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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. I do not care what anyone says bout this - this is one very very cool tune (and video). For those of you who dont already know, this is the side venture of Alex Turner with the boy from the rascals, Miles Kane. This is the first glimpse of the whole project & is to be released next month YouTube - The Age of the Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets The boy has the midas touch at the moment as far as im concerned! Discuss
  2. Its OK, you have no need to explain yourselves. to understand how this all came about you have to go back to these posts, kinda. basically, other people were using you as an example in relation to having a dig at my ideas (which you did say would actually be a possiblity of you guys playing, as the way you explained it was exactly how i still presumed it would be). I presume you guys know each other but i was just saying those words as another come back. as what started as in an earlier attempt to liven things up a bit, it ended up getting petty - i know. But anyway, i'm sure that none of you guys are any of those things as i said before in a previous post. i'm sure you are all fine people. I hope this post kinda makes sense, as this thread is now done. Votes are closed. So lets all part company for now, huh Good luck for your tour and all that. Peace & Love to all
  3. Clyde (5/4) this weekend are a shout. Away to Stirling and on the verge of Signing Big Jorg Albertz till the end of the season lol. JOhn Brown pulling some "buddy" strings
  4. To be fair, halfway writing through that last post, i wish i did cause i didnt really care what it said, but because of someone going "oh, oh, look, the mods deleted it, but he said this, oh, oh, Please Mr" He just blew it up even more so and caused even more hassle cause i was missed quoted when it was only deleted for a couple of specific peoples' purposes. The official reason i gave for deleting it, was "Cause this will prob get some panties in a twist. not worth the hassle" or summat like that. Im sure staff will confirm that for every1.
  5. ok, well if you had read it properly then i hope you would of quoted me correctly and not make it go all chinese whispers. It was not an insult, it was just a joking reference to the name *Quote* "PVH, PVC, Latex or whatever they are called" as i personally had never heard of them before a couple of days ago... I also, did go onto say (for the benefit of the Court) "that if they wouldn't play some sort of "proper awards ceremony" like that then they sound like a complete bunch of pretentious twats (but i cant say that as i have never met any of them and i am sure they are not anyway)," But this was in reply to a comment sam L4 made in relation to him saying that it would be "highly unlikely that PVH would play a "serious awards ceremony" - there was more to the post but this had fuck all to do with you and i cant believe i am having to justify and reiterate myself because of you jumping up like a little schoolboy and then miss-quoting, to make it even worse. Its deleted. Get on with it.....
  6. Fuck Me. Yea i did delete it. So what? And it wasn't even an insult. You have no idea what i wrote completely anyway so pipe down & lighten up "CA"....! You were like a jumped up do-gooder kid who seen some1 do wrong in the play ground there. But i'm sure the reason i gave for deleting it was fully justified, after seeing your 1st response.
  7. You know what, i was in the bookies on saturday putting my weekly football coupon on and after being on this thread for the past god knows how long, i noticed a horse called Spanish Armada. I never bet on Horses, but i thought, "fuck it, i've heard of these 'omen' things. Might give it a bash," So i put a tenner on at 5-1..... .....and guess what...... The fucking thing came in LAST. Fucking Mule. That will teach me
  8. Thank you for your wisdom on this thread, Socrates.
  9. MySpace.com - Havana Guns - London - Indie / Surf / Crunk - www.myspace.com/havanaguns One of the few bands i tried out for whilst in LDN. But still the only one i thought were really any good. Think they will actually do well. 3 best tracks being: NYCS She always goes down The snake I'm sure most of ya'll will no doubt think otherwise. lol
  10. So is kinda the same thing that Uls is doing on a Tuesday night then....?
  11. Great - a decent response and all valid points. As i said in the first post bout this, for the ones who do not post on here, all bands are searchable on myspace and we have the great event invitation thing that you can RSVP too. I know i can think of at least 10 bands Minimum off the top of my head (young and old - and a few oh which i kinda know personally) that do not do not post/come on here regularly, for probably various reasons. But thats what i am saying with regards to making it an incentive for people to turn up and get their support etc. Anyway, i'm exhausting this now, i feel. Maybe its cause its nearly lunctime and im fucking starvin' at work, but i'll leave it there for now. I AM going to do some digging and see is there is anything that i can come up with. If anyone IS reading this (even you non-posters), and would like to put in a few words of wisdom, support or anything then please feel free to send me a PM or sumamt. Obviously i would want to speak the fudgers first ultimately, and hear their thoughts as its what everyone knows and loves still and i wouldnt want to change it from "the fudge awards". but if they thought it wasn't a good idea then fair enough i suppose... All the best for now. LY.
