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Posts posted by ca_gere

  1. Quite like the Internet.

    I've been shit at keeping up with Hip Hop this year. Utter shit. Don't think i've listened to anything on this page.

    I've been listening to Sway in the morning a bunch and think a LOT of folks on there are great from the snippets of freestyling and whatnot, then I listen to a couple tracks and it's gash. I know it's only because I haven't dug deep enough that i'm saying it, but it's been a crap year for Hip Hop. I mean... Lil Yachty.

    Will be going through what's on this page.

    A major factor in my slipping on new hip hop was the fact I spent the best part of the year creating a playlist for my wedding. It was intense. I'm picky and obsessive with that kind of stuff. I focussed on rediscovering bangers from yesteryear so my horizons weren't expanding.

  2. Keeper should have had that free kick covered. Easy to say and it was still some hit but he was oddly nowhere near it coming across goal to 'his' side.  (edit: i'm talking about messi's fk, not the mental one at the beginning)

    By the same token though, Messi's probably scored a better goal this year than the Atletico Madrid 'mazy' one. 

    The Venezuela v Colombia one should be nowhere near the list. Wretched defending. The ball bounces 3 times in the box without any pressure for starters. Then one defender fucks up, let's the other one jump in as she stands and watches for a few seconds, runs over and just falls over her own feet.

  3. Amazon in Poland is ridiculously GBOL. I never thought I'd shop for something and think... nah, I'm not getting it because I can't get it in 1 HOUR. 1 Hour delivery!! on a shitload of stuff too. It's insane. Entirely unnecessary too of course but fucking amazing. No idea how it works either. It's not like there are massive warehouses nearby.

    The other great thing about them is their ability to break into your building. FedEx, dhl and whoever else all leave a note and fuck off if you're not in. Amazon delivery guy somehow manages to get your package to your door no matter what. None of this 'sorry we missed you' nonsense. I dunno if they have skeleton keys or what... I don't even care.

    amazon lockers are pretty great too. You want to return something? Just fill in a form online and stick it in one of these lockers they have at every supermarket. No putting it back in a box or filling in a return address or anything. Magical.


    • Upvote 1
  4. That's a good one. I too feel like i've been hearing that phrase more and more.

    Two recent ones for me:

    - when you're reading a book or magazine and you change the page but it feels like you've clumped together a couple of pages so you spend a few minutes trying to pry the two pages apart but then realise that's just the thickness of one page.

    - Things being referred to as a 'challenge' when they're not really challenging. Doing 100 press ups every day for a month, that's a challenge. Staying still for a couple of minutes or putting a bucket of water over your head, that's not a challenge.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 11/13/2016 at 9:02 AM, Soda van Jerk said:


    Also giving Trailer Park Boys another real go. I saw Season 1 a long time ago and didn't particularly take to it. Got up to Season 4 now. Liking it a little more, but still a bit undecided on it. So far, it seems like all the gimmicks from the beginning just being reused every episode. I loved the episode with Rush, as it seemed like the first time they did something different, and put more focus on Bubbles, who is the best character.

    Theres another 6 seasons left. Does it get better, or is it another 6 seasons of Ricky doing the opposite of what Julian says and Julian having to sort it all out?

    It doesn't get any better as such. A bit like It's always Sunny, you just get more used to it. There's enough funny stuff in there to make it watchable for about 6 or 7 seasons. I didn't go farther than that. Bubbles definitely gets his screen time in later episodes. So maybe it does get better, i dunno. It's not totally shit and kept me laughing for a shitload of episodes so i'd say stick with it. 

    I didn't realize netflix bought the show. Makes sense because I see it every time I look on there. I haven't seen any of the live shows or anything that's self-aware. That sounds pretty awful.

  6. The 'We wanted change' argument is utterly invalid. Encumbants were re-elected across the board - and there were plenty of other options. There were no wholesale changes à la tea party. If there were, I'd maybe have respect for the GOP. Stupid people were fed rhetoric they bought into.

