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Posts posted by ca_gere

  1. The Jets are somehow the worst team in the NFL right now. I'd rank even the Browns ahead of them. At least they can score.

    Rotten all over. I think I said it before on here pre-season but I didn't get on the hype train after last season. The only reason they got to where they were was the D - and that's been dismantled. Fitz hit a lucky streak and is being found out now... why did we think his 6th team would be the charm?!

    Get Geno in, see if he's worth a contract (he's not). May as well tank for the #1 pick tbh.

    the baffling thing about the way this season has gone is that it wasn't a build from scratch situation. Bowles and mccagnan have somehow managed to break something that wasn't broken. 

  2. Watched all 3 Purge movies recently.

    Ropey acting throughout but I really like the high concept and that's enough to keep it going. They could make a hundred of them and i'd watch each one I think. You're constantly asking yourself what you'd do if the purge was a real thing, and questioning how different it'd be in real life, etc. Some great costume design too. The first two totally passed me by - I just happened to see the trailer for the third and thought the concept was really interesting. I'd have ignored them based on the name, it sounds like a bog standard horror film. 

  3. I'm up to episode 7. Quite like it - as you say, the music and setting are great. It hasn't really kicked off in the way i thought it would, it's all a little hammy in a melodramatic way, rather than a comic book way. I kinda just wanna see some cool shit. Like action scenes and stuff. Don't really watch much comic book stuff and I enjoyed this enough to want to watch some more.

    Been watching 'Son of Zorn' on actual TV. Like watching it when it comes on at a scheduled time. - hilarious.


  4. 1 hour ago, Teabags said:

    1. Paris

    You're mental. I can understand it's not the 'cleanest' city but pretty much everything else about the place is amazing - to be top of your shit-hole list it must have done something very nasty to you.


    1. Coimbatore (India) - went once for work. It was as far as possible from the exotic tourist-friendly kind of places you see people going to in India. Like a giant 3rd world industrial estate. Not even cool wildlife or vibrant markets to see. Just kids shitting in the street in between bettery-hen-like call center type places. It also involved a 9 hour drive to get there, during which I had to hold in atomic diarrhea almost the entire time. I'm getting flashbacks just writing about it. First and only time I've ever seen a guy piss 'overhand'. Like, you know when you take a piss, you grab the underside of the shaft with your fingers (well, 2 whole hands for me... wahey LADS), palm facing upwards/in it's natural 'holding' position. This fella a) stood about 3 feet away from the urinal, b) grabbed his nob with his palm facing down (like a scally/ned would 'cup' a cigarette - is the best i can describe it) and c) sprayed upwards so his piss arced into the urinal. Phenomenal bathroom etiquette.

    2. Huddersfield - spent a new years eve there a good few years ago. Felt like a never-ending Wetherspoons. Almost got punched. Saw/heard so much racism it made me very sad.

    3. Boston - I've been a couple of times now. It's just so fucking boring. Everything shuts so early and everyone looks the same.

    4. Dijon - slap bang in the middle of france with no redeaming features. most places in France have something going, either the mountains or the sea or a lake. Dijon has fuck all. My least favourite mustard too.

    5. London - I know London has everything you could ever want from a city and it is undeniably a great place to visit, but there's just something about the place I don't like. It's so spread out for starters. I couldn't imagine living there and commuting for half my life. It also looks just like everywhere else in Britain, only on a much bigger scale. The attraction of moving to a big city for me is in it being the opposite of where I grew up, which was in the middle of nowhere. London, though is just like one giant bog-standard british town. I also don't like how london-centric people are there. It's as if nowhere else exists. It's also annoyingly expensive. 

  5. It'll be gareth Southgate on a temporary basis, he'll lead them to top of qualifying, then whichever prem manager loses their job first will get it (Hughes maybe?). This will lead to a poor tournament and people will bemoan the fact GS didn't get it permanently.

    that or a big name currently managing in Qatar/china (Pellegrini?) where the FA will work out some dodgy deal involving lots of money and rights.