  12. In response to those last two posts. 1st of all, i am not meaning to diss anyones efforts or be rude in anyway to the fudge geezers. I'm pretty sure i said that they have been doing a sterling effort over the years in an earlier post. Basically, in my long winded fashion, all i am saying is just maybe a few fresh ideas for it could be an option, if it was supported (Altho of course a select few on here seem its not, but i really do not think it would be the general view) Which leads me onto my 2nd point, to Mr L4. I'm pretty sure there are a few out there apart from those 3 mentioned who are trying to apply some trade outside Aberdeen in more ways than one(LK's, 10 Easy wishes, Edgar Prais & Even that Colon Openbracket lot : ( lol), no matter what peoples personal opinion might be. So let me say this...(hypothetically of course), if there was a night arranged as i have put forward, which is still the fudge awards, Held in, say Moshulu on Sat 26th of April 2009 for instance. Still the same thing that is going on, but in attendance would be all the related/nominated bands, couple of Music/Rag Journo's and a couple of label people, and due to play on the night was, say Copy Ha Ho, PVH, 10 Easy Wishes and a lesser known lot to "outside world", Level 4 (or even Eric Euan).... You are telling me you wouldn't be up for playing it??! I do not believe that any1 would want to say no to playing... surely?! Well, apart from The Armada himself of course and his hatred for anything remotely mainstream.
  13. You see there you go again. Instead of replying to the relevant part of my other post that i told you to look at, you reply a pointless shitty snide comment bout summat else.typical. But the thing that winds me up the most, is MYSELF, cause i can't help but log back in to reply to your dross.!!! but im def off now. Wayyyyyyyy past my bedtime.
  14. OMFG! Right thats it. Are you Kidding me...?!! after that I'm DEFINATELY off... Jeeesus. You REALLY need to get out more. It's nothing of the sort. Read my previous post. GoodNIGHT.
  15. But I'm not trying to make it into the fuckin WORLD MUSIC AWARDS IN MONACO or where ever the fuck it is!!! Jesssssus. At the end of the day, it will still be the same, but just slightly more relevant to things of today, in a good venue and slightly more organised, with maybe some people of interest being around that can only benifit the people around. Still one big piss up and a fuckin good night out with hopefuly few good bands on, which isnt taken too seriously. but look. i'm stopping here, cause you lot can just sit and right snide comments all fuckin night long and i will only end up wanting to throw this computer out of the window...! All i will say is, have some fucking outlook on life, ffs!! You never know, you might enjoy it. we aint here for long!
  16. and you... well, you just don't get the real point, huh. With comments like that.
  17. Sorry for caring about trying to do summat about my fucking city.... I remember you from before actually, from another post i made. You are such a fucking miserable cynical twat. One of the reasons i stopped coming on here....! So if you aint got anything proper to say apart from some fuckin snide comment, then just shut the fuck up. really. Although, because of people like you, it does make me want to make it work a million times more and it to be a success.
  18. Yea, i completely understand, so that is why i am saying that i would easily get on this NOW. i would easily hook up with those guys. I think the main reason for it going down each year is relying same people as the years go on thing, and people jsut generally growing up and not bothering anymore. So if you add a bit of fresh head(s) in there, you def could rezzurect (sp?) it back to what it was (from the stories i heard). But you would have decent backing and incentives like i put in the previous post. Anyway i could really go on to list the people you could organise with regards to Radio/paper/possible help from council for funding, but i wont just now. But i would maybe try put up a thread and msg all local bands about the whole concept and just basiclly putting the whole idea/concept and "could we guarentee your support attendance/support" kinda thing. As i said too, it might not even be close to feasable, but fudge, if your reading this... I'm up for discussing it.
