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Everything posted by rcalder82

  1. Anyone interested in playing this show. Check them out - cant wait to get hold of their album. Myspace songs are amazing!
  2. Loving Glints stuff on line. If you've not yet had a listen, go check them out. Billboard mag in USA saying they are one of the best new live bands over there! I cant wait for this!
  3. French Wives also added Full line up Be A Familiar I See Shapes French Wives Mark McCabe & The Tearoom Posse Awesome!
  4. Cast of The Capital - on fire just now!
  5. Mark McCabe & The Tearoom Posse added to this Tickets in One Up from Monday!
  6. Tickets in One Up Monday - 4!!! Local support slots up for grabs - PM me!
  7. Tickets in One Up on Monday for this Really is a rare opportiunity to see one of New Yorks finest and with Atlas Skye supporting too, it cant get much better!
  8. The sad thing is this has totally got people talking about her again which I would imagine was the idea behind it anyway. For every person slagging her there is unfortunately an evil opposer spouting shit like "Oh Sandi, you are amazing. I still love you - dont listen to that guy" - Exactly her plan! I smell a massive PR stunt! Its a great tune though - had it playing in Drummonds pre soundcheck the other week. Got the crowds in. They mustve thought it was actually her!
  9. Anyone remembefr when they played with The Rumble Strips up here a while back - was well impressed! Also just supported The Manics on tour. Really exciting young band!
  10. Damn I just cancelled my full listings A3 posters as well as I had to make too many changes. So for your benefit and as a bit of a cheap promo opportunity here indeed is our full listings at the minute... WED 1 JULY - THE MUSCLE CLUB + Get In Get Out, Come On Gang & Cryoverbillionaires (Tunnels) THU 9 JULY - THE ANSWERING MACHINE + Redfoot The Fence + The Elizabeths (Tunnels) WED 15 JULY - THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS + support (Drummonds) THU 23 JULY - BE A FAMILIAR + Mark McCabe & The Tearoom Posse + I See Shapes (Tunnels) SUN 26 JULY - GLINT (NYC) + Atlas Skye & support (Tunnels) TUE 8 SEPT - ICRYLIC IQON + Farewell Singapore & support (Drummonds) WED 23 SEPT - TRAPPED IN KANSAS + Cast of The Capital + Venice Ahoy + El Dog (Drummonds) SAT 26 SEPT - TIM AND SAMS THE TIM AND SAM BAND WITH TIM AND SAM + Lions.Chase.Tigers & support (Tunnels) Hope that helps! Posters are at the printers just now. I dare say I will pop into Bruce Millers. PS I appreciate the people sticking up for AGP. I feel we do a lot of hard work for our shows which has been reflected in turnouts. We are however not perfect and will continue to try to improve!
  11. I feel Inksters got a well hard time for this There have been posters up for this show in Tunnels, Drummonds at least for 2 months if not more. He's had a thread on here and its been in national mags. Also he couldnt make the gig yet his colleague/partner did - whats the problem. The guy runs shows all over the place. cant be at them all - similar to when my Atlas Skye Aberdeen show clashed with a Cats In Paris Glasgow one. As long as someone is there I dont see the issue. Doesnt mean youre only booking for money - in most cases he's booked a bands few Scottish shows and one of the 3 or 4 have maybe overlapped so he cant make it. Its that or you dont get the show at all. Seems with this thread and the one being critical of Steven Milne at Moshulu recentkly that people dont appreciate what theyve got. If it wasnt for Steven, Inkster and the likes (yes including myself and AGP) that there would be a severe lack of touring bands up here. Who of those criticising are willing to spend thousands of pounds on getting bands up here? Every promoter can make mistakes, get caught out, simply not have enough time to do a gig justice now and again but on the whole Inksters gigs are very well attended as was tonights show where apparently he did no promo. Thought the gig was good. Guy Called Guy seemed promising, Cast of The Capital awesome as always. Thought Lemuria were okay - the snare drum alone ruined it for me (far too loud and cut through everything. Thats not a dig at the sound by the way - it wasnt even coming through the PA - just naturally far too dominant)
  12. Ah youre the Cranberry juice drinker - excellent! You got a bargain at 50p! Somewhere in my alcoholic mind I always feel guilty charging more for soft drinks! I was the manager behind the bar for this NB Not that I go giving cheap drinks generally!