  6. Phenomenal bit of football drama.

    Couldn't care less about Big Sam and his "dream job". You do dodgy shit and get caught, you should be out on your arse. Good riddance.

    The pint of wine and the prince harry comment were particular highlights of the whole thing.

    Still, the 100% win record will look nice on his CV.

  7. Imagine a time before binge watching and box sets when TV was cut up into neat little segments where everyone was happy and the bad guy got caught in the end as a smiling cop freeze framed when the credits rolled.

    there were landmark shows like the prisoner and the twilight zone that satisfied the oddball in people but they were few and far between and the acting was still very much 'TV' level. Shows that were 'cinematic' were too intellectual for the mainstream (i Claudius and a bunch of period BBC imports for example)

    Along comes something completely new. A show that is both tongue-in-cheek and darkly reflexive, where sometimes things aren't supposed to make sense and the plot is just one element, not the only one. The show seeps into your pores rather than slaps you in the face. Characters have their own signature theme music, scenes go on a few minutes too long, there's some of the best cinematography still ever seen on TV.

    its probably lost some of its bite over the years (I still watch it every few years) but the number of shows that wouldn't exist was it not for twin peaks is hard to count. It absolutely started the renaissance of TV we see today. 

    watching it is the tv equivalent of watching Citizen Kane or any 'classic' film that kickstarted a movement of any kind - it's easy to spot the moments where it doesn't hold up to today's production standards but you're missing out on history if you skip it.

  8. I made one. Easy as... well pi.

    this is exactly what I did word for word (except a bit of tweaking when it came to formatting the micro sd coz I was using mac) 


    It's pretty amazing having literally every game ever made for every retro console.

    A few tips:

    use as big an sd as you can

    Dont just download and install ALL games you find in the torrents/files you find online because there are a ton of dupes (e.g. European version, us version of the same game) and obscure Japanese games you'll never play.

    • Upvote 1
  9. games is good one. Gave this way more thought than I should have and now I'm late for my haircut.

    Super Monkey ball - GameCube. What. A. Game. Single player was a blast but the party games were just phenomenal. Each one was excellent.

    international track and field - PlayStation. I was so good at it I broke the game and many controllers. I genuinely believe I could compete at a world level on it.  Should patent my technique. It's all about using a 'loose' hand as a cantilever so your downward thrust on O causes an equal and opposite upward thrust on square.

    micro machines - megadrive. 4 players, 2 controllers was just so much fun.

    jimmy white's cueball 2 - PC. The best snooker game ever. Physics were spot on and you could take a break to play the puggy for a bit if you got bored.

    Project Gotham racing - Xbox. Racing around Edinburgh pointing out doorways friends had spewed in the night before was a revelation. Geometry wars Easter egg was just the best.


    honorables: too many sports sims to mention, last of us, timesplitters 2, vice city

    • Upvote 1
  10. 20 hours ago, ca_gere said:


    Rookie of the Year: Laramy Miller

    I am what's commonly known as a 'fucking idiot'. Mixing up the names of laramy tunsil and Lamar Miller... Neither of whom are rookies. I think I thought Miller was for some reason.

    changing my pick to Eli Apple just because colb picked Elliot already

  11. Woodhead has those games every now and again. Next game he'll get like 20 yds.

    Abdullah threatened to be a star last season. Without Megatron, they'll want to go to him even more. Good pick imo.

    Never thought Luck is a bad pick. He's just not a 'bankable' asset. Brees, Rodgers, Brady, Rothelsberger... guaranteed muchos yardos every game.


    A bit late (meant to do it earlier) but time for season predictions:

    Super Bowl winner: Green Bay Packers. I can just see AR having his HOF defining season. With Payton gone, he's the daddy now. A newly slim Eddia Lacy is gonna be explosive too.

    AFC East: Patriots at a canter

    AFC West: Broncos. I reckon their D will win them games on their own. They could put me in at QB and still win.

    AFC North: Steelers. 

    AFC South: Texans. Exciting team right now.