    Glenn Beck talked the most sense (outside of Rachel maddow) from the entire election night and he's anti-immigration, pro-life and all the rest.

    People offended because they think they're being branded racist/sexist are the same people who are saying democrats pay lazy foreign people to not work. Neither is true. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. http://johnpavlovitz.com/2016/11/09/heres-why-we-grieve-today/

    this sums up my feelings at the moment.

    Its been a weird few days. Probably the weirdest, most depressing few days I've ever experienced. I don't think it's an over-reaction to say it feels like a bereavement. Everyone I know is in complete shock. The disappointment and anger is palpable everywhere you go right now.

    The worst part is the feeling of hopelessness. Been trying to think of things to do to make a difference. Gonna join the protests here in New York - which I know is like shouting 'I love ice cream' to other people who also love ice cream but maybe it'll spark something elsewhere, where people aren't so blue. Other than that, I've donated to planned parenthood and will sign every relevant petition that comes my way. Might tip a bin or two.

    if this was France or Spain there'd be strikes and real action verging on civil disobedience. I want a bit of that. Americans are too scared to just fuck some shit up. The risks and consequences are too severe.

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  8. Day 1: Pa says they'll come round with bread soon but it's been 5 hours and we're beginning to not believe him. The baby in the corner won't stop crying. The rags her mum was able to grab before they rounded her up might not be warm enough to make it through the night. We've established a toilet corner, it smells so bad. The weaker among us have already been eaten. What's left of the rest of us will have to wait till sundown to know our fates. Sirens have been wailing all night. I'm cold.

    • Upvote 12
  9. It's pretty well known that the streaming business model is hugely flawed. Spotify won't make money for a number of years because of the deals they have with the labels. Their model is like a gym membership - gyms want to sell as many memberships as possible, but if everyone goes to the gym at the same time, they have no way of maintaining the gym, cleaning up after everyone, buying new equipment, etc so they count on people buying a membership and not turning up. Works well for gyms, but not for music streaming. The more people listen to music on their platform, the more they have to give away to the labels.

    That's why you're starting to see concert tickets, merch, etc cropping into these types of products. They need more revenue streams with better margins.

    So weirdly, one way you can help the problem is to use spotfiy as much as possible.

    The labels royalty distribution is another issue. They're so stuck in their ways it's insane. Instead of e.g. Beggars looking to nurture interesting/niche musical talent, all they need is one or two Adeles who rake in so much from physical sales, digital sales, youtube views, tickets, streaming etc that they really have no need to diversify. Most labels have a few workhorses like Adele whose upside far outweighs the amount of effort needed to recoup as much money on lots of different artists.

  10. I know it's been talked to death by just about everyone on the planet (at least the sane ones who care about the outcome) so I won't fully get into it (suffice to say I think Trump is a dangerous, idiotic and cunty cunt) but the anxiety I'm feeling right now - not just about the fact that he has a chance of becoming president but the reality that there are at least 40% of the population who feel he's the best choice for president - is a very odd feeling. It's like a joke, that became a nightmare, that is now becoming a reality.

    Waking up to Brexit was bad, this seems a million times worse. 

  11. The current vibe in American Poland around the election.

    I could write up so much about how it's been living here the last few months but up until now it's not felt real that this wankstain has a glimmer of hope of getting in. When I saw footage of the first early voters coming out of the booths saying they'd voted Trump it hit me... people are IRL for realz actually actually voting for Trump.

    The anti-hillary stuff has been sickening in its blatant sexist undertones. Just as sickening as the racism rippling under Trump's campaign. 

    It's pretty much the only thing people are talking about right now. It's weird and kinda scary.



    1 hour ago, Spoonie said:

    Let's not forget that there are still teams who have never won a SuperBowl, for example. The idea of parity is built into those models but they rarely pan out that way.

    But you can't blame wage imbalance, which makes it more fair.

  13. Can someone confirm... the brewdog equity scheme isn't actual equity right? you're not buying a stake in the company you could sell on the stock market if they went public? Is 

    If not, what's the whole point in it? How is the price dictated? 

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