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Everything posted by fertuiee

  1. Might bid on it just for the crack..... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150771070206&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
  2. Ta Dave, think im gonna have to invest in one of these type o'things
  3. Ta lads, all good advice Alkaline - the tubescreamer kinda thing sounds like a good idea, as it isnt as "heavy duty" as a muff .....hmmm Soda Jerk - funnily enough thats the kinda thing id settled for doing, it works better, but i'd eventually ended getting greedy in that, i kinda like the "Super Wahhh" - J.Mascis type wah wah sound you get by putting the fuzz AFTER the Wah wah in the chain...if thats makes any sense at all.......of course this made even more mess, WITH the amp distortion added as it has to be, but worked fine on a solid state amp ...bzzzzzzz. So yeh thats where i kinda am Diesel - Ive not actually tried any "boost" pedals....hmmm, i read some of the horror stories on the Orange forums that said the result ended up the same with them....a gooey mess, but ill probably give that a shot!! yeh im a big fan of the rockerverb, very versatile .
  4. Love this, cant wait for the new album!
  5. Yeh that does make a lot of sense actually, love the distortion channel on it to be fair, but you know what it gets like...get a bit greedy!! haha! Ah niiiiiiice, i heard a Sound city amp with a BYOC ( ? ) fuzz once and it sounded incredible...scarily good actually. Just bought a beat up old "Sunn" off ebay for this reason!! god knows what that will be / sound like!! Ta man:cheers:
  6. I use an Orange rockerverb, and have tried various fuzz and distortion pedals with it - on all settings on both clean and distorted channels, all to no avail, in fact i would go so far as to say - they sound terrible!! the amp itself seems to alter the sound of them completely, to a tinny mess. I used them on various solid state amps and they sound great! grrrr. This may bark the question, why are you using a distortion pedal? use the amps distortion and be happy.....fair enough....i do, but.....if you can stop there youre a better man / woman than me . Just a bit intrigued as to what other peoples experiences have been with this kind of thing, ive spoken to other folks who own Rockerverbs about this and fair enough they said, use the amps distortion haha! it does sound ace ( to me ) Is it this particular model? cos i read somewhere that Thunderverbs are a bit more accessable. I also read its cos its a dual channel amp and this affects it. The end.
  7. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd wurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk
  8. Bah!!! Tenner??? id probably take £15? ........( £390 )
  9. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-telecaster-deluxe-for-sale/96272335 some pics here.
  10. Hello. 2009 - Black / MIM - Fender Telecaster deluxe for sale! The dual humbucker one. Excellent condition, apart from a slight bump on the back at the bottom. All set up with new strings. Ill post some pics soon. £420 P.M for details Mark
  11. Yeh its a 1971 Univox Hi flier. For sale too!!
  12. Which one is it mate? the Univox Hi flyer?
  13. Dunno why, but my best ideas ..which is probably not saying much, but at least my favourite ones have been written when im hungover, in the first few hours mostly. Id definatley go with write down and record as much as possible, as you never know what you'll come back too and think that its usable. As for being too derivative of something else, think everyone goes through that, but lets be realistic, how many ideas are tooooo similar to something else after youve actually asked folk? Read a lot, as you can come across boken phrases that may make sense as lyrics or song titles. Either way, you can rest assured that you werent the cunt who covered "where is my mind" for a fucking Thomas Cook advert!!
  14. Bah!! £110 before it goes to the cash converters!
  15. Right with you here, Dalgleish is the most annoying TV interview (ee ? ) ever, fucking loved it when Stoke got a result against them a few weeks ago, saw the interview after and he was trying so hard to not say something about "how Stoke play" hahaha! he couldnt resist! Stoke totally wound mr fucking evasive and nonchelant right up!! - SING X 10,000 - "Fuck allllll!! your gonna win fuck allllll" - not that we have ever won much of owt, but its good to gloat
  16. I dont know what it is but Davina McCall really fucking bugs me, to such a point i cannot even see her without my eyes shitting a dog, i dont remember much other than her dancing on some advert for some inane bilge she was promoting that fucking annoyed me, but still i cannot fucking do with the prick, only made worse by someone trying to jusify it by saying "shes done really well, she used to be a junkie" ace! my worse nightmare is a TV programme with her and that other wanker Chris Moyles on it, that would proper tip me over the edge, talentless fucks.
  17. I hated this band for years, now i cant get enough of them...funny that
  18. Bloody hell, cant give this away. £130
  19. Think Scott from the band is "unbroken" on here? couldnt be sure though. Im just keen to see them play
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