    NFC East: Giants. Cruz back is huge. They'll still look ropey but they'll win games they shouldn't like always

    NFC West: Cards. Seattle are spent.

    NFC North: Packers

    NFC South: Bucs. Famous Jameis breakout year.


    AFC champs: Patriots

    NFC champs: Packers


    Dark Horses: Raiders again

    DPOY: Jadaveon Clowney - fuck it, i'm throwing it out there... this is the year he proves himself as an utter beast.

    Rookie of the Year: Laramy Miller

    Rushing leader: Adrian Peterson 

    Receiving leader: Antonio Brown

    MVP: Aaron Rodgers


    Jets will go 11-5 and make the playoffs

  12. Quite honestly, fuck knows.

    You've got a few work horses in there who'll get you 15-20 pts a game but very few guaranteed 30+ guys like Gronk, Antonio brown, Adrian Peterson.

    Freeman and Hopkins will explode and give you 40 a few times though.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 15 minutes ago, Soda van Jerk said:

    I called a bin a 'bucket' down here in the Right Wing Republic of Poland just the other day. A definite "u wot m8" moment.

    I need to keep stopping myself from saying "through the house" as a way of saying "somewhere else in the building but here", because that's not a thing here. I've never heard it anywhere but Aberdeen actually. I partially said it the other day as well, when someone asked where the water cooler was. "Just through the hoooooallway".  Saying "through the house" probably would have been better than ending up saying "through the hallway" and saying "hallway" like I had lost control of my mouth.



    The losing control of one's mouth thing I can definitely relate to. It happens every time i want to say 'Disorientated'. Here they say 'Disoriented' so I land somewhere in the middle and kinda say 'disorient.......ed'. Every time.

    Similar with 'Addictive'. It's a word that exists but just isn't used. They'll say 'Addicting', as in 'heroin is addicting' so I end up saying 'addict...ing'

  14. One that i never knew was Aberdonian until someone from non-aberdeeen got arsey when i said it was 'Go and...'

    e.g. 'go and pass us the ketchup please'

    it sounds really rude if you break it down. YOU! GO! GET ME KETCHUP! but with a sarcastic please.


    @kirsten it's definitely more similar to British Polish in Lithuania but i'm sure you'll get the odd one that'll stump you.


    There's a bunch of obvious ones like pavement/sidewalk that everyone knows but nobody tells you about the other ones until you use one and get laughed at.

    here's a few more that people have either not understood or laughed at:

    Bouncy castle (bounce house)

    Fire Brigade (fire dept)

    Washing Up Liquid (dish soap)

    Wheelie bin (no translation)


    • Upvote 1
  15. 2 hours ago, HeinzHines said:

    I've been in your Polish nation for last couple of months, albeit in the lower regions. And while I'm with you on polish to polish translations, my main pet hate here is still toilets with 2 inch gaps all around the door, the door which is also barely chest height, so if crack peeping isn't enough, just pop your head over for a good look. 

    There's nothing quite like fleetingly staring a man square in the eyes as he crimps off a curler.

    The toilet door thing I really don't understand. I want to be hermetically sealed in when i'm taking a shit. Keeps smells in and eyes out. At my office I go two flights downstairs to the disabled toilet (sue me) for some privacy. 

  16. On 9/5/2016 at 6:53 AM, Teabags said:

    Joined my first fantasy league. Picked last in an 8 team league...



    You're missing a real stud imo.

    Luck could have an outstanding year but even then unlikely to pick up Brady/Rodgers/Newton numbers. Your RBs might not get enough touches imo - I think Jones is in for a great year but that's not what always counts in fantasy, compared to your Elliots, Gurleys, Petersons who will play every snap you might struggle. Hopkins has big numbers in him but he's not consistently 100yd/game material and never will be playing for Houston. TEs are where it's at this year and you have a good one - Kelce sees a lot of the ball. Gronk, Eifert, Olson would have been better though.

    Montcrief and Cobb will get you points 

    who did you grab first?


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