  13. mmm, I dont get paid to do a job. I run AGP and quite often make losses on shows. I get no set pay and this is a second "job" for me. I have nothing to do with Stevens promotions. You will find each and every AGP gig on this site as well as our myspace and actual website being fully updated on a daily basis. We do heaps and heaps of promotion - a lot more than Moshulu does - but then we dont do nearly as many gigs.
  14. I am only sticking up for Steven. As a promotetr myself I have no such attitude. You can find out about our gigs at MySpace.com - AGP(Next show: THE MUSCLE CLUB - July 1st@Tunnels) - 27 - Male - UK - www.myspace.com/aberdeengigpromotions ABERDEEN GIG PROMOTIONS - Home NME Kerrang Snafu Mag (free) The Skinny (free) The Fly (free) Here - all our shows have threads Flyers in tunnels/drummonds Posters - One Up, Tunnels, Drummonds, The Buttery, Beautiful Mountain, Kilau, RnB, various bakers, takeaways, Captain Toms etc etc AGP Facebook Evening Express listings Home and loads of other gig listing websites We at AGP definitely dont excpect people to know about our shows without us making the effort.
  15. and it does seem that not only is Jamie T in the listings of the Moshulu website but also has a feature on the main home page too.
  16. 1 - The thread moans about lack of posters for Moshulu gigs - I am merely stating what happens/may have happened to Stevens posters. I am aware that people ripping down my posters is not your problem. I would say that is probably more likely to be your attitude. 2 - If you dont want to read the music press fair enough, however it is then a little ironic to then complain about not knowing whats going on 3 - Facebooks a pretty handy way of getting gig invites - you would indeed have known about all Moshulus shows in a simple click - a bit like this site. 4 - Most people work during the day - most also like to eat. Fairly stupid point youve made there to be honest. Most would still make it to get tickets for shows if they cared that much 5 - Aberdeen Music is indeed brilliant for HELPING promote a show which is why I use it. It isnt the be all and end all. Generally a up and coming bands gig thread may get 200-500 views which I would imagine would maybe get about 10 people along out of a 100 crowd (obviosuly a guess based on my own shows) I totally appreciate this as a tool though. 6 - mmm, I would say just because I have an opinion probably doesnt make me a "moron" however if Stevens saying he updates the site yet it isnt always reflected then I would say Im accurate in saying Steven cant go and re design or get a new website. You seem unwilling to seek out any info even though its everywhere. I just dont see how anyone can moan about not knowing about shows when there are so many places to get the info,. Do you want someone to come to Bruce Millers and tell you whats on every week - I would be willing to do that but its at the other end of town and I only get 1/2 an hour for lunch.
  17. To be fair to Moshulu/Steven you can find out about their gigs by posters (Ive seen them - the ones that generally arent pulled down or postered over by the kind souls at a venue beginning with The and ending with Tree) Its very hard to keep track of posters. I put up close to 35 posters for all shows I do around a month/month and a half before a show, however there are few places that take them and even fewer places where your posters will remain for too long) Theres also their facebook page, their listings are in NME, Kerrang,The Fly, they have full ads in The Skinny. If you want to buy tickets all you have to do is look at the tickets for sale list in One Ups window. If youre that interested in music to be angry about the lack of promotion Steven is doing then I find it pretty hard to see that you couldnt find out about their shows in one of these ways? As for their website I would imagine being a company/chain that it takes someone from their head office to change it, not just Steven. and again if this particular gig has sold out then it cant be that badly promoted either by national press or local.
  18. As far as I know they are technically unsigned so guess that qualifies them although it should really be those that are actually breaking through for the 1st time, not those that failed and need to breakthrough again.
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