should give a band some feedback if you dislike them, rather than discouraging whatever flailing talents emerge from the largely fucking awful scene in this city.

  5. drum kit and one guitar is fine

    but a rather expensive keyboard, an 8 track, a bass and a guitar, a mic, an ibanez amp and a laney amp, and a banjo are ruined as well as quite a lot of material ie tabs, lyrics, old demos. or so it appears right now. im just hoping i can maybe save some of it.

    yeah we can claim most of it back on insurance, but a lot of the things that were wrecked were given to me by relatives at some point or ive had to work really hard to afford, and they have a lot of sentimental value attatched to them. also, i cant claim back songs i was working on and lyrics that were yet to be memorized, not huge things but still a big setback.

    and please, i do realise he's a succesful businessman, but when you pay a lot of money, or even not so much money for a house, if its new, you dont expect it to fall to pieces within a month. this isnt like a dent or a scratch, this is a huge fucking deal.

    incidentally ian wood is the most succesful businessman in the north east, (or perhaps his son) and he didnt get there by ripping people off.

    its only now im hearing of loads of stories about stewart milne homes going wrong. and i live with my dad so what exactly am i meant to research? not like it'd sway him into buying a house here or not.

  6. We just moved into a new Stewart Milne house.

    Band practice room is in the garage.

    The garage roof just caved in due to broken pipes.

    3000 worth of damage done to various recording equipments, instruments, as well as wrecking posters, lyrics, new demos and tabs for new songs.

    Thats not including the repair cost for the plumbing and the actual roof.

    Stwart Milne is a cheap cunt.

    All upcoming gigs and radio shows will probably still go ahead (I'm in Taping Hands To Faces), but we may not be firing on all cylinders

  7. best thing to come out of aberdeen in the last 3-4 years in my opinion.

    disagree, thats fine

    but to call them cheesy, when this whole city is still into metal and they are one of few succesful bands that have broken away from it, i think thats ridiculous.

    fucking great band. at least they make music they enjoy. and tbh stripey i really would advocate seeing them live before passing judgement on them as a whole-i liked this performance but i dont think it really represents what the xcerts are about-a mental live show and bundles of energy

  8. can i have a refund for the 30 seconds i spent watching this before I hit alt-f4 in disgust please?

    nice. the musical intelligientia of aberdeen come up with some friendly constructive criticism once more.

    great set. surprised that they were able to transfer the energy of their live set into a more mellow performance. it was good, i enjoyed it.

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