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Posts posted by ca_gere

  1. Not an AGFW nor a pet hate but a funny comment in my office yesterday...

    One of the web devs was wearing a Jets T-Shirt (NFL team). I bump into her in the kitchen and say 'Go Jets!... didn't know you were a fan'

    her reply: "Well, i'm not really... i mean, I don't even know all the characters"

    CHARACTERS!!! She meant 'Players' but said 'Characters'!!!

    We both got a good chuckle out of it.

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  2. Great show. Watched it in a oner. Gandolfini was supposed to play turturo's character apparently. Would have been a completely different vibe. it manages to be really tense and funny at the same time. 

  3. See if you can get a measure of the decibel level of the noise? Here in Poland, the landlord isn't obliged to do anything about noises under a certain number. We had banging pipes for weeks, complained about it almost every day, landlord did fuck all about it. As soon as we mentioned decibel level he shot round and fixed it. I dunno if there's something similar in non-poland?

  4. I don't really think it's terrible. There's a tendency to believe that stream of consciousness style is inferior to flowery prose but if done right there's no difference. I felt she fleshed out the Rachel character really well. The rest not so much.

  5. On 1/18/2017 at 4:03 AM, Spoonie said:

    Slow start to the year but finished my second on the train this morning. Grit by Angela Duckworth which is about the factors of passion and perseverance in success and is excellent, and Jon Ronson's So You've Been Publicly Shamed which focuses on Twitter shaming and the effects of it and is also excellent!

    Jon Ronson books are great. Psychopath test is maybe even better than publicly shamed. More interesting anyway if not as funny.

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  6. Girl on the train dealt wi... enjoyed it quite a lot. It was like if Miss Marple was an early 2000s T4 programme sponsored by lambrusco. Will watch the film this wknd. heard its shite.

    About a quarter of the way through 'White Trash: the 400 year untold history of class in America' - i think the author was on a podcast I was listening to and that's why i got it. Good read but heavy on the info. Might take a while.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Lemonade said:

    You know what I hate even more that people who talk to you when you have headphones in? People who come up and talk to you when you're reading a book. If I'm reading I'm doing something I enjoy, and if you come over and talk to me or want to sit with me (I'm talking pretty specifically about the canteen at my work tbh) then frankly you're interrupting me and that's rude. And the most annoying question ever, "what are you reading?". It doesn't matter what I'm reading, what's important is that i am reading, so go away. 

    This happened to me the other day. Boiled my piss. Around my office there are limited outdoor spaces to have a wee sit, eat your lunch and read. It's weirdly warm just now so i went down to this spot the other day. 10 minutes into my blissful isolation up comes 3 of my workies. I say hello and get back to my book. They sit down right next to me - either side of me - and start talking over my head. As if we were all now having lunch together. I continued to try and read for a few minutes but couldn't concentrate so said i was heading back to the office. Now i'm the grumpy one who didn't want to have lunch with everyone. /CSB 

  8. On 1/19/2017 at 10:14 AM, kirsten said:

    I know this is often ranted about, but the fact that some people think that if a Facebook status is long, contains figures and fits in with their racist worldview then it must be the truth.

    Someone I know posted:

    STATE PENSION - keep this going please

    Read and pass on:
    Dear Prime Minister 
    I wish to ask you a Question:- "Is This True?"
    I refer to the Pension Reality Check.

    Are you aware of the following ?

    The British Government provides the following financial assistance:-

    (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National
    Insurance contributions to the British Government all their working life)
    Weekly allowance: £106.00

    (No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever)
    Weekly allowance: £250.00

    Weekly Spouse Allowance: £25.00

    Weekly Spouse Allowance: £225.00

    Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £0.00

    Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £100.00

    A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing



    Please read all and then forward to all your contacts so that we can lobby for a decent state pension.
    After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.
    Sad isn't it? Surely it's about time we put our own people first.

    Please have the guts to forward this. or copy an paste




    Ughhhh 'please have the guts to forward this'. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND ASYLUM SEEKERS AREN'T THE SAME THING! An 'illegal immigrant' isn't going to try and get benefits when they know they're in the country illegally and will be found out if they do.

    It took me longer to think of a polite, short way to tell them it was bullshit than the one minute it took to find a government PDF disputing the claim. No wonder people voted Brexit and Trump got elected.

    Stop pretending to give a shit about old people, poverty and the benefits system just to mask your racist. The same goes for sexual assault. Why do these people not give a shit about the victims until someone with a different skin colour is accused. Just be consistent, you pricks, you have never and will never have the moral high ground.

    Chill out snowflake!

  9. If you put anything on soundcloud it might get flagged. They have some fingerprinting technology that will pick up on a sample.

    Alternatively, you could pretend all your music is a clever parody, in which case you can use anything you want. I think that's right? You can use and transform work without consent if it's a commentary or parody.

  10. As for the year in the making thing - I've seen that being thrown about. Quite obviously one logo didn't take one year to design. If you're talking an entire rebrand though, you're encompassing all kinds of stuff from banners on buses to letterheads for office workers. A lot goes into a rebrand beyond the logo. Added onto that is the amount of testing they will have done to arrive at this final look.

    I thought the premier league rebrand last season was great too. Beyond the inital 'it looks like a cartoon' reaction you can see how the whole brand has bled into everything from the scoreboxes during the games to the MOTM trophies, to the mics the commentators use. It's kinda just normal now and instantly recognisable as the premier league. That's the sign of a good rebrand - not a novelty change but something that will last - I think the similar thing will happen with Juve.

    Their alternate colours will be interesting to see. The pink with that stark black and white theme will be cool.

  11. It's a good bit of branding. Whether or not it's a nice club crest is debatable - I happen to think it could make an awesome shirt.

    reading football people critique a bit of graphic design is always funny. Suddenly everyone is an art director.

    its bold and new and isn't just a spruce up of the existing badge. Hats off to juve imo.

    spurs have a chicken standing on a beach ball on heir badge.

  12. RIght, i'm giving this a shot this year. 2 down, halfway through the 3rd:

    Kubrick's Game - Derek Taylor Kent  - a trashy page-turner billed as the Da Vinci Code for film nerds. Great one to hammer through to kick things off. Gained very little from it except from a desire to rewatch a bunch of Kubrick films, but enjoyable nonetheless. Barry Lyndon is hugely underrated.

    The Circle - Dave Eggars  - near-future dystopia type thing with a google-alike company that runs everything and spies on folk n shit. Decent. There's a movie coming out, will definitely go see it.

    reading The Girl On the Train - another wee page-turner before I crack into something a bit more dense. decent so far.

    I'm also doing a 52 week photography challenge thing which is quite fun, and easy https://dogwood.photography/52weekchallenge2017.html

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