  19. and it still would be, cause thats all even the big award ceremonys are. One big piss up. But that's what i mean... if you did that and took the whole thing a Liiiiiiiiitle bit more seriously and do a bit more like i have said with a bit more exposure etc, then people might actually take the local music a bit more seriously, which for those some actual good bands/artists actually out there, could only benifit....!? The more i think about this, the more i think it could work. Really do. Surely there must be a good few people that would be up for getting behind the whole idea...?
  20. Nice - well i just read through last years whole thread, and i can see "most punchable" was still a bit bitter towards it from his post. But apart from that it seems like last years could of gone a bit better than previous years. I do think that the whole concept is a really good idea and Kudos to you guys who organise it. I think there were a few valid reasons in there for it not being as buoyant as it should. Main one being that there are quite a few bands out there that are coming through (and their followers/friends) that come with it, and it seems it is still relying on the same people from years (and years in some cases) gone by. As i said, i really like the concept and i think if it was a bit more kinda approachable and more well known then i think it could work. I'm just saying this as someone who has only technically been in a band about a year, but i've been about still for a bit and i just thought it was more of a band thing and i didnt really know that it was a ticket bought event and pretty much for anyone to come along although i did know it existed as an event. But i really think you should scrapt that. Why? Cause I also think, why do you charge for tickets? As Idol_wild said eariler on this thread if you do not get people to pay for it then no-one would turn up!? surely its an incentive to have an event like this and be for free, no?! Cause, If someone was up for making a night to benifit the local music industry in general (other to make a few sheckles) then i'm sure that one of the venues would let you have a place for free (as i know that some venues actually fork out a little bit for expenses to put on a successful night and get punters in etc) as i'm sure a full, Moshulu or somewhere like that would easily make more than enough money to cover engineer etc on drink alone if it was to get a full house. So, i would go as far to making it an invite only night cause every1 is E-contactable these days and you have myspace invitations etc that you can RSVP too. (bands and friends/family etc) You could also make more incentives so artists/bands actually want to make sure that they clear a date in their diary for this, as opposed to people claiming to no show (too cool for school/we're better than this local shite kinda thing) Invite a local/national music rag/mag journo along to actually review the night and even some1 in the record industry (that is outside aberdeen, to gain a bit more exposure for all). Get someone like Andy Learmouth at original106. He is all bout local exposure. He would prob be a great person to even host it as i know that he does a bit of comedy on the side (altho i have never heard him, i must admit lol) but you know just shit like that. I mean i'm not exactly talking pure white table clothes on tables and free champagne and vino laid on with waiters etc, but if it was made a bit more like that, keeping the basic format with gettin local bands who actually deserve to play on the night, (but maybe taking away maybe a few of the really offendable awards that will make folk get petty lol), i think it could work with not that much extra effort an a lil bit of PR......Maybe not for this year now, but def for next. Just my humble opinion/idea. I'd easily talk to any of the fudge people about it, anytime. Bring back the superiority and the Limos lol
  21. So what is the actual script with this awards thing. As we are newcomers (which would of been the best category for us i would of thought this time), i do not know about the format. My sister told me that everyone actually made a night of it and had a laugh and that drakes also used to win best venue. Do you get a formal invite either way then? is it like a proper event with bands performing on the night too? I hope so, as we definately would try to liven up proceedings "" LOL - but as for the speech, it would be good, but i cannot see people voting for us at fudge gigs for some reason, unless the blacktooth rock lounge might be a springboard for us to the fudge people, cause we never play the moorings hardly ever
  22. An if i remember right, you are in Kattra, right Dave? Might be wrong, but if it was... that was only our 2nd gig LOL. NO band should be upto jaw dropping standards after that short amount of time, due to lack of experience alone (unless you are a formed super group like Cream or summat lol), but you kinda just get into it and 'buoyant' shall we say. Me and chris - our non computer friendly guitarist, not the forum chris - were talking bout that moorings gig just the other day and laughing bout it and the fact it was only our second gig and how it semi kicked off...! But i still remember everyone having a blast though, and thats what its all about at the end of the day. If you dont enjoy it, then what is the point I say.
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